Veteran Founder Paladins account all details in description menu

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    Maxime44444's Avatar Member
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    Veteran Founder Paladins account all details in description

    Disclaimer: All information are vague on purpose if you wish to know more specific information about the account, please message me on discord: LabMasterX555#2338

    The account is 5 years old

    Account level: 200+

    Total XP: 190 000 000+

    Hours: 900+

    Gold: 80 000+

    Crystals: 500 (enough to buy a battle pass and upon completion will grand all of them back)

    Champions: All forever (because of the founder pack DLC)

    Level of all champions: 8+ (necessary to unlock all talents)

    Talents unlocked: All

    20+ champions at level 20+, unlocking the titles: "The Dedicated" and "The Insane"

    Champion Skins and Weapon skins: 500+ (of which 30+ are Legendary and 150+ are Epic)

    Gained Emotes: 70+ (of which 15+ are Legendary and 15+ are Epic)

    (Additional use of having a large collection of skins, emotes ecc is altering the probabilities of the skin chests, since you cannot gain any duplicates you have a higher chance to gain newer skins even if they are legendary rarity)

    Mounts: 11

    Achievement progress: 14910/15010

    Was Connected on Twitch Prime to get Twitch prime bomb king and Twitch prime mount

    List of DLC owned by the account:

    Founder pack which includes:

    All current and Future Champions of the game

    All Standard Champion Voice Packs

    The now Unobtainable: God of War Fernando skin

    The now Unobtainable: Infernal Warhourse mount

    To give a better perspective of the price of having every champions:

    Price of the Deluxe Edition which includes most but not all the champions is 59.99$

    Frost Pack:

    Price 4.99$

    Exclusive content: Frostmare Mount

    Nightmare Pack:

    Price 7.99$

    Exclusive content: Nightmare Mount

    Miscellaneous Information:

    List of Loading Frames:

    Full Metal Frame: gained only from the first ever battle pass

    Ascension Frame: gained only from the first ever bundle after reverting the OB64 changes, from this point onwards the game finally started making positive gains

    Equalizer Frame: gained only from the 3rd Battle pass

    Season 2 Platinum Frame: now unobtainable

    List of Mounts:

    Mecha Prowler

    Primal Prowler

    Candy Unicorn


    Infernal Warhorse



    Onyx Stallion

    Sapphire Charger

    Scarlet Charger

    List of Announcer Packs:

    Dry Bear (best one by far imo)

    Le Tigress


    Rohn Jobert

    Town Crier

    Punk Duck

    List of Legendary sprays:

    Slayer Spray,
    now unobtainable, gained from the Vip Program, once sprayed it will display your eliminations to anyone looking at it, making it very good for flexing

    Raeve Spray

    Light Show,
    Gained from the 3rd Battle pass, the spray in place in the air above you, meaning itcan be placed anywhere, anytime and it makes music sounds

    Obtainted from trials of the realm shattered desert or gen:LOCK Crossover

    Terrormorph Spray

    Twitch Prime King Spray

    List of Death Stamps:

    Obtainted from the first battle pass

    Veteran Founder Paladins account all details in description

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