Working CC Triggerbot - no HP - 1.12 bypass - 50%+ accuracy menu

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  1. #46
    koolguy265's Avatar Member
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    got it to work, still think manual play is better tho lol
    Last edited by koolguy265; 03-20-2018 at 09:45 AM.

    Working CC Triggerbot - no HP - 1.12 bypass - 50%+ accuracy
  2. #47
    C4rter10's Avatar Member
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    17 errors and 1 warning??? please fix Working CC Triggerbot - no HP - 1.12 bypass - 50%+ accuracy-17error1warning-gif

  3. #48
    CCaimbot's Avatar Active Member
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    Version 8 Release:

    This should be better than version 7. It's more likely to hit inside target rather than outside. Still I can't figure out why it's firing outside the target. Doesn't make much sense. Mccree also works a lot better than widow for some reason. Best ran in 1080P.

    Can anyone tinker with DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX and DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY and tell me what works best??

    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
        'version 8
        'recommended to use with Mccree
        Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As UInt32
        Public t As New Timer With {.Interval = 1}
        Public ScanRange As Long = 50
        Public Pixels(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Integer
        Public Pixels_Hue(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Brightness(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Saturation(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_R(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public LastFireTick As UInteger
        Dim AmountOfPureWhiteFound As Long
        'edit values below to modify triggerbot
        'autofire delay - 510 for mccree - 1400 for widow 
        Public FireDelayRightMouseDown As UInteger = 1400 'autofire delay when right mouse is down
        Public FireDelayRightMouseUp As UInteger = 510 'autofire delay when right mouse is up
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseDown As Long = 50  'amount of pixels to scan for sniper - right click down
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseUp As Long = 25 'amount of pixels to scan for right click up
        Public AdjustDown As Integer = -1 'optional - move scanning up/down depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public AdjustRight As Integer = -1  'optional - move scanning left/right depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public RedOrangeRange As Single = 13 ' adjust down to decrease targeting orange
        Public RedVioletRange As Single = 345 ' adjust up to decrease targeting violet
        Public MinBrightness As Single = 0.35 'minimum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MaxBrightness As Single = 0.8 'maximum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinSaturation As Single = 0.3 'minimum saturation of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinRed As Single = 120 'minimum red value of pixel (0-255) - set lower for darker maps
        'x/y might be inverted
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX As Long = 12 ' maximum distance from target in x and y to fire
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY As Long = 5 ' maximum distance from target in x and y to fire
        Public NonWhiteCrosshair As Long = 1 ' change this to 1 to stop widow from auto firing while in zoom.  Detects pure white crosshair in zoom.
        Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vKey As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Short
        End Function
        Private Const VK_RBUTTON = &H2
        Private Const VK_LBUTTON = &H1
        Private Const VK_Q = &H51
        Private Shared Function ReleaseDC(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal hDc As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
        Private Shared Function GetActiveWindow() As IntPtr
        End Function
        Public Shared Function BitBlt(ByVal hDestDC As IntPtr, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hSrcDC As IntPtr, ByVal SrcX As Integer, ByVal SrcY As Integer, ByVal Rop As Integer) As Boolean
        End Function
        Dim GCH As GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned)
        Dim Bmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
        Private Shared Function GetWindowDC(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32.dll" (
    ByVal hwnd As Int32,
    ByRef lpRect As Rectangle) As Int32
        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            If t.Enabled = 0 Then
                Button1.Text = "STOP"
                t.Enabled = 1
                Button1.Text = "START"
                t.Enabled = 0
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf Timer_tick
            If FireDelayRightMouseDown < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseDown = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
            If FireDelayRightMouseUp < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseUp = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
        End Sub
        Private Sub Timer_tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        End Sub
        Public Sub RunAimbot()
            Dim Amountfound As Long
            Dim AmountfoundCC1 As Long
            Dim CCAmount(0 To 1000) As Long
            Dim I As Long
            Dim lowestX As Long
            Dim lowestY As Long
            Dim highestX As Long
            Dim highestY As Long
            Dim TargetX As Long
            Dim TargetY As Long
            Dim TargetAmountFound As Long
            lowestX = 900
            lowestY = 900
            Dim avgHUE As Single
            Dim avgBrightness As Single
            Dim avgsaturation As Single
            Dim AMountOfPixels As Single
            Dim FireTriggered As Single
            Dim YW As Single
            Dim X As Single
            Dim Y As Single
            Dim YW2 As Single
            Dim X2 As Single
            Dim Y2 As Single
            Dim YWY As Integer
            Dim YW2Y2 As Integer
            Dim CombinedLineFigure As Long
            Dim screenwidth = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)
            Dim screenheight = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
            Dim g As Graphics
            Dim hdcDest As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandleDC As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandle As IntPtr
            'change scan size based on whether mouse in down or up
            desktopHandle = GetActiveWindow()
            Dim R As Rectangle = New Rectangle(CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustRight, CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
            Bmp = New Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
            g = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)
            desktopHandleDC = GetWindowDC(desktopHandle)
            hdcDest = g.GetHdc
            Dim gf As Integer
            Dim GH As Rectangle
            gf = GetWindowRect(desktopHandle, GH)
            Dim NewRectWidth As Integer
            Dim NewRectheight As Integer
            NewRectWidth = GH.Width - GH.Left
            NewRectheight = GH.Height - GH.Top
            BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, ScanRange, ScanRange, desktopHandleDC, CInt((screenwidth / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight), CInt((screenheight / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
            ReleaseDC(desktopHandle, desktopHandleDC)
            g.Dispose() : g = Nothing
            Dim myColor As Color
            AMountOfPixels = ScanRange * ScanRange
            For X = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                YW = X * ScanRange
                For Y = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                    YWY = YW + Y
                    myColor = Color.FromArgb((Pixels(YWY)))
                    Pixels_Hue(YWY) = myColor.GetHue
                    Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = myColor.GetBrightness
