I think they are posted on these forums
How does it work? (Learn more about CoreCoins here)
I think they are posted on these forums
Hey Guys
I purchased many many bots before and this has put everything to shame in my opinion this is the best thing on the market right now !!
Try It out !!
Thanks for the vouches! We are at 19 customers from ownedcore. Visit the discord and see for yourself!
Last edited by d2r-bot; 10-09-2022 at 10:54 PM.
bot is running smooth. no need to buy bitcoin. cant beat the price, half of what jiguan price and yet runs just as good!
Very impressed with this bot. Half the price as other bots and accepts PayPal. User interface is also way better. Can change runs on the fly. Also can pause the bot leave the game and make a trade. Then unpause and resume run. So handy.
iam happy with this bot! very smooth easy to handle.
very good support fast and clean answers!!!
Thanks for the positive feedback! Much appreciated.
For anyone still waiting around, come join our discord to see it for yourself.
Great staff, support, and community
Thank you!
Thanks for all the feedback! Much appreciated.
Anyone looking to buy, please add me on discord: ex#5818
Last edited by d2r-bot; 10-15-2022 at 09:18 PM.
We just got hit with a ban wave along with other bot communities. Wait for update!
My discord account just got banned for violation of discord terms of service. If any customers see this, please add my new account
Last edited by d2r-bot; 10-14-2022 at 12:42 AM.
As of today, at the time of writing this message. GID has been reworked with a new functioning bypass. It is currently being tested by multiple people and a few bugs have been found. Many of you know that a huge ban wave hit a on Oct 10, and then again on Oct 11 and on Oct 12 they hit the maphack community.
Again, I want to reiterate that it is never safe to bot, its a matter of when, not "if".
discord: ex#5818
i'm interested. I sent you a request on discord
discord link is broken, could i get an invite?