HTTP://WWW.BLazingFire.COM and Made by BenOwns
Step 1. with the high level, go kill Zultun Kulle and collect the soul stone ( BE SURE TO NOT GET ANY WAY POINTS, STAY RIGHT ) and go to town and leave game.
Step 2. ON ONE SCREEN, Put your high level character who just killed Zultun on the left side, and your low level on the right ( in windows mode )
Step 3. Click on the high level screen and hold down the windows key and hit the LEFT arrow button.
Step 4. Click on the low level screen and hold down the windows key and hit the RIGHT arrow button.
Step 5. Make sure nothing overlapes the two diablo 3 windows and click F8 to start, If you need to pause hit F9 and to Kill the program hit F10
Step 6. Got a problem? visit us at
BlazingFire Entertainment - Welcome to BlazingFire Entertainment
NOTE- To run 2 Diablo 3's Simpley find the link on your desktop, Right click > Properties > Go to target > add -Launch to the end of the line AFTER the Quotes!!!