Alright thanks! Is there any way i can slow the bot down? because sometimes i lag and it ruins the bot.
Alright thanks! Is there any way i can slow the bot down? because sometimes i lag and it ruins the bot.
Do I need all quests unlocked to use this? I havent tried it yet. Also is this in windowed or full screen.
Last edited by trigga71; 07-22-2012 at 03:03 PM.
simple, i labeled everything accordingly and made the func list pretty much in order.
what i would do is watch the bot and see where it lags.
most of the time its going to happen after creating game or killing a mob.
so what you do is you go to Func mainRun.
this is the sequence in which the bot performs each task step by step.
so if you need more time after making game then change the values in bold.
ill elaborate more:Code:Func mainRun() While $runScript If ($start) Then $min = random(2100,2900) $max = random(3100,4400) $aclearroom = random(4000,5000) $bclearroom = random(4500,5500) sleep(random($min,$max)) Call ( "resumegame" ) ;enter game sleep(random($min,$max)) Send(" {space} ") sleep(random(1250,1500)) Send(" {space} ") sleep(random(1000,1400)) Send(" {space} ") sleep(random(1000,1500)) Call ( "quest" ) ;get quest sleep(random(1200,1400)) Call ( "movefromstart" ) ;move closer to chamber sleep(random(2500,3000)) Call ( "getapathtochamber" ) ;move to area where you can walk directly to chamber sleep(random(2600,2900)) Call ( "enterchamber" ) ;enter chamber sleep(random(2200,2300)) Call ( "skipquestchat" ) ;skip quest chat sleep(random(2300,2700)) Call ( "leavechamber" ) ;leave room to group enemies sleep(random(8000,9000)) Call ( "reenterchamber" ) ;reenter chamber sleep(random(1000,1500)) Call ( "killeverything" ) ;clear room sleep(random($aclearroom,$bclearroom)) Call ( "endrun" ) ;tp and exit sleep(random(3250,3500)) Call ( "changequest" ) ;change quest button sleep(random(600,800)) Call ( "selectquest" ) ;reselect quest sleep(random(666,999)) Call ( "selectq" ) ;select button sleep(random(500,800)) Call ( "confirmselectedquest" ) ;confirm reselection EndIf Wend EndFunc
1000 = 1 secondCode:$min = random(2100,2900) $max = random(3100,4400)
2000 = 2 seconds
3000 = 3 seconds
and so forth
so what i got here is; to pick a minimum value of 2.1 seconds to 2.9 seconds(2100,2900).
and to pick a maximum vale of 3.1 seconds to 4.4 seconds. (3100,4400)
so if your finding yourself needing to increase the time to cope with lag.
just add 1 second(1000) or more to the number there.
and how it works is after it calls the func resumegame(as we know enter the game)
it calls for a random string that has a value based for minimums and maximums.Code:Call ( "resumegame" ) ;enter game sleep(random($min,$max))
aka $min and $max.
you only need up to Act3 Quest4 Tremors in the Stone quest and sorry i didn't mention that but yeah its full screen.
just open script with AutoIt and select quest than press = to start and x to close.
Last edited by NoUseLying; 07-22-2012 at 06:09 PM.
How do I check coordinates for the quest in change quest tab, because my quest tab is smaller then yours so I need to change the coordinates.
use this AutoIt script
all you do is run and move your mouse to the spot you want.Code:HotKeySet("z","jPos") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func jPos() $jPos = MouseGetPos() FileWrite("cords.txt", $jPos[0] & "," & $jPos[1] & @CRLF) EndFunc
press z and it saves the x and y coordinates to cords.txt in the script's folder.
