Hi, my name is Veronika and i'm selling Hearthstone EU/US beta keys
I want to propose you a good deal ^)
Payment methods:
Moneybookers (Skrill),
Web Money,
Contact me:
skype - goldseller2013. (with the dot at the end)
ICQ 605420155
About me:
- Paypal verified
- Personal certificate webmoney
- more than a 2000 sales on plati.ru and 1 year+ profile on Ownedcore
////////TWO WAYS HOW TO BUY////////
1. Write me to the Skype and I'll give you my paypal/skrill. After i receive payment i will give key.
2. Using reliable Russian trading platform you get the key automatically, after payment with PayPal
- Go to link oplata.info
- Choise a Paypal as a payment method
- Enter your Paypal email
- Push the blue button
After successfull payment you will be redirected back to opata.info site:
(If you lost the last page dont worry, check your email or go to the www.oplata.info and enter your email)