                    Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = myColor.GetSaturation
                    Pixels_R(YWY) = myColor.R
                    avgHUE = avgHUE + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                    avgBrightness = avgBrightness + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                    avgsaturation = avgsaturation + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                    If NonWhiteCrosshair = 1 Then
                        'sniper zoom fix
                        If Pixels_Hue(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 1 And (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount Then
                            AmountOfPureWhiteFound = AmountOfPureWhiteFound + 1
                            If AmountOfPureWhiteFound > 20 Then
                                'fix for sniper red in zoom with large scan range =/
                                LastFireTick = LastFireTick + 150
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YWY) > RedVioletRange Then
                        If Pixels_Brightness(YWY) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YWY) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                            Amountfound = Amountfound + 1
                            'RichTextBox1.AppendText("HUE=" & (myColor.GetHue()).ToString & vbTab & "SAT=" & myColor.GetSaturation().ToString & vbTab & "BGT=" & (myColor.GetBrightness()).ToString & vbTab & myColor.R & vbNewLine)
                            If lowestX > X Then
                                lowestX = X
                            End If
                            If lowestY > Y Then
                                lowestY = Y
                            End If
                            If highestY < Y Then
                                highestY = Y
                            End If
                            If highestX < X Then
                                highestX = X
                            End If
                            'advanced comparison
                            For X2 = (X - 3) To (X + 3)
                                YW2 = X2 * ScanRange
                                For Y2 = (Y - 3) To (Y + 3)
                                    YW2Y2 = YW2 + Y2
                                    'x2=0 and y2=0 produces additional triggered pixel
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) > RedVioletRange Then
                                        If Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YW2Y2) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YW2Y2) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                                            AmountfoundCC1 = AmountfoundCC1 + 1
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                Next Y2
                            Next X2
                            CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) = CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) + 1
                            AmountfoundCC1 = 0
                            'target x/y
                            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                                For I = 1 To 13
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse up
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                Next I
                                For I = 2 To 19
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse down
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                Next I
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Y
            Next X
            'combine line figures together
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                For I = 1 To 13
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse up
                Next I
                For I = 2 To 19
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse down
                Next I
            End If
            '   CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure * 10
            ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
            If CombinedLineFigure >= (ScanRange * 0.15) And (CombinedLineFigure * 1.33) >= Amountfound Then
                If (lowestX + (ScanRange * 0.15)) <= highestX And (lowestY + (ScanRange * 0.15)) <= highestY Then
                    FireTriggered = 1
                    '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
                    ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("Fire" & vbNewLine)
                End If
            End If
            avgHUE = avgHUE / AMountOfPixels
            avgBrightness = avgBrightness / AMountOfPixels
            avgsaturation = avgsaturation / AMountOfPixels
            If avgHUE > 2 And avgHUE < 14 And avgBrightness < 0.45 And avgsaturation < 0.45 Then
                FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire 
            End If
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then 'adjust for zoom
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            Else 'while zoomed / hold down right click
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            End If
            If CheckKeyQ() = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount + 5000 'pressing Q for ultimate delays firing by 5 secs when mouse is up.  With widow use ultimate while zoomed to avoid delay.
            End If
            If FireTriggered = 1 Then
            End If
            'debug and testing
            If LastFireTick = GetTickCount Then
                ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
                ' RichTextBox1.Text = ("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness)
                'RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbNewLine)
                'RichTextBox1.AppendText("low_x= " & lowestX & "high_x= " & highestX & "low_y= " & lowestY & "high_y= " & highestY)
                '   Dim i2 As Long
                '  For i2 = 0 To 30
                '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(CCAmount(i2) & vbTab)
                '  Next
                '   RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) & " " & (Math.Round((TargetY / TargetAmountFound)) - ScanRange / 2) & vbNewLine)
                'moving mouse settings
                'aimbot target X = Math.Round((screenwidth / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight - not tested
                'aimbot target Y = Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown- not tested
                'Y axis might be reversed - (Y * -1) to fix
                '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight & vbNewLine)
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub Fire()
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 1 Then GoTo Fire
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseUp) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                If CheckLeftMouse() = 0 Then 'don't fire when mouse is being manually clicked
                    '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbNewLine)
                End If
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Function CheckRightMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckLeftMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckKeyQ() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_Q) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Sub SetScanRange()
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseUp 'settings for right mouse up
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseDown 'settings for right mouse down
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
            Dim i As Long
            Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)
                For i = 0 To 999
                    Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
                    Using lgb As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Blue, Color.Blue, 90, True)
                        g.FillRectangle(lgb, rect)
                        If Not CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then Exit Sub
                    End Using
                Next i
            End Using
            CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
        End Sub
    End Class

