• OwnedCore Report #23

    Greetings community of OwnedCore and welcome to the 23rd rOwnedCore Report. This is our 2nd report in the new weekly format. This week will cover gaming news from around the globe, community highlights, and more.

    Community Highlights

    Advanta is back again with an insane thread revolving around farming the recipe for Arcanite Ripper efficiently by using a macro. All details + a video are inside.

    Click HERE to go right to the thread.

    Crysto found an interesting way to get pet damage from your Beast Mastery hunter using a ring. This is a must view if your a BM Hunter in Mythic Raiding.

    Click HERE to go right to the thread

    Into min maxing? Dekonstrukt found a way to obtain the Mark of the Wild Buff even though it was removed in 7.03. Might not technically be an exploit, but a good find nonetheless.

    Click HERE to go right to the thread.

    ChivalrousBoosting posted a guide on how to get better at League of Legends.

    Click HERE to go right to the thread.

    Gaming News From Around the Globe

    Path of Exile sells 80% of their Company to Tencent

    Grinding Gears, the company that made Path of Exile, decided to sell 80% of their ownership to Tencent, the 5th largest tech company in the world. This isn't the first gaming company Tencent has gobbled up. Popular companies such as Epic Games, who Tencent own 20% of, and Riot Games, who they own all of, are all under the umbrella of this tech giant. This particular purchase of 80% of Grinding Gears came as a pretty big shock though. Grinding Gears was that company that made an ARPG that beat out AAA studio competitors such as Diablo 3 all without a pay-to-win structure. Instead they were funded by things such as starter packs in seasons which included skins and quality of life upgrades like storage space. Every purchase felt like you were truly helping fund this small company and keeping the game that you loved alive. But now with 80% of the company gone to Tencent people are feeling a bit down in the dumps.

    Some are worried they might go pay to win like so many Chinese games have and others, like iddiamond on Reddit, are worried how it will change the view of the average consumer with his comment stating "Now its Tencent/GGG vs Activision/Blizzard. This takes a little shine off the appeal of knowing that a big part of our money we spend goes into funding a giant all consuming company. No longer just some indy dev." The David vs Goliath mentality is gone. Now some are looking at the bright side saying things like "Tencent didn't make League of Legends pay-to-win" which is a very true statement. It might have payment options but nobody can blame the amount they spent on why their not doing well in the game.

    So what happens now? Well for starters we got the Incursion League starting on June 1st. Most people who have bought starter packs for the league cosmetics probably already have without knowing 80% of their dollar are now going to Tencent. I personally think we will feel the true impact of this deal later in the summer when the next big league starts. But in reality, if your into POE right now you're probably not quitting because of this. This is the only true ARPG out there with games like D3 being completely destroyed. Maybe a little less starter packs are bought but this probably won't do much to the game except give it a lot more funding for cool stuff to be added. Here's to hoping.

    Battlefield 5 is getting hated after trailer is released.

    Battlefield 5 has released the trailer to their newest game on the 23rd and it has racked up almost 300,000 dislikes already, more than likes. But why? If you remember last year they had one of the most liked Youtube Trailers of all time with their trailer for Battlefield 1. Well some people just didn't like the trailer but what seems to be bothering most of the community is the girl in the trailer. The criticism about this female soldier is that she for one has warpaint on her face but most importantly a robotic arm. Now to me this looks very cool but to a Battlefield fan this is going against their "historically accurate" franchise. See, Battlefield promises historically accurate versions of specific points in time with their games. This means if woman were not soldiers in World War 2 than don't include them as playable characters in the game based on World War 2.

    People have tried telling the female soldier critics that women did in fact serve as combat roles in World War 2 but they usually respond with "not with warpaint on their face and mechanical arms". Which is hard to disagree with. Most women who did serve did so as combat medics. Aleksander Grondal, an executive producer for Battlefield 5, said "will always put fun over authentic." Regardless it seems this issue with fans is black or white. If you see Battlefield as this authentic piece of art than this trailer is going to chap your ass. If you couldn't care less how accurate it is, than this trailer is over the top, fun, and looks promising for the game.

    On a complete side note from the criticism Battlefield 5 will NOT include a Battle Royale. Now this to me is the BIGGEST shock of them all, way more than a robot arm in a WW2 battlefield.

    TotalBiscuit dies aged 33

    I won't make this long since 99% of you already know this but it wouldn't be right to not put one of the most O.G gaming Youtubers on our news report after his passing. TotalBiscuit recently passed at the age of 33 on May 24th. I highly recommend watching one of his last interviews which was on the H3H3 podcast. Click here for that interview.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: OwnedCore Report #23 started by Kenneth View original post
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Nyarly's Avatar
      Nyarly -
      So sad you didn't feature Coffee Induced Dreams
      So here it is : go watch that video !

      (Cool news report anyway )