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    aeonwalker's Avatar Member
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    Unequivocal Bot by aeonwalker

    -Scripted by me for Wizards only but I can customize it for other classes per request.
    -Currently farms Sarkoth only.
    -Works/tested on Win 7/XP
    -Currently only works on Windowed 1024x768 resolution
    -Utilizes Imagesearch.dll (No need to copy and paste it anywhere...just leave the .dll where it is)
    -If the program isn't working then try replacing the images within the folder with your own screenshot of a similar image. Make sure the new image has the same image file name as the original. Basically, replace the new one with the old one. This should make it work.
    -My bot has 240% gf, 21 radius, 15k unbuffed, 19k dps buffed.

    ***HOW IT WORKS****
    First thing that you guys might ask is "Is it safe and if so, how much gold is it making per hour?"

    -Well, to answer the first part, there's always a risk to getting banned so use at your own risk but I have been running mine off and on throughout the day for at least 8 hours per day if not more for almost a week now. It still hiccups here and there so I have a few bugs that need to be weeded out but overall, it works. In regards to how much it makes, I have about 240% Gold Find and after doing some calculations/estimations. I earn at least 150k/hour if not more. I don't have a script/method to count how much I've accumulated on average per hour so those estimates could be wrong/off so don't take my word for it.

    -This bot runs to a certain point, checks if the place spawned. If it didn't spawn then it'll try to defend itself for a moment while waiting the set time of about 1 minute or more because it's not viable to leave right away after a failed spawn. If it did spawn then it'll go inside and slay Sarkoth and pick up gold then wait for a random 1-1.5 minute. I recommend 21 yards as that's what I use but I think 14 is good enough (haven't tested). It also checks for rares, legendaries, and sets that might have been dropped so it'll be farming not only gold but items too.

    -You might think 150k/hour is so weak but that's cause there's that stupid game input limit so it's hard to rack in 300k/hour + now. In order to accommodate for this limit, after each run (successful or fail), I make the bot sleep randomly between 80 seconds to 120 seconds. I would like to think that this script is safe and can bring in a lot of gold before a possible ban wave. If this is too risky for you, I have a different script that only makes 32k/hour killing Diablo over and over on normal difficulty that I have ran since day 1 of release and never got banned. But I won't post that script on here.

    -Last but not least, the bot knows how to repair so if your armor turns yellow, it will go to town and repair it then resume to the usual.

    ***FUTURE NOTES***
    -I have already scripted an AH script into it that searches for whatever I want it to but it's currently disabled because it hasn't been perfected/tested enough yet but it works just like most other AH scripts. What I want to do is to make it seem more human-like by taking a break after farming for a bit and go shopping on the AH for whatever the user has preset but it'll search this randomly instead of consistently doing the same thing in the same order every time. Another feature besides this it to make the bot farm different places besides just Sarkoth after a certain amount of runs or time so that it will even seem more human like as people do sometimes switch places that they farm after getting bored but this won't come anytime soon. Still in the works.

    -I'm also currently working on a warrior's rest item farming bot that will try and pick up only ilvl 61+ yellows, orange, and greens. Blues could be picked up too but it's usually disabled. I'm also open to suggestions so please don't hesitate to post and I'll reply if it interests me.

    ***HOW TO USE***
    1. First off, your skill set up will need to be the same as mine. (Wizard)
    1(Magic Weapon//Force Weapon), 2(Familiar//Sparkflint), 3(Energy Armor//Prismatic Armor), 4(Archon//Improved Archon), LMB(Venom Hydra), RMB(Blizzard)

    2. Change quest, select Act 1 Quest 2 (Explore Cellar). Once in, go through the WP and walk towards(north west) the path to Sarkoth. You should hit a checkpoint. If you didn't see a checkpoint come up then redo it again because this is important in the sense where it will be the starting point for the bot. Once that is done, leave game.

    3. Make sure your diablo client is 1024x748 windowed mode. I would recommend turning down all the detail qualities to the lowest cause there's no need for fancy effects when you aren't even really playing.