    EDIT: Just an update.

    It seems that the red pixels surrounding the enemy is changed by the pixels behind it. Essentially what they did was change the background from opaque (can't see through) to partially transparent. So if the background is orange then the red outline will turn more orange. If the background is blue then the outline will turn more blueish. This explains why it has trouble aiming in Temple of Anubis for example where a lot of the background is orange. The red outline also turns orange as well. The background sometimes is very close to the outline or even matches exactly in hue. Orange hue of outline can go up to 23. So for now try to avoid aiming at places where the aimbot will screw up such as the ground in junkertown or some Temple of Anubis walls.

    Also just found a glitch in version 8 that makes it more inaccurate. Version 9 is going to be released soon.

    Version 9:

    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
        'version 9
        'recommended to use with Mccree
        Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As UInt32
        Public t As New Timer With {.Interval = 1}
        Public ScanRange As Long = 50
        Public Pixels(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Integer
        Public Pixels_Hue(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Brightness(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Saturation(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_R(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public LastFireTick As UInteger
        Dim AmountOfPureWhiteFound As Long
        'edit values below to modify triggerbot
        'autofire delay - 510 for mccree - 1400 for widow 
        Public FireDelayRightMouseDown As UInteger = 1400 'autofire delay when right mouse is down
        Public FireDelayRightMouseUp As UInteger = 510 'autofire delay when right mouse is up
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseDown As Long = 50  'amount of pixels to scan for sniper - right click down
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseUp As Long = 25 'amount of pixels to scan for right click up
        Public AdjustDown As Integer = -1 'optional - move scanning up/down depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public AdjustRight As Integer = -1  'optional - move scanning left/right depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public RedOrangeRange As Single = 13 ' adjust down to decrease targeting orange
        Public RedVioletRange As Single = 345 ' adjust up to decrease targeting violet
        Public MinBrightness As Single = 0.35 'minimum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MaxBrightness As Single = 0.8 'maximum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinSaturation As Single = 0.3 'minimum saturation of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinRed As Single = 120 'minimum red value of pixel (0-255) - set lower for darker maps
        'x/y might be inverted
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX As Long = 5 ' maximum distance from target in x to fire
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY As Long = 2 ' maximum distance from target in y to fire
        Public NonWhiteCrosshair As Long = 1 ' change this to 1 to stop widow from auto firing while in zoom.  Crosshair cannot be a pure white for it to work if unzoomed.
        Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vKey As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Short
        End Function
        Private Const VK_RBUTTON = &H2
        Private Const VK_LBUTTON = &H1
        Private Const VK_Q = &H51
        Private Shared Function ReleaseDC(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal hDc As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
        Private Shared Function GetActiveWindow() As IntPtr
        End Function
        Public Shared Function BitBlt(ByVal hDestDC As IntPtr, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hSrcDC As IntPtr, ByVal SrcX As Integer, ByVal SrcY As Integer, ByVal Rop As Integer) As Boolean
        End Function
        Dim GCH As GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned)
        Dim Bmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
        Private Shared Function GetWindowDC(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32.dll" (
    ByVal hwnd As Int32,
    ByRef lpRect As Rectangle) As Int32
        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            If t.Enabled = 0 Then
                Button1.Text = "STOP"
                t.Enabled = 1
                Button1.Text = "START"
                t.Enabled = 0
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf Timer_tick
            If FireDelayRightMouseDown < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseDown = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
            If FireDelayRightMouseUp < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseUp = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
        End Sub
        Private Sub Timer_tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        End Sub
        Public Sub RunAimbot()
            Dim Amountfound As Long
            Dim AmountfoundCC1 As Long
            Dim CCAmount(0 To 1000) As Long
            Dim I As Long
            Dim lowestX As Long
            Dim lowestY As Long
            Dim highestX As Long
            Dim highestY As Long
            Dim TargetX As Long
            Dim TargetY As Long
            Dim TargetAmountFound As Long
            lowestX = 900
            lowestY = 900
            Dim avgHUE As Single
            Dim avgBrightness As Single
            Dim avgsaturation As Single
            Dim avgHueFound As Single
            Dim avgBrightnessFound As Single
            Dim avgsaturationFound As Single
            Dim AMountOfPixels As Single
            Dim FireTriggered As Single
            Dim YW As Single
            Dim X As Single
            Dim Y As Single
            Dim YW2 As Single
            Dim X2 As Single
            Dim Y2 As Single
            Dim YWY As Integer
            Dim YW2Y2 As Integer
            Dim CombinedLineFigure As Long
            Dim screenwidth = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)
            Dim screenheight = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
            Dim g As Graphics
            Dim hdcDest As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandleDC As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandle As IntPtr
            'change scan size based on whether mouse in down or up
            desktopHandle = GetActiveWindow()
            Dim R As Rectangle = New Rectangle(CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustRight, CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
            Bmp = New Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
            g = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)
            desktopHandleDC = GetWindowDC(desktopHandle)
            hdcDest = g.GetHdc
            Dim gf As Integer
            Dim GH As Rectangle
            gf = GetWindowRect(desktopHandle, GH)
            Dim NewRectWidth As Integer
            Dim NewRectheight As Integer
            NewRectWidth = GH.Width - GH.Left
            NewRectheight = GH.Height - GH.Top
            BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, ScanRange, ScanRange, desktopHandleDC, CInt((screenwidth / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight), CInt((screenheight / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
            ReleaseDC(desktopHandle, desktopHandleDC)
            g.Dispose() : g = Nothing
            Dim myColor As Color
            AMountOfPixels = ScanRange * ScanRange
            For X = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                YW = X * ScanRange
                For Y = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                    YWY = YW + Y
                    myColor = Color.FromArgb((Pixels(YWY)))
                    Pixels_Hue(YWY) = myColor.GetHue
                    Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = myColor.GetBrightness
                    Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = myColor.GetSaturation
                    Pixels_R(YWY) = myColor.R
                    avgHUE = avgHUE + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                    avgBrightness = avgBrightness + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                    avgsaturation = avgsaturation + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                    If NonWhiteCrosshair = 1 Then
                        'sniper zoom fix
                        If Pixels_Hue(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 1 And (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount Then
                            AmountOfPureWhiteFound = AmountOfPureWhiteFound + 1
                            If AmountOfPureWhiteFound > 20 Then
