[V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] SkillBarPlugin
Supported TurboHUD version: 9.x
Inspired by the glq plugin PlayerSkillBarPlugin ( https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/dia...barplugin.html ([v7.3] [INTERNATIONAL] [glq] PlayerSkillBarPlugin) )
Show each player's skill bar, next to the portrait. In addition to the texture (icon), and the name of the skill and rune, you will see cooldown, timeleft, charges, and optionally stacks.
When you place the mouse pointer over an icon we will see the name of the skill and its rune. This information and the textures always remain updated even when the player is not nearby. It is not the same with the rest of the data, which will disappear or will not be reliable if the player is far away, and in this case the border of the icons will be red.
By default it will not show the bar for your character but it does for any class of other player's characters. This can be configured.
Use Alt+F8 to enable or disable the plugin. If NGStartEnabled = true the plugin will be enabled in each New Game.
Use Control+F8 to toggle between all the skills or the skills added in ListSkills . It will change the value of AllSkills without restarting TH
Download: SkillBarPlugin.cs
Installation: Place SkillBarPlugin.cs in "plugins\RNN\SkillBarPlugin.cs"
Custom code (in Plugins\User\PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs , Optional) :
Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.SkillBarPlugin>().Enabled = true;
Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.SkillBarPlugin>(plugin =>
plugin.OffsetX = 0.047f; // 0f..1f To set the x coordinate of the icon
plugin.OffsetY = 0.01f; // 0f..1f To set the y coordinate of the icon
plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.65f; // 0f..1f Size multiplier for icons
plugin.Opacity = 0.80f; // 0f..1f Opacity for icon texture
plugin.ShowStacks = false; // Show also stacks
plugin.GreaterThanStacks = 0; // Recommended values: 0 or 1. Applicable when ShowStacks = true
plugin.NGStartEnabled = true; // start enabled/disabled in every New Game
plugin.ShowPassives = true; // Show the passives below if the mouse is over the last icon
plugin.Barbarian = true; // Show or hide Bar for this Hero Class
plugin.Wizard = true;
plugin.WitchDoctor = true;
plugin.Monk = true;
plugin.Crusader = true;
plugin.Necromancer = true;
plugin.DemonHunter = true;
plugin.MyCharacter = false; // Show or hide Bar for Me
plugin.AllSkills = true; // Show All Skill or only skills included in ListSkills
//If you add this part (ListSkills) you should insert using System.Collections.Generic; in the first line of PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs
//Or edit the file directly to remove or add values (consult interfaces\controllers\sno\ISnoPowerList.cs , interfaces\data\player\powers\*)
plugin.ListSkills = new List<uint> // Applicable when AllSkills = false
365311, 302846, // DH: Companion, Vengeance
79528, 79607, // Barb: Ignore Pain, Wrath of the Berserker
134872, // Wiz: Archon
117402, // WD: Big Bad Voodoo
317076, 96215, // Monk: Inner sanctuary, Serenity
269032, // Crus: Akkarat's champion
465839, 465350 , 460358, // Necro: Land of the dead, Simulacrum, Army of the dead
} );
In post 30 I have published a plugin (ArchonIcon) that shows only the archon icon.
Last edited by RNN; 4 Weeks Ago at 08:32 AM.
Reason: ArchonIcon Plugin updated
Post Thanks / Like - 5 Thanks
Active Member
Nice plugin, I have a stupid question, this one overlays whole PlayerSkillBar from glq right ? Wondering if its necessary to have it.
Gained so much more space with this plugin
yes, you will have to choose between one of them because the basic function is the same: show the skill icons (all or some specific ones)
Last edited by RNN; 04-30-2020 at 03:56 PM.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks
BeeAntOS (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
Active Member
Originally Posted by
yes, you will have to choose between one of them because the basic function is the same: show the skill icons (all or some specific ones)
Got it ! Thanks for clarify, using your version, so much clear for me to have all of them there.
I am just trying to move PlayerResurrectionTimer from glq a bit below yours cause it got overlayed. But I dont see xy coords in there =/ only allign to portrait .Left .Top
I did not know that plugin, tomorrow I try it
There is a way to remove the red option when u are far?
Line 297
else { Hud.Texture.DebuffFrameTexture.Draw(x, y, SizeIconWidth, SizeIconHeight, Opacity); }
replace with this:
else { Hud.Texture.BuffFrameTexture.Draw(x, y, SizeIconWidth, SizeIconHeight, Opacity); }
I have colored the part that changes in red and green
Active Member
Originally Posted by
I did not know that plugin, tomorrow I try it
Could you check this one pls RNN ? Trying to solve the positioning problem on (GLQ_PlayerResurrectionTimer)
tried adding
var x:
var y:
as you told me in another plugin but there is so much alignment to Portrait.Rectangle that I do not know atm how to remove and have it freely around screen
If you could clean this code to do this or even build one to show Ressurrection Timer (Death/Ghost Timer) no need for cross I guess, just Death Timer and Ghost Timer to check when somenos is dead and/or ghost ressurrectin. Thx
Lines 141 AND 158
y = portrait.Top + portrait.Height / 3.5f;
Modify the 3.5f value to change the height at which the text is written
To remove the cross, Insert // at the beginning of the lines 133,134,136
// y = portrait.Top + portrait.Height / 4;
// layout = TextFontDeath.GetTextLayout(DeathSymbol);
DeadBorderBrush.DrawRectangle(portrait.Left, portrait.Top, portrait.Width, portrait.Height);
// TextFontDeath.DrawText(layout, x, y);
Active Member
Originally Posted by
Lines 141 AND 158
y = portrait.Top + portrait.Height / 3.5f;
Modify the 3.5f value to change the height at which the text is written
To remove the cross, Insert // at the beginning of the lines 133,134,136
// y = portrait.Top + portrait.Height / 4;
// layout = TextFontDeath.GetTextLayout(DeathSymbol);
DeadBorderBrush.DrawRectangle(portrait.Left, portrait.Top, portrait.Width, portrait.Height);
// TextFontDeath.DrawText(layout, x, y);
Holy Shit, you are god RNN, position this text saved my life to allign with yours.
Thx u so much.
I found a small issue
ty again for the great job at your plugins!!
Originally Posted by
I understand where you see the problem: if the icon has hidden .. why is that pop-up text activated? the mouse is no longer directly over it. It has a difficult solution on my part because it does not happen only when you upgrade gems, nor is it a specific problem of this plugin (to name one, the default coe plugin does the same thing). If it bothers you a lot use this modification that maybe I upload it to the first post, if you do not discover why it is not 100% effective
Last edited by RNN; 05-17-2020 at 08:58 AM.
Reason: Link moved to post #1
Working fine now.. Thanks for updating!!
heey, i can't download this one....