i'm going to try to use chancity's wizard script as a base (http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diab...d-800x600.html) because i know the majority of it will transfer over w/out any changes and then use blacksack's barb script as a guide for barb specific attack sequence and pathing. (http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diab...1920x1080.html)
can someone explain to me a couple of these moving lines so that i can go from there to work on the pathing. i think the buffing / pathing / attack sequence and including the super-safe exit sequence on failed runs make up the vast majority of what i'll have to change. what tool can i use that will show me my mouse coordinates when i'm trying to code in the correct pathing?
MouseClick("Middle",Round(269 * $x_ratio),Round( 221 * $y_ratio))
RandClick("middle", Round(0 * $x_ratio),Round(500 * $y_ratio) , 1, 1) ;moves to doorway leading to rare inside cellar
if anyone could explain those lines to me i think that'd put me well on my way to getting these existing scritps converted over for a baba
thanks, dm