                                'fix for sniper red in zoom with large scan range =/
                                LastFireTick = LastFireTick + 150
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YWY) > RedVioletRange Then
                        If Pixels_Brightness(YWY) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YWY) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                            Amountfound = Amountfound + 1
                            'RichTextBox1.AppendText("HUE=" & (myColor.GetHue()).ToString & vbTab & "SAT=" & myColor.GetSaturation().ToString & vbTab & "BGT=" & (myColor.GetBrightness()).ToString & vbTab & myColor.R & vbNewLine)
                            If lowestX > X Then
                                lowestX = X
                            End If
                            If lowestY > Y Then
                                lowestY = Y
                            End If
                            If highestY < Y Then
                                highestY = Y
                            End If
                            If highestX < X Then
                                highestX = X
                            End If
                            'advanced comparison
                            For X2 = (X - 3) To (X + 3)
                                YW2 = X2 * ScanRange
                                For Y2 = (Y - 3) To (Y + 3)
                                    YW2Y2 = YW2 + Y2
                                    'x2=0 and y2=0 produces additional triggered pixel
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) > RedVioletRange Then
                                        If Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YW2Y2) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YW2Y2) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                                            AmountfoundCC1 = AmountfoundCC1 + 1
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                Next Y2
                            Next X2
                            'target x/y
                            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                                If AmountfoundCC1 >= 1 And AmountfoundCC1 <= 13 Then
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse up
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) <= RedOrangeRange Then 'RedOrangeRange
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) + 360 'beta test
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                                    End If
                                    avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                                    avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                                End If
                                'Next I
                                ' For I = 2 To 19
                                If AmountfoundCC1 >= 2 And AmountfoundCC1 <= 19 Then
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse down
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) <= RedOrangeRange Then 'RedOrangeRange
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) + 360 'beta test
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                                    End If
                                    'avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) 'beta test
                                    avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                                    avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                                    '  Next I
                                End If
                            End If
                                CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) = CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) + 1
                            AmountfoundCC1 = 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Y
            Next X
            'combine line figures together
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                For I = 1 To 13
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse up
                Next I
                For I = 2 To 19
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse down
                Next I
            End If
            '   CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure * 10
            ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
            If CombinedLineFigure >= (ScanRange * 0.15) And (CombinedLineFigure * 1.33) >= Amountfound Then
                If (lowestX + (ScanRange * 0.15)) <= highestX And (lowestY + (ScanRange * 0.15)) <= highestY Then
                    FireTriggered = 1
                    '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
                    ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("Fire" & vbNewLine)
                End If
            End If
            avgHUE = avgHUE / AMountOfPixels
            avgBrightness = avgBrightness / AMountOfPixels
            avgsaturation = avgsaturation / AMountOfPixels
            avgHueFound = avgHueFound / TargetAmountFound
            avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound / TargetAmountFound
            avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound / TargetAmountFound
            If avgHUE > 2 And avgHUE < 14 And avgBrightness < 0.45 And avgsaturation < 0.45 Then
                FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire 
            End If
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then 'adjust for zoom
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            Else 'while zoomed / hold down right click
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            End If
            If CheckKeyQ() = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount + 5000 'pressing Q for ultimate delays firing by 5 secs when mouse is up.  With widow use ultimate while zoomed to avoid delay.
            End If
            If FireTriggered = 1 Then
            End If
            'debug and testing
            ' If LastFireTick = GetTickCount Then
            ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
            ' RichTextBox1.Text = ("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness)
            '  avgHueFound = avgHueFound Mod 360
            '   RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbTab & "avgHUEfound=" & avgHueFound & vbTab & "avgSATfound=" & avgsaturationFound & vbTab & "avgBGTfound=" & avgBrightnessFound & vbNewLine)
            'RichTextBox1.AppendText("low_x= " & lowestX & "high_x= " & highestX & "low_y= " & lowestY & "high_y= " & highestY)
            '   Dim i2 As Long
            '  For i2 = 0 To 30
            '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(CCAmount(i2) & vbTab)
            '  Next
            '   RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) & " " & (Math.Round((TargetY / TargetAmountFound)) - ScanRange / 2) & vbNewLine)
            'moving mouse settings
            'aimbot target X = Math.Round((screenwidth / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight - not tested
            'aimbot target Y = Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown- not tested
            'Y axis might be reversed - (Y * -1) to fix
            '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight & vbNewLine)
            '  End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub Fire()
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 1 Then GoTo Fire
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseUp) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                If CheckLeftMouse() = 0 Then 'don't fire when mouse is being manually clicked
                    '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbNewLine)
                End If
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Function CheckRightMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckLeftMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckKeyQ() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_Q) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Sub SetScanRange()
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseUp 'settings for right mouse up
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseDown 'settings for right mouse down
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
            Dim i As Long
            Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)
                For i = 0 To 999
                    Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
                    Using lgb As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Blue, Color.Blue, 90, True)
                        g.FillRectangle(lgb, rect)
                        If Not CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then Exit Sub
                    End Using
                Next i
            End Using
            CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
        End Sub
    End Class

