Trade Section Rules - Read before posting! menu

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  1. #1
    HI5's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Some Random Leacher
    Authenticator enabled
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Thanks G/R
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    Trade Section Rules - Read before posting!

    Trade section rules:

    1. Do not advertise in other users threads

    2. Do not comment prices of other users services

    3. Do not sell bots for any games without Admin's permission.
    (for permission to sell bots you can contact KuRIoS - site administrator)

    4. Do not make comments about one user's service in another's thread
    (example: "your service is so much cheaper/more expensive than that other one", "this guy is better/worse than your service" etc)

    5. Do not double advertise (only one thread per one item)

    (example: one thread for selling guild, one thread for sor/raf, one thread for powerlvling and boosting, one thread for gold selling etc
    - you are allowed to have maximum of 3 threads)

    6. Do not advertise your services as "Cheapest", "Best", "Fastest", "Most reliable", "Beating everyone's price" etc

    7. Do not make comments about service / leave feedback if you haven't purchased it.
    (example: your service sux because I can easily do it myself)

    8. Do add skpe button to your thread (always!) so potential buyer / seller can add you on skype by clicking on it, to avoid imposters.
    PHP Code:
    9. Do not advertise your site outside of Legendary Trade threads
    (you can only advertise your site inside the legendary thread and in "legendary thread tittle" - not in the thread tittle itself, nor in the username)

    10. Do not spam your thread with bump nor "I'm online and selling / there's a sale going" type of posts, it's plain spamming that doesn't actually bump the thread - use "Free Bump", "Bump Post" or "Automatic Bump" buttons instead - you are fine to reply to latest post in your thread made by other user, but you are only allowed to make maximum of 1 post per week if no one else posted in your thread!

    Always attach an authenticator to your account, if you get hacked and someone's scam other users using your account it's only your own faulth!

    How to not get scammed - READ before trading:

    How to not get scammed

    How to report a scammer:

    Ownedcore got a new section now as we care a lot of the safety of our traders. And make trading on ownedcore as safe as possible.
    If you got scammed by someone and want us to deal with it. Then go this section and
    information on what to do there can be found here How to report a scammer..

    When you report a scammer fill in that form and post as much information of the scammer as you can. So we can do an investigation on them. And send
    the person that you say scammed you a pm with the link of the thread you made. He has to act on it in less then 24 hours. And tell his side of the story.
    If he does not respond on the pm or his story is not enough. Then the thread will stay up in the mmo-trading market for the rest of the people to see.

    If you post someone his information and call that person a scammer without proof. Or the "scammer" that i send the pm to can proof that he did
    not scam you. You will get infractions for it.

    Above rules apply to ALL trading sub-sections and threads on the site.
    Last edited by D3Boost; 02-27-2017 at 08:03 AM. Reason: Trade Section Rules - Read before posting!

    Trade Section Rules - Read before posting!

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