As thread says, if you are trying to sell or trade a World of Warcraft account, please be specific. People do not bother to do deals with you if you are not specific in what you are trying to achieve. I see numerous of threads that are like "WTS LV 80 DK!" , and text like "I have a 80 DK up for trade, I want a mage, hit me up on MSN" , people are more likely irritated by that because then they have to ask all kind of details and they are just wasting their time by doing so they do not bother dealing with you.
The best way to sell or trade a account is to give as much possible info as you have. The following info is for everyone important:
-Is it a scammed account or a legit account?
-Is it a European account or a US account?
-Is paid character transfer up?
-What faction is the character?
-What race is the character?
-What level is the character?
-Does the account have gametime?
-What kind of info do you have on the account?
*Last name
*First name
*Secret answer
*Email address control
*(optional) ID
Furthermore, I also see some people selling CD keys. It is also better to tag of what country it is, something like [WTS] WoW Vanilla EU CD key
The most important is, if the account is US or EU, if the account is scammed or legit and what the faction is of the character. People here on MMOwned play on different servers, different countries, and if you are trying to make a deal here then at least be a bit specific in what you are trying to sell or trade, this will save us and your time.
Also if I forgot something to add, just reply in here and I edit the post