• OwnedCore Report #89 - Tomorrow >Sponsored by Eldorado<

    Tomorrow BFA Dies

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    News on Classic

    Since Classic is what everybody is talking about and with it coming out tomorrow I will keep this Classic WoW focused for 1 more week.


    For starters Zygor Classic is available for Donators and ranks from Contributor and above.


    Classic LFG is officially shut down. If you are out of the loop there was an addon that was apparently using Vanilla's API called Classic LFG. This addon basically added a way to find groups for anything including quests, raids, dungeons and a lot of mixed reactions came from this. Some said if it uses Vanilla's API than it is technically true to Classic WoW. Others say this type of group forming goes against everything Classic stands for. Blizzard, after all the buzz released this statement.

    We’ve been closely following the community discussion around this add-on for WoW Classic, as well as analyzing it to make sure we understand how it works. After careful examination, we believe the nature of ClassicLFG is incompatible with our social design for Classic. Thus, in an upcoming patch (in the weeks following launch), we will be adding restrictions to the Classic add-on API that will significantly limit this add-on and others like it.

    In line with what we shared at BlizzCon last year, we intend to be very careful about allowing add-on functionality that might undermine aspects of the social dynamics that are core to the Classic experience, even in cases like this where it’s clear that the addon author had no ill intent and was simply trying to provide a service to the Classic community. Ultimately, if a streamlined group-finding system was something we considered compatible with Classic, we would have kept the modern Premade Group Finder tool rather than choosing to remove it from the Classic client.

    It’s difficult to articulate a clear-cut rule for exactly when an add-on crosses the line. However, when an add-on goes beyond presenting information or providing aesthetic customization, and attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on, we are likely to scrutinize it particularly closely.
    They say something here that was brought up a lot in the debates across all platforms. "Attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on." A lot of people for this add-on said "just because it exists and others use it doesn't mean you need to. You can keep your vanilla pure." I saw statements that were like that everywhere and on the literal end I guess they are right, if I wanted to I could just avoid it but on the other end I am excluding myself from a lot of social interactions with others if the majority do end up using it which in turn makes my game experience feel more solo. Personally I wouldn't have minded if this add-on was not chopped but I also understood why it was chopped. This opinion might stem from my lack of trust with Blizzard and the slippery slope of allowing everything that can be made on Classic's API through no questions asked could cause.


    Blizzard released these fun shorts on Classic WoW with the old developers.


    The Classic WoW team did an AMA on the /r/ClassicWoW Reddit and they compiled it on the official site. I'll link that HERE and also include some of my favorite questions and answers below.

    Q: Will PAID transfers also be a thing should a server drop heavily in population and a player wishes to move to find more activity or reconvene with friends on another server?

    A: We’re considering integrating a character transfer service once players have reached higher levels. This was available in the original WoW. We’ll look at the rules we imposed at that time and also discuss the implications of players moving to a new realm. We believe realm identity is an important aspect of Classic so any guidelines around transfers should support this belief.

    Q: Will there be paid services for Classic?

    A: We aren’t considering other services beyond character transfer at this time.

    Q: What are the plans after Phase 6? More content for classic or moving to TBC?

    A: We’ve done most of the hard work by bringing back 1.12 so progressing to Burning Crusade would be a lot easier for us. Our plan is to identify everything we need to do should we ever decide to go this route. We want to be sensitive to the desires of our players. Some may want BC and some may not. We’ll be following the Classic community closely to help determine what our next steps should be.

    Q: Will we see a maintenance downtime the morning after Launch?

    A: We are not currently planning a maintenance downtime for the morning after launch.

    Q: When you went through some of the old code, did you find any work that really stood out and you couldn’t believe they achieved what they did back in 2006?

    A: I found old code that stood out because I wrote it in 2005! What I am most impressed by is the longevity of our code base. We don’t toss out old systems just to rebuild again from scratch. We mostly take an evolutionary approach, which is to say we improve and extend systems as far as they can. When code systems do reach an overextended point, that’s when we try and refactor out common components or pay down tech debt. On the engineering side, the technical decisions we make should be done in service of delivering great gaming experiences.

    Q: One of my core memory from Classic was Halloween holiday event. I know it got introduced in 1.8 patch and its model was a bit different from current. Like for e.g. Trick or Treat was given by innkeeper with 1h CD. As this and other holiday events are quite soon from now (like 1-2 months), can we expect it being live with old functionalities?

    A: Trick or Treat! Yes, because we’re based on patch 1.12’s data, holidays will play out as day did during that patch. So we look forward to spooky treats and happy haunts this October!

    Q: The only thing I wanna know is, can we still pull Lord Kazzak to Stormwind?

    A: Kazzak has a hard leash in 1.12. But there are other bosses in the world that do not!


    Some memes for the road

    This article was originally published in forum thread: OwnedCore Report #89 - Tomorrow >Sponsored by Eldorado< started by Kenneth View original post