

Forum: TurboHUD

  1. Confucius's Avatar Super Moderator Don't Look Back in Anger

    CoreCoins Purchaser
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Panda Land
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    🔗 Discord server and store links in trade threads 🔗 and 🔥 Discord Scams - Confirm Trade Through Onsite Messaging System 🔥

    If you wish to include a discord server link ( or a site/shop URL you must have the Legendary Trade upgrade selected for your thread. If you try to bypass this in any way you will receive an account infraction.

    Your thread will be deleted if you include a discord server link or URL without this upgrade.

    If you remake a deleted thread with the links again you will receive an infraction.

    Before posting in this section please take time to read the site rules, .

    Please pay special attention to these two sections especially:

    Duplicate Threads:
    • Threads that are nearly identical are not allowed
    • All threads of one type should be included in a single thread based on the forum filters. No thread splitting.
      • Example: The seller cannot create 2 threads selling gold, even if the gold is being sold on different servers.

    • Accounts: Sellers are permitted to create a separate thread for each unique account being sold.
      • If a seller has a store thread that lists multiple accounts for sale, they cannot also have a separate thread for each account.

    Max Thread Rule:
    • A regular member can have up to 3 threads on the first page of a forum.
    • Premium Sellers can have up to 5 threads on the first page of a forum.
    • If multiple websites are selling the same accounts, all websites will be considered one site (partners) and will be restricted to the max thread rule.
    • If a website has multiple sellers, all sellers of that site will be grouped together and that group cannot have more than the max threads allowed.
    • Linking to a site in your signature does not count as a link.

    If you see a thread that breaks the same rules yours was removed for report it and it will be dealt with.


    CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks G/R
    Trade Feedback
    254 (100%)
    68 Post(s)
    2 Thread(s)

    🔥 Discord Scams - Confirm Trade Through Onsite Messaging System 🔥

    Ownedcore will only investigate scam reports and disputes that occurred directly on our forums, through private messages or our middleman service.

    If no contact was made on the forums prior to the trade taking place, then all reports & disputes against that user will be immediately dismissed.

    The private message should include:

    • a detailed description of what you are buying or selling;
    • the price/value of the transaction;
    • the payment method that will be used;
    • the payment address (PayPal email, wallet, etc);
    • any other relevant information regarding the transaction such as disclaimers, guarantees, refunds, etc.

    You are still required to submit proof in order for your report to be valid.

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