This is my personal account, been playing since day 1. Capable of playing all playstyles( cleave, turn 2, standard preferly aggro)
Account is Stove linked to Gmail. Will be transferred to buyer during transaction. Dummy gmail. Nickname change available.
This is the best RTA Emperor account on site. The gears quality speaks for itself
Currently sitting in Emperor close to legend( 3100 Points)
Prices - 500$
Discord - nomaevagiri
Additional info:
Real Damage Ran at 318 speed (most accounts on site can't make a cleave Ran this fast)
Max speed 321
Has 26 speed Sword on spd set (extremely rare even for Legend accounts)
1000+ i90/88 gears, 150+ Full awaken 6*
-27 20+ speed pieces and tons of 15-19 speed pieces( counted about 100 pieces)
-Currently Emperor in RTA( can reach Legend if skilled and put in the time)
-Champion in normal Arena
Full Limited and Collabs (missing Kane & Taeyou)
10k Wyvern Claws for crafting
19 galaxy Bookmarks, 1500 Mystic BM and 134 Gold Transmits
100 pulls away from mystic pity
Has all RTA skins, missing some normal skins ( 165 skin ticket available)
Can clear any type of pve easily ( 3 rage sets and torrent)
Do well in Expeditions (1M or above on average run)
Oneshot in Rift (with speed pen set Jacko)
Account is being maintained actively so resources maybe differs ( resources are only used for account upgrades or pulling limitied hero).