    Version 10 released:

    Better accuracy and temporarily stops triggerbot when chatting.

    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
        'version 10
        'recommended to use with Mccree
        Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As UInt32
        Public t As New Timer With {.Interval = 1}
        Public ScanRange As Long = 56
        Public Pixels(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Integer
        Public Pixels_Hue(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Brightness(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_Saturation(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public Pixels_R(ScanRange * ScanRange + ScanRange) As Single
        Public LastFireTick As UInteger
        Dim AmountOfPureWhiteFound As Long
        Public ChartQuad(4) As Long
        'edit values below to modify triggerbot
        'autofire delay - 510 for mccree - 1400 for widow 
        Public FireDelayRightMouseDown As UInteger = 1400 'autofire delay when right mouse is down
        Public FireDelayRightMouseUp As UInteger = 510 'autofire delay when right mouse is up
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseDown As Long = 56  'amount of pixels to scan for sniper - right click down
        Public ScanRangeRightMouseUp As Long = 28 'amount of pixels to scan for right click up
        Public AdjustDown As Integer = -1 'optional - move scanning up/down depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public AdjustRight As Integer = -1  'optional - move scanning left/right depending on where window is - negative values allowed
        Public RedOrangeRange As Single = 13 ' adjust down to decrease targeting orange
        Public RedVioletRange As Single = 345 ' adjust up to decrease targeting violet
        Public MinBrightness As Single = 0.35 'minimum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MaxBrightness As Single = 0.8 'maximum brightness of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinSaturation As Single = 0.3 'minimum saturation of pixel range (0-1.00)
        Public MinRed As Single = 110 'minimum red value of pixel (0-255) - set lower for darker maps
        'x/y might be inverted
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX As Long = 7 ' maximum distance from target in x to fire
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY As Long = 7 ' maximum distance from target in y to fire
        Public MinQuadrantRequired As Long = 2 ' minimum amount of pixels required in each quadrant
        Public NonWhiteCrosshair As Long = 1 ' change this to 1 to stop widow from auto firing while in zoom.  Crosshair cannot be a pure white for it to work if unzoomed.
        Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vKey As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Short
        End Function
        Private Const VK_RBUTTON = &H2
        Private Const VK_LBUTTON = &H1
        Private Const VK_Q = &H51
        Private Const VK_RETURN = &HD
        Private Shared Function ReleaseDC(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal hDc As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
        Private Shared Function GetActiveWindow() As IntPtr
        End Function
        Public Shared Function BitBlt(ByVal hDestDC As IntPtr, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hSrcDC As IntPtr, ByVal SrcX As Integer, ByVal SrcY As Integer, ByVal Rop As Integer) As Boolean
        End Function
        Dim GCH As GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned)
        Dim Bmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
        Private Shared Function GetWindowDC(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        End Function
        Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32.dll" (
    ByVal hwnd As Int32,
    ByRef lpRect As Rectangle) As Int32
        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            If t.Enabled = 0 Then
                Button1.Text = "STOP"
                t.Enabled = 1
                Button1.Text = "START"
                t.Enabled = 0
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf Timer_tick
            If FireDelayRightMouseDown < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseDown = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
            If FireDelayRightMouseUp < 100 Then FireDelayRightMouseUp = 100 ' don't make this too low to avoid suspicion - to make it lower use keypressdown and keypressup
        End Sub
        Private Sub Timer_tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        End Sub
        Public Sub RunAimbot()
            Dim Amountfound As Long
            Dim AmountfoundCC1 As Long
            Dim CCAmount(0 To 1000) As Long
            Dim I As Long
            Dim TargetX As Long
            Dim TargetY As Long
            Dim TargetAmountFound As Long
            Dim avgHUE As Single
            Dim avgBrightness As Single
            Dim avgsaturation As Single
            Dim avgHueFound As Single
            Dim avgBrightnessFound As Single
            Dim avgsaturationFound As Single
            Dim AMountOfPixels As Single
            Dim FireTriggered As Single
            Dim YW As Single
            Dim X As Single
            Dim Y As Single
            Dim YW2 As Single
            Dim X2 As Single
            Dim Y2 As Single
            Dim YWY As Integer
            Dim YW2Y2 As Integer
            Dim CombinedLineFigure As Long
            Dim screenwidth = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)
            Dim screenheight = CInt(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
            Dim g As Graphics
            Dim hdcDest As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandleDC As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim desktopHandle As IntPtr
            'change scan size based on whether mouse in down or up
            desktopHandle = GetActiveWindow()
            Dim R As Rectangle = New Rectangle(CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustRight, CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2)) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
            Bmp = New Bitmap(ScanRange, ScanRange, 4 * ScanRange,
            g = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)
            desktopHandleDC = GetWindowDC(desktopHandle)
            hdcDest = g.GetHdc
            Dim gf As Integer
            Dim GH As Rectangle
            gf = GetWindowRect(desktopHandle, GH)
            Dim NewRectWidth As Integer
            Dim NewRectheight As Integer
            NewRectWidth = GH.Width - GH.Left
            NewRectheight = GH.Height - GH.Top
            BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, ScanRange, ScanRange, desktopHandleDC, CInt((screenwidth / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight), CInt((screenheight / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
            ReleaseDC(desktopHandle, desktopHandleDC)
            g.Dispose() : g = Nothing
            Dim myColor As Color
            AMountOfPixels = ScanRange * ScanRange
            For X = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                YW = X * ScanRange
                For Y = 3 To ScanRange - 4
                    YWY = YW + Y
                    myColor = Color.FromArgb((Pixels(YWY)))
                    Pixels_Hue(YWY) = myColor.GetHue
                    Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = myColor.GetBrightness
                    Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = myColor.GetSaturation
                    Pixels_R(YWY) = myColor.R
                    avgHUE = avgHUE + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                    avgBrightness = avgBrightness + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                    avgsaturation = avgsaturation + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                    If NonWhiteCrosshair = 1 Then
                        'sniper zoom fix
                        If Pixels_Hue(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) = 0 And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 1 And (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount Then
                            AmountOfPureWhiteFound = AmountOfPureWhiteFound + 1
                            If AmountOfPureWhiteFound > 20 Then
                                'fix for sniper red in zoom with large scan range =/
                                LastFireTick = LastFireTick + 150
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YWY) > RedVioletRange Then
                        If Pixels_Brightness(YWY) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YWY) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YWY) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YWY) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                            Amountfound = Amountfound + 1
                            'RichTextBox1.AppendText("HUE=" & (myColor.GetHue()).ToString & vbTab & "SAT=" & myColor.GetSaturation().ToString & vbTab & "BGT=" & (myColor.GetBrightness()).ToString & vbTab & myColor.R & vbNewLine)
                            'advanced comparison
                            For X2 = (X - 3) To (X + 3)
                                YW2 = X2 * ScanRange
                                For Y2 = (Y - 3) To (Y + 3)
                                    YW2Y2 = YW2 + Y2
                                    'x2=0 and y2=0 produces additional triggered pixel
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) < RedOrangeRange Or Pixels_Hue(YW2Y2) > RedVioletRange Then
                                        If Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) > MinBrightness And Pixels_Brightness(YW2Y2) < MaxBrightness And Pixels_Saturation(YW2Y2) > MinSaturation And Pixels_R(YW2Y2) > MinRed Then ' Target by hue to bypass 1.12