    4. While in main menu, turn on the script by running "Unequivocalbot.exe". You will know it's on when you see a little autoit icon pop up in the bottom left of your screen where all your other icons should normally be. Then press "Insert" to start the bot. It will then move your window client and resize it again (If things look more blurry then usual then try manual moving your window client a little bit to anywhere). To end the bot at any time just spam the "End" button.

    Virustotal Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/file/928b...is/1345176493/
    Virusscan: UnequivocalBot Version 1.0.rar - Jotti's malware scan

    Alternative link if forum attached file link isn't working or showing: http://www.mediafire.com/?vk7k6soieox3gmy
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by aeonwalker; 08-17-2012 at 12:02 AM.

    Unequivocal Bot by aeonwalker
  2. #2
    kindbudz's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    "If it didn't spawn then it'll try to defend itself for a moment while waiting the set time of about 1 minute or more because it's not viable to leave right away after a failed spawn. "

    why not just teleport to town and wait the 1 minute rather than try to defend yourself for 60 seconds against a LOT of different possible combinations of monsters that might spawn. does this bot die often?

  3. #3
    aeonwalker's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by kindbudz View Post
    "If it didn't spawn then it'll try to defend itself for a moment while waiting the set time of about 1 minute or more because it's not viable to leave right away after a failed spawn. "

    why not just teleport to town and wait the 1 minute rather than try to defend yourself for 60 seconds against a LOT of different possible combinations of monsters that might spawn. does this bot die often?
    lol that's a good point, I'll take that into consideration for my next update. Thanks for the suggestion! In regards to your question, it does die occasionally cause zombies spawn close or block the path and the fact that my wizard can only take like 3-5 hits before dying (crap gf gear). But with ok gear, it should be able to survive long enough for the attempt to ward of monsters while waiting. If you do try, please let me know how it goes for ya.

  4. #4
    voidlife's Avatar Member
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    thanks for the post... will check script..
    on a side note ..you are saying armor turns yellow.. I hope not too often, or else, its a sink!! LOL

    wait, what ? only exe ? seriously ?

  5. #5
    SuperKop's Avatar Contributor
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    Failing to see how this is going to be different from any of the other multiple sarkoth bots that are currently available. Because it waits in town when it doesn't find a cellar? Mine already does that. Just beating a dead horse now it seems.

  6. #6
    aeonwalker's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by SuperKop View Post
    Failing to see how this is going to be different from any of the other multiple sarkoth bots that are currently available. Because it waits in town when it doesn't find a cellar? Mine already does that. Just beating a dead horse now it seems.
    You're right, as of the moment it's not any different from the other ones as I've said in my future note patches that I'll include new features when I can. I just wanted to try and release this stable one first then build from there. I have other things in the works already like exploring random maps and fighting random monsters. Thanks for your post though. I'll try to make it better than others that are out there.

  7. #7
    aeonwalker's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by voidlife View Post
    thanks for the post... will check script..
    on a side note ..you are saying armor turns yellow.. I hope not too often, or else, its a sink!! LOL

    wait, what ? only exe ? seriously ?
    Mine doesn't turn yellow too often. I think it'll depend on how geared your gf wizard is. If he is packing purely gold find with little to no resistance then it probably won't be efficient. I'll try to utilize other skills like teleport//wormhole in the near future and this bot also utilizes default movement speed. In regards to your question, yes, besides the .dll that's all this bot has and needs at the moment. It doesn't utilize anything else so it should make it safe from Warden. As of my experience/speculations of how Warden works(I could be wrong so bear with me), I believe it has a list of public program processes that it adds to it's database and scans a computer's Windows Task Manager Processes. Should it find such a match, then it'll be banned. However, I've read in various places that this is not true and that they use to do this but they quit doing it because of lawsuits or something but who knows. So, my advice is to maybe change the .exe to something else. The reason why I stated that is because I used my own private bot since the beginning of launch and never got banned (13 accounts). Then one day, I switched it to the stupid Act 4 In town chest farming and got all 12 banned in one day. Warden can't detect this, it's based of player action.

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