Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.OtherShrinePlugin>().Enabled = true;
Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.OtherShrinePlugin>(plugin =>
plugin.LabelHealingWells = ""; // Text on the minimap for HealingWells (null for namelocalized,"" for nothing)
plugin.LabelPoolOfReflection = "Pool"; // Text on the minimap for pools (null for namelocalized,"" for nothing)
plugin.LabelPossiblePylon = "Pylon?"; // Text for the labels of the places where possible pylons may appear
plugin.LabelPylonExchange = false; // Exchange labels on map and mini map. If it is false they will always be shown
plugin.NotifyInTown = false; // Enable or disable TTS/Popup in Town
plugin.TTSViewPylon = true; // Notify with voice (TTS) the Pylons and Sanctuaries
plugin.TTSBuffPylon = true; // Notify with voice (TTS) When you receive a buff (and lose) from a pylon/Sanctuary
plugin.TTSViewPoolText = "Pool"; // Notify with voice (TTS) the pools of Reflection, will read the indicated text. Set to "" (or null) for not TTS
plugin.HiddenPylonUsed = false; // Hide or show (in gray) decorators for used pylons
plugin.LineToPylon = true; // Draw a yellow line on the minimap to the PoolOfReflection/Pylon/Sanctuary detected
plugin.LineToPylonWidth = 2f; // Line width
plugin.LineToPylonRange = 700; // Only draw the line if you are less than this distance
plugin.LineToPoolRange = 0; // Only draw the line if you are less than this distance. For unlimited distance set to 0
plugin.ShowPylonSpawn = true; // Hide or not the decorators of the possible Pylons. In case someone uses another complement for it
plugin.ShowPopup = true; // Popup when you receive (or lose) a buff from a Pylon/Sanctuary
plugin.xPopup = 0.5f; // 0f ... 1f Popup Coordinate x
plugin.yPopup = 0.81f; // 0f ... 1f Popup Coordinate y
plugin.FontSizePopup = 9f; // Size font for popup text
plugin.Opacity = 0.75f; // 0f..1f opacity for all textures(of pylons/shrines/pools/wells, other markers) on the map when they're not on screen
plugin.ShowMarkers = true; // Show markers other than Pylons/Shrines/Pools/Wells. Assign the value "false" if you want to use another plugin for this
plugin.LineToMarkerRange = 700; // Only draw the line if you are less than this distance
plugin.NemesisAlert = true;
// If a pylon/sanc is not customized, default values: <Label Ground> = null, <Label Map> = null, <TTS view> = null, <TTS buff on> = "ShrineType Active", <TTS buff off> = "ShrineType Lost", <Popup buff> = "ShrineType"
// Format: plugin.ConfigAdd( <type pylon or sanc> , <Label Ground>, <Label Map> , <TTS view>, <TTS buff on>, <TTS buff off>, <Popup buff> );
// a) <LabelGround> Text for Label (Ground), "" for not label, null for Namelocalized,
// a) <Label Map> Text for Label (Map), "" for not label, null for Namelocalized,
// c) <TTS view> Speak Text TTS, "" for not TTS, null for namelocalized,
// d) <TTS buff on> Speak Text TTS, "" for not TTS, null for not TTS,
// e) <TTS buff off> Speak Text TTS, "" for not popup, null for not TTS,
// f) <Popup buff> Popup Text, "" for not Popup, null for not popup,
plugin.Config(ShrineType.PowerPylon,"POWER","POWER","Power","Active Power","Lost Power","[POWER]");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.ConduitPylon,"CONDUIT","CONDUIT","Conduit","Active Conduit","Lost Conduit","[CONDUIT]");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.ChannelingPylon,"CHANNELING","CHANN","Channeling","Active Channeling","Lost Channeling","[CHANNELING]");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.ShieldPylon,"SHIELD","SHIELD","Shield","Active Shield","Lost Shield","[SHIELD]");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.SpeedPylon,"SPEED","SPEED","Speed","Active Speed","Lost Speed","[SPEED]");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.EmpoweredShrine,null,null,"Empowered","Active Empowered","Lost Empowered","Empowered");
plugin.Config(ShrineType.BanditShrine,null,null,"Bandit","This is ignored","ignored","ignored");
// examples of how to use ModifyShrineDecorator
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.BanditShrine,8f,6f,255,255, 35 , 25 ); // Type , SizeFont Ground , SizeFont Map, Opacity, Red, Green, Blue
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.PowerPylon ,7f,6f,255,50 ,255,50 );
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.ConduitPylon,7f,6f,255,50 ,150 ,255);
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.ShieldPylon,7f,6f,255,255 ,255 ,255);
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.ChannelingPylon,7f,6f,255,255 ,160 ,255);
plugin.ModifyShrineDecorator(ShrineType.SpeedPylon,7f,6f,255,255 ,185 ,70);
} );