                                            AmountfoundCC1 = AmountfoundCC1 + 1
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                Next Y2
                            Next X2
                            'target x/y
                            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                                If AmountfoundCC1 >= 1 And AmountfoundCC1 <= 13 Then
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse up
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    CheckXYRange(X, Y)
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) <= RedOrangeRange Then 'RedOrangeRange
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) + 360 'beta test
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                                    End If
                                    avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                                    avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                                End If
                                'Next I
                                ' For I = 2 To 19
                                If AmountfoundCC1 >= 2 And AmountfoundCC1 <= 19 Then
                                    TargetY = TargetY + Y  'settings for right mouse down
                                    TargetX = TargetX + X
                                    CheckXYRange(X, Y)
                                    TargetAmountFound = TargetAmountFound + 1
                                    If Pixels_Hue(YWY) <= RedOrangeRange Then 'RedOrangeRange
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) + 360 'beta test
                                        avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY)
                                    End If
                                    'avgHueFound = avgHueFound + Pixels_Hue(YWY) 'beta test
                                    avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound + Pixels_Brightness(YWY)
                                    avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound + Pixels_Saturation(YWY)
                                    '  Next I
                                End If
                            End If
                                CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) = CCAmount(AmountfoundCC1) + 1
                            AmountfoundCC1 = 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Y
            Next X
            'combine line figures together
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                For I = 1 To 13
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse up
                Next I
                For I = 2 To 19
                    CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure + CCAmount(I)  'settings for right mouse down
                Next I
            End If
            '   CombinedLineFigure = CombinedLineFigure * 10
            ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
            If CombinedLineFigure >= (ScanRange * 0.15) And (CombinedLineFigure * 1.33) >= Amountfound Then
                FireTriggered = 1
                '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
                ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("Fire" & vbNewLine)
            End If
            avgHUE = avgHUE / AMountOfPixels
            avgBrightness = avgBrightness / AMountOfPixels
            avgsaturation = avgsaturation / AMountOfPixels
            avgHueFound = avgHueFound / TargetAmountFound
            avgBrightnessFound = avgBrightnessFound / TargetAmountFound
            avgsaturationFound = avgsaturationFound / TargetAmountFound
            If avgHUE > 2 And avgHUE < 14 And avgBrightness < 0.45 And avgsaturation < 0.45 Then
                FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire 
            End If
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then 'adjust for zoom
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            Else 'while zoomed / hold down right click
                If Math.Abs((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
                If Math.Abs((TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - (ScanRange / 2)) > (DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY * 2) Then
                    FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire
                End If
            End If
            If CheckKeyQ() = 1 And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount + 5000 'pressing Q for ultimate delays firing by 5 secs when mouse is up.  With widow use ultimate while zoomed to avoid delay.
            End If
            If CheckKeyENTER() = 1 Then
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount + 1500 'disable aimbot while chatting
            End If
            If QuadrantCheck() = 0 Then
                FireTriggered = 0 ' don't fire 
            End If
            If FireTriggered = 1 Then
            End If
            'debug and testing
            '  If LastFireTick = GetTickCount Then
            ' RichTextBox1.AppendText("CombinedLineFigure=" & CombinedLineFigure & vbTab & "Amountfound=" & Amountfound & vbNewLine)
            ' RichTextBox1.Text = ("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness)
            '  avgHueFound = avgHueFound Mod 360
            '   RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbTab & "avgHUEfound=" & avgHueFound & vbTab & "avgSATfound=" & avgsaturationFound & vbTab & "avgBGTfound=" & avgBrightnessFound & vbNewLine)
            '   Dim i2 As Long
            '  For i2 = 0 To 30
            '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(CCAmount(i2) & vbTab)
            '  Next
            'RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) & " " & (Math.Round((TargetY / TargetAmountFound)) - ScanRange / 2) & vbNewLine)
            '  RichTextBox1.AppendText(ChartQuad(1) & " " & ChartQuad(2) & " " & ChartQuad(3) & " " & ChartQuad(4) & vbNewLine)
            'moving mouse settings
            'aimbot target X = Math.Round((screenwidth / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight - not tested
            'aimbot target Y = Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetY / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown- not tested
            'Y axis might be reversed - (Y * -1) to fix
            'RichTextBox1.AppendText(Math.Round((screenheight / 2) + (TargetX / TargetAmountFound) - ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight & vbNewLine)
            'End If
            Array.Clear(ChartQuad, 0, ChartQuad.Length) 'move to QuadrantCheck function later
        End Sub
        Public Sub Fire()
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseDown) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 1 Then GoTo Fire
            If (LastFireTick + FireDelayRightMouseUp) <= GetTickCount And CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                If CheckLeftMouse() = 0 Then 'don't fire when mouse is being manually clicked
                    '  RichTextBox1.AppendText("avgHUE=" & avgHUE & vbTab & "avgSAT=" & avgsaturation & vbTab & "avgBGT=" & avgBrightness & vbNewLine)
                End If
                LastFireTick = GetTickCount
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Function CheckRightMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckLeftMouse() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckKeyQ() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_Q) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Function CheckKeyENTER() As Long
            If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        Public Sub SetScanRange()
            If CheckRightMouse() = 0 Then
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseUp 'settings for right mouse up
                ScanRange = ScanRangeRightMouseDown 'settings for right mouse down
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
            Dim i As Long
            Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)
                For i = 0 To 999
                    Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustRight, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (ScanRange / 2) + AdjustDown, ScanRange, ScanRange)
                    Using lgb As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Blue, Color.Blue, 90, True)
                        g.FillRectangle(lgb, rect)
                        If Not CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then Exit Sub
                    End Using
                Next i
            End Using
            CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
        End Sub
        Public Sub CheckXYRange(x As Long, y As Long)
            x = x - (ScanRange / 2)
            y = y - (ScanRange / 2)
            If x < 0 And y < 0 Then
                ChartQuad(3) = ChartQuad(3) + 1
            End If
            If x < 0 And y > 0 Then
                ChartQuad(2) = ChartQuad(2) + 1
            End If
            If x > 0 And y < 0 Then
                ChartQuad(4) = ChartQuad(4) + 1
            End If
            If x > 0 And y > 0 Then
                ChartQuad(1) = ChartQuad(1) + 1
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Function QuadrantCheck() As Long
            Dim i As Long
            Dim QuadNumber As Long
            For i = 1 To 4
                If ChartQuad(i) >= MinQuadrantRequired Then
                    QuadNumber = QuadNumber + 1
                End If
            Next i
            ' Array.Clear(ChartQuad, 0, ChartQuad.Length)
            If QuadNumber < 3 Then
                Return 0
            End If
            Return 1
        End Function
        Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        End Sub
    End Class
    Last edited by CCaimbot; 03-23-2018 at 12:06 AM.

