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    Railgun81's Avatar Contributor
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    TOF PVE Bot

    Please pay your attention!

    This is not a full-fledged project. I have made a prototype for an overview of my work capabilities in making automated things. This is not a cheat / bot / hack created for New World especially. My program is just a tool that reads screen pixels and emulates key / mouse inputs. If you are going to use it for Tower of Fantasy, you are taking any risks connected with that on you, and I will not be supporting/helping you in that case. This marketing company is created to improve sales of the tool.

    Tower of Fantasy PVE bot

    By Railgun81#3675

    Work in progress, new updates are coming soon for free!

    What makes TOF PVE bot the best on the market?

    Easy and safe to use

    Timing optimisation

    Fully automated and flexible

    Has a main weapon feature to deal the most dmg in between of casts

    - Code is extremely simplified and can run on low-end PC's

    - TOF PVE bot is fully customizable - you can select all the SSR and SR weapons by yourself and select the main weapon

    - Weapon cooldowns and skill-cast timing are already implemented into our system

    - There is a low latency mode that allows TOF PVE bot to use the optimal time between all actions

    - More code optimization, variable style, autoheal and other options are coming soon!


    Q: Will there be any more functions added to the bot?
    A: Yes, since I've changed TOF PVE bot to a monthly subscription, I am planning long-term support of this project. Therefore new functions and improvements are TBA.

    Q: How hard is it to install the program? Can one program be installed on two PC's and which Windows is it suitable for?
    A: It is exceptionally simple to install. Works only for 1 PC, Win10/11 compatible.

    Q: Is it easy to Use? And does it work for long periods without problems?
    A: Yes, TOF PVE bot is easy to set up and use. It can work as long as you need it.

    Q: Is there any way around Steam Anti Cheat?
    A: TOF PVE bot can't be detected by Steam Anti Cheat or EAC due to the way it operates.

    Q: if I reinstall OS should I buy the bot again?
    A: No. You will have to message me and I will change your licensed activation key.

    Q: Is it a lifetime or monthly subscription?
    A: TOF PVE bot has both options.

    Q: Can I do anything while the bot is running?
    A: No, you must not interact with your keyboard for TOF PVE bot to work properly.

    Q: Where can I see more detailed instructions on how to use the bot?
    A: More information will be sent in the TOS document with the licensed key.

    Currently you can purchase the bot through Sellix

    To get more info please add me on Discord: Railgun81#3675

    Find me here:

    Discord: Railgun81#3675

    YouTube channel: Railgun81 *click*
    Last edited by Railgun81; 08-18-2022 at 06:09 PM.

    TOF PVE Bot

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