We are Buying and selling Mann Co. Supply Crate Key.
Payment method:
Paypal(Send as service from PayPal balance), Instant;
WMZ, Instant;
USDT, Instant-24 hours;
Binance pay, Instant-24 hours;
Crypto Currency(BTC, LTC, etc), Instant-24 hours;
Payoneer(USD), hours-days;
Vnd(Vietnam bank account), Instant;
Gift card: Karma Coin, Steam Wallet Codes, etc. You need to check with us;
If you want a different payment method which we don't have for now, please tell us.
Feel free to contact us here or
Discord: legalperson1#5797
Discord Unique ID: 241901745951866882
Skype User name: legalperson1
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There are some scammers on skype. Please be careful.
Telegram: Contact @legalperson1
Email: [email protected]
Reddit: user/DNA0611/
NOTE: After we finish trading, please reply and leave feedback. It really helps us earn some rep here. Thanks in advance!