• What makes The Elder Scrolls Online Different From Other MMO's?

    Path to Mount Hyjal-3cedb127a1c30b79e875646a647cf900-jpg

    The Elder Scrolls series has been always very well know for its deep storyline and real time combat (same in third and first person gameplay) - things that many other MMO's are lacking. But apparently this is not going to be the case with ESO. Has Bethesda Softworks found a way to implement these features into their upcoming MMO game? Lets take a closer look on what kind of "MMO-improvements" we can expect.

    As we've already mentioned in one of our previous articles, the combat system in The Elder Scrolls Online is going to look more like the one we know from previous Elder Scrolls games, than the one we're used to in most MMO's, but what does it mean exactly? Well it means they're introducing dynamic-type combat, based on player reflex, skillshots and using only few abilities at the same time, rather than being forced into a boring fight with tons of buttons and long casting time.

    Another thing that makes ESO different from many other MMO's are character classes. In ESO you can pick one of 4 different classes and 3 skill trees. This doesn't sound much different than other MMO games, but unlike WoW, you can add new skill trees during the game, or pick up any weapon, any class of armor, and use it no matter what class you are. For example, you can play as a mage with a two handed sword, or a warrior in cloth armor. You'll look like a pretty little princess.

    So what do you think, is The Elder Scrolls Online gonna give us a completely new experience unlike any other MMO before? Or is it going to end up as another WoW-like clone that gets boring after few days of gameplay? Make sure to let us know what do you think about it in comments below!
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Jaerin's Avatar
      Jaerin -
      I think the game and world will look gorgeous, but I'm not sure the gameplay is going to pan out.

      The "gameplay" video doesn't show anything in any form of UI so either isn't going to be one, or we just don't know. If you are stuck to using one weapon with a couple of attacks and some minor spells I think its not going to really be that long lasting. It will have a cult following, but I don't think it will be a huge blockbuster hit in the long run. It will likely sell a lot of copies on hype alone.
    1. Master674's Avatar
      Master674 -
      The "gameplay" video doesn't show anything in any form of UI.
      Haha probably it does, you just cant see it Skyrim UI :P
    1. KuRIoS's Avatar
      KuRIoS -
      What has been shown so far has been a temendious let down...
    1. SSJFirenova's Avatar
      SSJFirenova -
      Agreed game deos not look good, sadly coz i really want a new good mmo
    1. moor2's Avatar
      moor2 -
      Dynamic combat was in Warhammer Online.. wihch didnt end well.
      And the equip system, well why not its TES.. that could be awesome
    1. Strangletusk's Avatar
      Strangletusk -
      To be honest, I've never been one for getting really into the whole realm of PvE and PvP - I usually prefer to just relax and quest. So for me, ESO looks hugely promising. The world looks gorgeous, and while I'm still a tad skeptical of how the combat will end up in the end, it does at least look more fun than what we have to put up with in WoW.

      So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Looks like it could be a nice game for just losing yourself in the world, exploring the nooks and crannies and so on. Which to me, is what ES has always been about anyway.
    1. xiongyunqiang's Avatar
      xiongyunqiang -
      Yes,it's a great improvement of MMORPG ,on the other hand ,by doing this make player's do more researching on different developing ways and creating more "roles",but not stable class atribution.
    1. Drogant's Avatar
      Drogant -
      I liked the combat style of skyrim and older TES so i belive this could be pretty nice. Iam only afraid if they will be able to balance pvp.
    1. Fisher's Avatar
      Fisher -
      I'm anxious to check out that combat system tbh. Never was a fan of 50 skills to spam.
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