HELP pls.. How do we change (add) the Attribute LabelList over Player Skills ? menu


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  1. #1
    serlev's Avatar Member
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    HELP pls.. How do we change (add) the Attribute LabelList over Player Skills ?

    1- The first Attribute is Move Speed .

    How do I change it with "Sheet DPS" ?
    So I always see my sheet dps value increasing or decreasing during fights...
    The Move Speed will be hidden but we will be able to see the value when we get our cursor on "sheet dps" box.

    2- 3rd Box shows the Crit Chance ( other 2 are Crit Damage and Area Dmg Bonus which are hidden, we see then when we hover cursor on crit Chance box )

    How do I change the 1st Crit Chance with Area Dmg Bonus ?
    So Area Dmg Bonus is always seen
    Other 2 will be hidden

    HELP pls.. How do we change (add) the Attribute LabelList over Player Skills ?
  2. #2
    serlev's Avatar Member
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    At last I solved how to change "move speed " with "Sheet dps "..
    The related plugin was : plugins\_SR\LabelLists\SR_AttributeLabelListPlugin.cs
    I changed the section started with Line 82 just under // movement 1 as shown below:

    LabelList.LabelDecorators.Add(new TopLabelDecorator(Hud)
    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 230, 255, 255, 255, true, false, true),
    ExpandedHintFont = expandedHintFont,
    ExpandedHintWidthMultiplier = expandedHintWidthMultiplier,
    BackgroundTexture1 = Hud.Texture.ButtonTextureGray,
    BackgroundTexture2 = Hud.Texture.BackgroundTextureBlue,
    BackgroundTextureOpacity2 = 0.70f,
    TextFunc = () => (Hud.Game.Me.Stats.MoveSpeed).ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "%",
    HintFunc = () => "Move Speed Total",
    ExpandUpLabels = new List<TopLabelDecorator>()
    /* new TopLabelDecorator(Hud)
    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 230, 255, 255, 255, true, false, true),
    ExpandedHintFont = expandedHintFont,
    ExpandedHintWidthMultiplier = expandedHintWidthMultiplier,
    BackgroundTexture1 = Hud.Texture.ButtonTextureGray,
    BackgroundTexture2 = Hud.Texture.BackgroundTextureBlue,
    BackgroundTextureOpacity2 = 1.0f,
    TextFunc = () => (Hud.Game.Me.Stats.MoveSpeed - Hud.Game.Me.Stats.MoveSpeedBonus - 100).ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "%",
    HintFunc = () => "Move Speed Base",
    }, */
    /* new TopLabelDecorator(Hud)
    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 230, 255, 255, 255, true, false, true),
    ExpandedHintFont = expandedHintFont,
    ExpandedHintWidthMultiplier = expandedHintWidthMultiplier,
    BackgroundTexture1 = Hud.Texture.ButtonTextureGray,
    BackgroundTexture2 = Hud.Texture.BackgroundTextureBlue,
    BackgroundTextureOpacity2 = 1.0f,
    TextFunc = () => (Hud.Game.Me.Stats.MoveSpeedBonus + 100).ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "%",
    HintFunc = () => "Move Speed Bonus",
    }, */

    So the first box shows my Sheet Dps and on top of it I see movement speed if I get the cursor on sheet dps box..

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