  4. Thanks sKuhLight (1 members gave Thanks to CCaimbot for this useful post)
  5. #49
    Devonted's Avatar Member
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    Is this currently not detected? How is this not detected?

    I've done some playtesting with this and for the most part, it is quality. I don't know enough to be a judge on this, these aren't meant to be my way of judging more just to document my experience with it in hopes that my experience with it helps better it.

    1. It detects colors that aren't the best to shoot at.
    2. It shoots outside of the target very often.
    3. It finds itself delaying very often [You sit there expecting the next shot]
    4. Distance is a big issue, if you are mid range it will trigger often, if you get further or they get too close it will not shoot.
    Last edited by Devonted; 03-23-2018 at 10:43 PM.

  6. #50
    Alecthro's Avatar Active Member
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    Awesome work CC! Just have a few questions / issues with it, that maybe you can fix and answer.

    1) I find when playing McCree the "wait time" is pretty variable. Sometimes it will shoot right after the next one, sometimes it takes a full second to shoot the next bullet.

    2) Whne playing widow it works pretty damn good, however I am noticing that it shoots randomly at times when I'm even close to pointing at the enemy. It'll just randomly shoot a wall. Also her ult really fucks with it. Due to how this works, I don't think there is really a way you can fix that (though I thought it was to rule out blobs of red, so I'm not entirely sure).

    3) Is there anyway we can get this to work in borderless windowed? Or does it have to be in windowed all the time?

  7. #51
    Devonted's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Alecthro View Post
    Awesome work CC! Just have a few questions / issues with it, that maybe you can fix and answer.

    1) I find when playing McCree the "wait time" is pretty variable. Sometimes it will shoot right after the next one, sometimes it takes a full second to shoot the next bullet.

    2) Whne playing widow it works pretty damn good, however I am noticing that it shoots randomly at times when I'm even close to pointing at the enemy. It'll just randomly shoot a wall. Also her ult really fucks with it. Due to how this works, I don't think there is really a way you can fix that (though I thought it was to rule out blobs of red, so I'm not entirely sure).

    3) Is there anyway we can get this to work in borderless windowed? Or does it have to be in windowed all the time?
    I have the same issue as #1

    I believe the widowmaker ultimate can nullify the triggerbot by not firing based on more pixels in an area [Blobbing], A work around until something can be done about it is to use your venom mine and only use your ultimate while you are running back to your teammates. That way you get to use it and you don't do anything obvious/suspicious.

    I have tried it in Borderless window with no issues.

  8. #52
    CCaimbot's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Devonted View Post
    Is this currently not detected? How is this not detected?

    I've done some playtesting with this and for the most part, it is quality. I don't know enough to be a judge on this, these aren't meant to be my way of judging more just to document my experience with it in hopes that my experience with it helps better it.

    1. It detects colors that aren't the best to shoot at.
    The colors it detects are mostly the exact same colors that outline an enemy. I've looked at screenshots and had the triggerbot output color data that proves this. Sometimes an outline will actually be a brownish color not red.

    Originally Posted by Devonted View Post
    2. It shoots outside of the target very often.
    Because there's colors throughout maps that match outline colors.

    Originally Posted by Devonted View Post
    3. It finds itself delaying very often [You sit there expecting the next shot]
    Why it delays could be due to a number of things. First try swinging your cursor a little bit on the enemy instead of standing still. That way it gets different values and is more likely to fire. Then you can try adjusting the settings. You can:

    1. Decrease MinQuadrantRequired
    2. Change "CombinedLineFigure * 1.33" to "CombinedLineFigure * 1.5" (or higher number)
    3. Change "CombinedLineFigure >= (ScanRange * 0.15)" to "CombinedLineFigure >= (ScanRange * 0.10)" (or lower number)
    4. Increase DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX and DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY (this will cause it to shoot away from enemy more often though)
    5. Adjust hue it targets by changing RedOrangeRange and RedVioletRange
    6. Decrease MinBrightness, MinSaturation, and MinRed. (for darker areas)
    7. Increase MaxBrightness
    8. Make crosshair more minimal.
    9. Try to target one enemy by itself at a time. If there's two or more enemies then the triggerbot might only fire at the midpoint between them.
    10. Avoid aiming at certain areas as such Junkertown dirt road and canyons.

    Originally Posted by Devonted View Post
    4. Distance is a big issue, if you are mid range it will trigger often, if you get further or they get too close it will not shoot.

    If a big enemy is close you don't need a triggerbot. Just start shooting. The same goes for shields. The triggerbot will detect your mouse clicks and stops temporarily. It does have more trouble at a distance but I find that it's mostly due to outline color changes rather than how small the enemy is. If the map has a lot of fog the outline will turn too grayish for the triggerbot to target.

    Originally Posted by Alecthro View Post
    Awesome work CC! Just have a few questions / issues with it, that maybe you can fix and answer.

