Chat transcription :-
Freshleveling : Hello
ME: Hello
ME : I purchased a FFXIV US collectors edition key about an hour ago. just confirming as I have not recieved the key yet
Freshleveling : checking
ME : Hello any update?
Freshleveling : btw
Freshleveling : how do you know uys
Freshleveling : us*
ME :
Freshleveling : okay
Freshleveling : could you post for us on
ME : I will post a positive response on completion, yes
Freshleveling : could you post"contacting" now
ME : just posted
Freshleveling : okay
Freshleveling : I saw it
Freshleveling : you bought collector's edition?
ME: yes
Freshleveling : Hello
Freshleveling : my friend
ME : hi
Freshleveling : I guess we need to refund it you
Freshleveling : we didn't have collector's edition atm
Freshleveling : we only have standard edition US cdkey
ME: i see
ME : standard edition is $49.99 are you able to send standard and refund the difference in price? ($10.00)
Freshleveling : we have updated the price
Freshleveling : my friend
ME : yeah ok now it's $55.00? not a good business
Freshleveling : sorry mate
ME : will be disputing this on paypal for a full refund and negative response to thread on mmowned
Freshleveling : since CDKey is less and less
ME : bad customer service
Freshleveling : well
Freshleveling : my friend
Freshleveling : we can sell one for 50$ for you
ME : If you send immediately I will stop dispute on paypal.
Freshleveling : well
Freshleveling : we will refund it to you
Freshleveling : first
Freshleveling : you can buy it after we refunded
ME : how long will refund take?
Freshleveling : done
ME : ok i see it
Freshleveling : You can decide whether you can buy or not
ME : I will purchase the standard for 50
ME : payment sent for standard
Freshleveling : checking
Freshleveling : Hello
Freshleveling : my friend
ME : hello
Freshleveling : You need collector's or standard ?
ME : standard. you said collectors was out of stock, right?
Freshleveling : collector's edition just came
ME : standard will be ok
ME : Hello, any update?
Freshleveling : I am checking
Freshleveling : Could you reply us via email
ME : reply sent
Freshleveling : Okay
Freshleveling : thanks
Freshleveling : About this standard Cdkey
Freshleveling : It's 20 digital codes
Freshleveling : it will only show 20 digital codes
Freshleveling : For this cdkey ,you should choose Japanese to input code
ME : Will it work for US?
Freshleveling : we have 2 kinds of cdkey
Freshleveling : One is USA country
Freshleveling : Another one is JP
ME : This one is for USA
Freshleveling : For EU ,they should choose Janpan ,too
ME : This one is for USA
ME : I need USA is what I mean
Freshleveling : it will work for US server
ME : Needs to be USA country key though. Please send USA country key
Freshleveling : Let me check
Freshleveling : Now it's our early morning
Freshleveling : If you need that kind of Cdkey
Freshleveling : we will delivery after 1-2 hours
Freshleveling : it's same for Janpanese US cdkey
ME : Please refund order. We have been discussing for 2 hours already
Freshleveling : you just need to choose JP country
Freshleveling : others are same
ME : I will purchase from Square Enix on Monday. Please refund order.
Freshleveling : okay
Freshleveling : refunded