(EUNE!) Here's in depth:
For bonus free account look at the bottom
Rank: Gold III - 67W 19L (Win Ratio 77%) Extremly Good MMR!
Level: 30
EMAIL Status: Validated to me (Will be validated to you if you buy)
RP: 38
IP: 7098
Skins: 11
Judgment Kayle
Unchained Alistar
Buccaneer Tristana
Riot Girl Tristana
Traditional Trundle
Dreadknight Garen
Frosted Ezreal
Glaive Warrior Pantheon
Dragonblade Riven
Championship Shyvana
Traditional Sejuani
Rune Pages: 3 (A lot of runes included)
If you buy this account you will receive a bonus account for free which is Bronze V KAPPA! So You can always have fun while seriously stomping the shit out of your enemies on your main!