now in the scripts i wrote i wrote a tutorial on this:
to sum it up run the mousecord script.Code:;####Breakdown of MouseClick Function using Random Mouse Cordinates#### ;$x???????? = Random(???,???) (x axis function named anything) ;Left to Right ;1st number for x = 1st number on x axis(x value for left side ------- ;2nd number for x = 2nd number on x axis(x value for right side ------- ;MouseClick("anybutton",$x????????,$yFunction,1) ;$y???????? = Random(???,???) (y axis function named anything) ;Top to Bottom ;1st number for y = 1st number on y ayis(y value for top ||||||| ;2nd number for y = 2nd number on y ayis(y value for bottom ||||||| ;MouseClick("anybutton",$xFunction,$y????????,1)
move your mouse to the farthest point on the left you want it to click; press z.(step 1)
than move it to the farthest point on the right where you want to click; press z.(step 2)
than move to the top of where you want this click area to be; press z.(step 3)
than move to the bottom of where you want this click area to be; press z.(step 4)
the cords in the text file when you press z will be in order.Code:Func leavegame() $xMostLeave = Random(533,744) ; x leftside(533) x rightside(744) $yMostLeave = Random(372,401) ; y top(372) y bottom(401) MouseClick("left",$xMostLeave,$yMostLeave,1) EndFunc
so left side was step1 above: (533,something)
right side was step2 above: (744,something)
cause $xMostLeave represents the x axis so only the first part of the 2 cords you recorded matters.(x,y)
then top was step3 above: (something,372)
and bottom was step4 above: (something,401)
and $yMostLeave of course represents the y axis. so only the second part of the 2 cords matter. (x,y)
hope that made sense.
Last edited by NoUseLying; 07-22-2012 at 09:50 PM.
K, so, everything works out fine until I'm done killing all of the Vermin. It then logs out with the 10 second logout, instead of leaving and insta-logging. This messes the bot up cuz it does 'resume game' instead of changing quest and restarting. Any quick fix?
Nevermind managed to fix it. Its becuase I changed the four skills he uses to [1] [2] [2] [3]
I changed it back to [1] [1] [1] [3]
I changed it before cuz i kep dying but now Its just Ignore pain, ignora pain, ignora pain, earthquake
Nevermind, for some reason its not working again. I dont know whats going on.
Last edited by daimbooze; 07-26-2012 at 09:39 PM.
It starts the game walks in the armory then leaves the game :S I'm playing as a Monk
Why does this have to do the begin quest over and over ??? why not just leave and resume?
during maintenance i decided to tinker w/this script to hopefully optimize it a bit. i had been running a somewhat tinkered w/version but now i went in and just deleted a bunch of it i didn't think you needed and combined some parts and changed some of the cooldowns to my preferences.. to start this now you have to manually put it on the quest you want, join a game and talk to the guy w/an exclamation point right next to you. then leave game and start from menu. this works with a barb with shout = 3, ignore pain = 2, cleave = 1 and 11% movement speed. some delays can prolly be tightened up but this is what i'm planning on using when the servers come back up. this is my first foray into posting codes- for those out there who have done it more do you think i should be widening my random click areas just so that i'm not clicking the same pixels too frequently to try to minimize detectability (i noticed that i used tighter ranges than the OP) or is that all gray area?
Code:;Hotkeys Defined HotKeySet("=","start") ;START by pressing = HotKeySet("-", "pause") ;PAUSE by pressing - HotKeySet("x", "stop") ;STOP by pressing x $runScript = True $start = False Call ( "mainRun" ) Func resumegame() ;800 x 600 widescreen mouse positions $xMostResume = Random(42,229) ; x leftside(42) x rightside(229) $yMostResume = Random(217,245) ; y top(217) y bottom(245) MouseClick("left",$xMostResume,$yMostResume,1) EndFunc Func leavegame() $xMostLeave = Random(310,480) ; x leftside(310) x rightside(480) $yMostLeave = Random(310,333) ; y top(310) y bottom(333) MouseClick("left",$xMostLeave,$yMostLeave,1) EndFunc Func pathtochamber() $xMoveFromStart = Random(605,615) ; x leftside(605) x rightside(615) $yMoveFromStart = Random(137,147) ; y top(137) y