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    Drunk Rangathan's Avatar Banned
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    [free mod menu] free antiban/all consoles/legit with proof/cheapest! $10.00

    Why should you buy a modded account off me you ask? Well first of all I was once a buyer too, until I just gave up because there was to many scammers. I soon then bought myself two jailbroken consoles, one jailbroken ps3 and one jailbroken xbox 360. There was just to many scammers around so I thought that people shouldn't be getting scammed over a cheap GTA V account so I decided to buy myself two console for my personal fun and for me to make a little side money.

    Don't be afraid to ask for proof of me being legit, i'm totally fine with it. I was once a buyer and one thing I regretted to do when I was buying accounts was that I didn't ask for proof, so everytime I would get scammed. So I do understand if you ask me for proof so just ask me before buying if you want, I will always send you pictures of proof when you ask.

    Another reason why you should buy off me is because I have been doing this modding business for around a year now, I am a very friendly and experienced modder, you'll receive your modded account within the thirty minutes after payment, if not then it'll be one hour max (due to my console crashing when I mod, it may or may not crash when I mod).

    If you do choose to not buy my service, please make sure that you buy off people and ask for proof for your own safety, and also the modders who take xbox cards and psn cards are 90% scammers. Modders get everything for free, so they have no need for psn/xbox cards, that should be a instant give away that he or she is a scammer.

    For now my mod pack is on sale (used to be 20 now 15)


    Any Rank
    Any Cash
    All Snacks
    All Armour
    All Smokes
    Combat Rolls
    No Recoil
    All Clothes
    All Weapon Camos
    All Weapon Upgrades
    All Tattoos
    All LSC Unlocks
    All DLC Vechiles
    All DLC Weapons
    All DLC CLothes
    All DLC Accessories
    ALl Heist Unlocks
    Custom Outfits
    Maxed Out Skills
    Halloween DLC Items
    Remove Bad Sport
    Remove Payer Reports
    Reset Mental Status
    Valentine Day Items
    Christmans 1&2 Items
    Independence Day Items
    Custom K/D Ratio
    Custom Race Wins/Losses
    Deathmatch Wins/Losses

    Other products I sell

    Spoofed PSNS/XBLIVE ACCOUNTS (10.00)

    If you do not know what a spoofed account is, it is basically a login for a psn/xb account which provides unlimited membership for online and free games on market.

    Product Keys (GTA V CODES FOR PC) *15.00* (For the people who play on PC and have currently been banned)

    Payment methods:

    I only take PayPayl or Steam Gift Cards, so please don't come to me with iTune Cards, PSN Cards, Xbox Cards, Visa PrePaid Cards, Amazon Cards or any other cards along the lines because I only take PayPal payments or Steam Gift Cards.

    Ways to Contact Me:

    SKYPE: Superior.Beings

    [free mod menu] free antiban/all consoles/legit with proof/cheapest! .00

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