Hi everebody,
Firstly, my apologies for my poor english (this isn't surprising, i'm french)
Secondly, my apologies for playing on a mac
I created a little macro to help leveling
What you need:
- Keyboard Maestro
- 1280*800 res
- Quest 4 act 3 Tremor in the stone
- Keybinds: skill one: A, two: Z, three: E and four: W (you can change it in the macro of course)
- the macro: https://www.dropbox.com/s/flg5ij8x1d...%20PL.kmmacros
How to it:
- load your char
- take AOE skills
- change quest to quest 4 act 3 (begin)
- Don't click start game !!
- Hit cmd + F (besure Keyboard maestro is running)
I run it all night, no prob, all is working great. IDK about ban and everything, hope it's OK
I can't do video because my laptop isn't enough powerfull (you know, mac, games, haters blablabla)