Selling my end game epic seven acc .
For screens wtire me in a discord nirnaway
Price 200$
ML 5* :
Judge kise
Ml cermia
Ml tywin
Ml kayron
Ml laika
Ml vivian
Ml corvus
Ml bellona
Ml kawerik
Ml sigret
Ml roana
ML landy
From ml connection season 2
Highest arena challenger 4 (didnt play much arena).
Clear all hell raid, arahakan, karkanis, and queen nightmare .
Arahakan team -> ras, c.lorina, carrot, and achates
Karkanis team -> choux, ran, montmo, and luluca
Queen team -> tama, landy, AOL ange, and iseria
Automaton 5 auto .
Fastest speed 275 alots and 266 amid .
W13, B13, A13, C13 auto.