bottom(147) MouseClick("left",$xMoveFromStart,$yMoveFromStart,1) sleep(random(700,800)) $xGetPathToChamber = Random(760,780) ; x leftside(760) x rightside(780) $yGetPathToChamber = Random(450,470) ; y top(450) y bottom(570) MouseClick("left",$xGetPathToChamber,$yGetPathToChamber,1) sleep(random(700,800)) $xGetPathToChamber = Random(740,752) ; x leftside(740) x rightside(752) $yGetPathToChamber = Random(300,320) ; y top(300) y bottom(320) MouseClick("left",$xGetPathToChamber,$yGetPathToChamber,1) EndFunc Func enterchamber() $xEnterChamber = Random(265,283) ; x leftside(265) x rightside(283) $yEnterChamber = Random(150,165) ; y top(150) y bottom(165) MouseClick("left",$xEnterChamber,$yEnterChamber,1) sleep(random(2000,2900)) Send(" {space} ") EndFunc Func skipquestchat() $xSkipQuestChat = Random(290,380) ; x leftside(290) x rightside(380) $ySkipQuestChat = Random(193,219) ; y top(193) y bottom(219) MouseClick("left",$xSkipQuestChat,$ySkipQuestChat,1) EndFunc Func leavechamber() $xLeaveChamber = Random(257,296) ; x leftside(257) x rightside(296) $yLeaveChamber = Random(73,135) ; y top(73) y bottom(135) MouseClick("left",$xLeaveChamber,$yLeaveChamber,1) EndFunc Func reenterchamber() $xReenterChamber = Random(266,328) ; x leftside(366) x rightside(328) $yReenterChamber = Random(184,232) ; y top(184) y bottom(232) MouseClick("left",$xReenterChamber,$yReenterChamber,1) EndFunc Func killeverything() $xRightKillArea = Random(614,670) ; x leftside(614) x rightside(670) $yRightKillArea = Random(341,486) ; y top(341) y bottom(486) $xLeftKillArea = Random(327,340) ; x leftside(327) x rightside(340) $yLeftKillArea = Random(225,235) ; y top(225) y bottom(235) sleep(random(900,1000)) Send("{SHIFTDOWN}") MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{3}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{2}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xRightKillArea,$yRightKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xLeftKillArea,$yLeftKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) MouseMove($xLeftKillArea,$yLeftKillArea,1) Send("{1}") sleep(random(900,1000)) Send("{SHIFTUP}") EndFunc Func endrun() Call ( "leavechamber" ) ;leave game Send ( "{Escape}" ) Sleep(Random(500,1500)) Call ( "leavegame" ) ;leave game EndFunc Func start() $start = True EndFunc Func pause() $start = False EndFunc Func stop() Exit EndFunc Func mainRun() While $runScript If ($start) Then $min = random(1100,1900) $max = random(2600,2900) $aclearroom = random(4000,5000) $bclearroom = random(4500,5500) sleep(random($min,$max)) Call ( "resumegame" ) ;enter game sleep(random($min,$max)) Call ( "pathtochamber" ) ;move to area where you can walk directly to chamber sleep(random(1600,2000)) Call ( "enterchamber" ) ;enter chamber sleep(random(2200,2700)) Call ( "skipquestchat" ) ;skip quest chat sleep(random(1700,2000)) Call ( "leavechamber" ) ;leave room to group enemies sleep(random(7000,8000)) Call ( "reenterchamber" ) ;reenter chamber sleep(random(500,800)) Call ( "killeverything" ) ;clear room sleep(random($aclearroom,$bclearroom)) Call ( "leavechamber" ) ;leave room to group enemies sleep(random(900,1100)) Call ( "endrun" ) ;tp and exit sleep(random(3250,3500)) EndIf Wend EndFunc
Last edited by dumbmother; 07-31-2012 at 03:02 PM.
This script is working pretty good for me except one problem, after something that feels like 20-30 runs does it close down my diablo 3 window. It happens every time I try the bot and its always the same. I havent found anything that should do this when I looked thorugh the code fast earlier today but is it meent to act like this?
Does this script work in 1.0.4 EU patch? With some kinda game limit?
Im having trouble with a monk set up
currently useing
Monk - Game Guide - Diablo III
Cyclone strike in the frist slot to draw enemies in and do damage
wave of light to clear the mob
my problem is that this set up only works 4-6 times
other times one or more monsters end up far form the screen
and keep me from logging out
is there anyway to increase the delay time from getting to the other room?
just put sleep(3*100) for 3 seconds delay and try..
put it when you want it to sleep.. like after entering room or leaving or whatever..
Try, adding sleep, you will eventually get it right..
you could also try teh other script.. that's more nicer.. These scripts are easy to understand and edit.