Mafiaboy's Account Selling Shop
I have developed a secret scam to get the account 100% to me. All accounts have been sitting around for 1 week to confirm the OO doesn't take it back.These are scammed accounts, although look what you get:
- The email and password associated with the account( or just make it to your email)
- The acc name
- The acc password
- The acc phone number can be changed since you'll have the email
- The SQ/A
- Whatever play time is left
EVERYONE has the right to see the character(s) in-game. DO NOT tell me in game it is for sale for security purposes. I DO NOT let you in the account itself. These accounts were stolen to make a profit so I will not double scam, post your reviews here if you want.Armory will NOT be posted for security purposes UNLESS you contact me.
ALL Accounts 100$
Prices is high a little , although you get ALL the information for the account, if you get only the password, it is very unsafe.
MSM: [email protected]
Characters Available:
Char: Lv 70, Orc, Warrior, Male
Server: EU Sylvanas SOLD
Gear: 80% of his gear is epics.20% Rares
Extra: 2 Flying Mounts
Char : Lv 70, Lock, Gnome, Male
Server: Frostmane, US
Gear: 40% epics 60% Rare RENTING FOR 130/WEEK
Extra: 2 Flying Mounts
Hunter and Warrior both US coming soon
I have no accounts atm, will notify when I have more.