    1) I find when playing McCree the "wait time" is pretty variable. Sometimes it will shoot right after the next one, sometimes it takes a full second to shoot the next bullet.
    Change settings to make triggerbot more sensitive to shoot. You'll have to use guesswork to figure it out. For example if it's not shooting in dark areas change MinBrightness, MinSaturation, and MinRed. If it's not shooting when an enemy is far away then change "CombinedLineFigure * 1.33" to "CombinedLineFigure * 1.5" and Decrease MinQuadrantRequired. Also lowering scanrange a little helps if you're shooting far away at multiple enemies.

    Originally Posted by Alecthro View Post
    2) Whne playing widow it works pretty damn good, however I am noticing that it shoots randomly at times when I'm even close to pointing at the enemy. It'll just randomly shoot a wall. Also her ult really fucks with it. Due to how this works, I don't think there is really a way you can fix that (though I thought it was to rule out blobs of red, so I'm not entirely sure).
    The problem is that throughout maps there are red pixels that aren't blobs as well. You'll have to learn to avoid aiming at these places. Some walls/floors will cause the triggerbot to keep shooting.

    Originally Posted by Devonted View Post
    I have the same issue as #1

    I believe the widowmaker ultimate can nullify the triggerbot by not firing based on more pixels in an area [Blobbing],
    I don't think so because enemies are red blobs only behind walls but when they are visible they aren't red blobs anymore.

    If you want the triggerbot to be more precise but less likely to fire try lowering these settings:

    Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX As Long = 6 ' maximum distance from target in x to fire
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY As Long = 6 ' maximum distance from target in y to fire
    How the triggerbot works is by taking all the coordinates of pixels it detects and then averages them out to make a point. If this point is within 6 pixels x/y of your crosshair then it'll fire. So by making it smaller it'll shoot only when it's closer to this point.

    And increasing this setting:

        Public MinQuadrantRequired As Long = 3 ' minimum amount of pixels required in each quadrant
    Version 10 has this added which requires at least 3 quadrants to have at least 3 pixels that match the color. There's a quadrant bottom left, bottom right, top right, top left of the crosshair.
    Last edited by CCaimbot; 03-24-2018 at 01:15 AM.

  9. #53
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    Originally Posted by CCaimbot View Post

    If you want the triggerbot to be more precise but less likely to fire try lowering these settings:

    Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringX As Long = 6 ' maximum distance from target in x to fire
        Public DistanceFromTargetBeforeFiringY As Long = 6 ' maximum distance from target in y to fire
    How the triggerbot works is by taking all the coordinates of pixels it detects and then averages them out to make a point. If this point is within 6 pixels x/y of your crosshair then it'll fire. So by making it smaller it'll shoot only when it's closer to this point.

    So would this make it so it wont trigger unless its exactly on top of them? For example, if I lowered it to 1, or 2, and am playing widow, currently it sometimes shoots when they get close. If i changed this setting would it not shoot unless it was "on the line"?

  10. #54
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    i dont understand how can i get this working? can anyone help please

  11. #55
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    Originally Posted by Alecthro View Post
    So would this make it so it wont trigger unless its exactly on top of them? For example, if I lowered it to 1, or 2, and am playing widow, currently it sometimes shoots when they get close. If i changed this setting would it not shoot unless it was "on the line"?
    Ideally it would but usually not. If the blue box isn't big enough to wrap around the whole enemy the triggerbot will only get the red outline of part of the enemy which means the point it makes to target won't be in the middle of the enemy. If the blue box is too big then it'll get nearby enemies and the HP bar and mess up the triggerbot as well.

    If you change it to 2 then your crosshair would have to fall under a 4x4 pixel box inside the enemy so it shouldn't fire as often.

    If the number is too high then what ends up happening is that it'll fire while your crosshair is outside an enemy. This is because the triggerbot will make a large pixel box based on one side of the red outline.
    Last edited by CCaimbot; 03-24-2018 at 12:55 PM.

  12. #56
    Alecthro's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by CCaimbot View Post
    Ideally it would but usually not. If the blue box isn't big enough to wrap around the whole enemy the triggerbot will only get the red outline of part of the enemy which means the point it makes to target won't be in the middle of the enemy. If the blue box is too big then it'll get nearby enemies and the HP bar and mess up the triggerbot as well.

    If you change it to 2 then your crosshair would have to fall under a 4x4 pixel box inside the enemy so it shouldn't fire as often.

    If the number is too high then what ends up happening is that it'll fire while your crosshair is outside an enemy. This is because the triggerbot will make a large pixel box based on one side of the red outline.
    Understood. For Widow's purpose I can see it being 2 as a good spot, specially if you use the "red dot" cursor, since its fairly small regardless.

    I still can't get it to work in Bordless Windowed for some reason. It may be because I'm on Win 10 or have dual monitors. Not a huge deal though.

  13. #57
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    This isn't good enough to actually assist as it currently sits if you actually have good aim. That being said this is an assistive tool for lower skilled players. Not saying that it won't see the daylight where it reaches its peak so to speak and I'll enjoy watching it build its way up. Great work so far.

  14. #58
    dawaffle21's Avatar Member
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    can someone build it for me i dont have the resources in virtual studio

  15. #59
    nochillkowa's Avatar Member
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    Hi, so according to the instruction video, after you build -> you go to your documents -> visual studio -> projects. But when I go to the visual studio folder, there's no "projects" folder. Can anyone help? I know this is a noob question.

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    Originally Posted by dawaffle21 View Post
    can someone build it for me i dont have the resources in virtual studio
    Never mind I did it at school xd. Its pretty alright for McCree. Defiantly the best trigger bot rn. I do agree with @alecthro that the firing time varies a bit. Sometimes it fire a headshot when I'm barley looking at someone for no more than half a second. and sometimes its a second delay and sometimes in the middle. I notice on larger map distances it makes it harder for it to hit a target. on Hollywood i was playing and it was almost instant and on junkertown on the bridge it took it time to hit a target. That's just my experience with it . Not too bad my friend

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