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  1. #1
    Torpedoes's Avatar ★ Elder ★ Doomsayer
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    WoW Opcode Distribution

    Recently, I've been working on some pretty cool reverse engineering tools to help me reverse applications faster. While most of my work is on WoW, I have been known to work on other games in the past. But regardless, I wanted to share with you the results of my latest work. Although this is part of a larger project, perhaps you will find it useful as well.

    Some background, while I was working on a tool, I realized that it might be helpful to know what instructions the game used and how often it used them. In essence, I wanted a "distribution" of the opcodes used in the game. A brief search online turned up nothing useful so I wrote a quick parser to calculate this information myself. I exported an ASM file from IDA and ran it through my parser. Below you will find the results for both x86 and x64 versions of the game (Version

    Please keep in mind that this might not be 100% accurate but it does paint a good picture of what instructions are being used.

    x86 Opcode Distribution
       Function Count: 72895
    Instruction Count: 3511902
    Uniq Instructions: 396
    OPCODE         | COUNT
    mov            | 798489
    push           | 687294
    call           | 284799
    pop            | 253165
    lea            | 157733
    test           | 127412
    jz             | 123722
    cmp            | 116614
    add            | 101945
    retn           | 78795
    jmp            | 74289
    jnz            | 72545
    movss          | 69509
    xor            | 69309
    movsd          | 43200
    and            | 39884
    inc            | 36737
    sub            | 36364
    movzx          | 25352
    mulss          | 22409
    or             | 18120
    dec            | 17465
    movaps         | 16271
    addss          | 13573
    shr            | 12303
    jbe            | 12005
    imul           | 11699
    shl            | 11351
    jb             | 11313
    subss          | 8229
    movdqa         | 7532
    comiss         | 7202
    jle            | 6437
    fstp           | 6325
    movd           | 6307
    jl             | 6240
    ja             | 6208
    jnb            | 6164
    xorps          | 4767
    cmovnz         | 4673
    sar            | 4462
    movsx          | 3927
    rep            | 3118
    jg             | 2975
    cvtdq2pd       | 2919
    jge            | 2767
    cdq            | 2687
    cvtps2pd       | 2481
    cvtdq2ps       | 2474
    setnz          | 2464
    jns            | 2264
    divss          | 2149
    neg            | 2131
    addsd          | 2004
    div            | 1929
    js             | 1749
    cmovz          | 1714
    mulps          | 1710
    paddd          | 1599
    shufps         | 1581
    sbb            | 1483
    addps          | 1448
    movq           | 1368
    fld            | 1367
    cvtpd2ps       | 1312
    paddw          | 1254
    setz           | 1231
    movdqu         | 1160
    pmaddwd        | 1099
    adc            | 1082
    cmovb          | 1050
    subps          | 1032
    movups         | 989
    idiv           | 981
    punpcklbw      | 950
    cvttss2si      | 902
    psrad          | 893
    lahf           | 832
    ucomiss        | 788
    not            | 787
    movlpd         | 705
    cmovg          | 685
    fmul           | 675
    cmova          | 669
    psubw          | 629
    cmovl          | 608
    align          | 565
    punpcklwd      | 550
    cvttsd2si      | 528
    unpcklps       | 517
    punpckhwd      | 482
    ror            | 458
    packssdw       | 449
    jp             | 444
    jnp            | 426
    stosd          | 417
    mulsd          | 413
    paddsw         | 411
    movmskps       | 390
    setnle         | 382
    mul            | 351
    rol            | 343
    shrd           | 341
    psraw          | 337
    fadd           | 321
    pshufd         | 310
    pmullw         | 306
    cvtss2si       | 304
    lock           | 301
    cmpltps        | 297
    cmovs          | 293
    packuswb       | 287
    vmovdqu        | 283
    pavgb          | 270
    pxor           | 264
    shld           | 259
    nop            | 255
    punpcklqdq     | 250
    punpckhbw      | 248
    cmovnb         | 235
    pmaddubsw      | 232
    vpaddw         | 220
    cwde           | 215
    punpckldq      | 213
    movapd         | 209
    fldz           | 203
    por            | 199
    palignr        | 197
    psrldq         | 196
    psubusb        | 187
    pshuflw        | 179
    fld1           | 173
    mulpd          | 169
    punpckhdq      | 167
    cvtss2sd       | 157
    punpckhqdq     | 155
    setnbe         | 150
    setnl          | 147
    subsd          | 146
    pand           | 145
    movhlps        | 140
    cmovbe         | 134
    comisd         | 134
    vmovdqa        | 129
    maxps          | 126
    fst            | 116
    setb           | 112
    int            | 107
    pshufb         | 106
    cmpleps        | 104
    andps          | 103
    fabs           | 102
    fsub           | 102
    fdiv           | 100
    psrlw          | 100
    addpd          | 95
    pcmpgtw        | 91
    setl           | 89
    fsincos        | 87
    pshufw         | 87
    minps          | 83
    seto           | 82
    vpunpckhbw     | 80
    fxch           | 78
    cmovge         | 77
    vpunpcklbw     | 77
    psrlq          | 75
    rcpps          | 75
    xorpd          | 75
    pextrw         | 74
    setnb          | 73
    psllq          | 72
    psubd          | 72
    vpsubusb       | 72
    vpsubw         | 72
    andpd          | 71
    sqrtss         | 70
    fsubr          | 68
    vpmaddubsw     | 64
    vpor           | 64
    subpd          | 62
    vpaddd         | 61
    divsd          | 59
    faddp          | 58
    pandn          | 58
    fdivrp         | 57
    cvtsd2ss       | 55
    paddsb         | 53
    pcmpeqb        | 53
    pmaxub         | 53
    ucomisd        | 52
    psubsw         | 50
    movsw          | 49
    pshufhw        | 48
    vpackuswb      | 48
    setle          | 47
    vpand          | 46
    cmovle         | 45
    vpsrlw         | 45
    orps           | 44
    vpsraw         | 44
    sets           | 41
    pmaxsw         | 40
    vpmaddwd       | 40
    vpshufb        | 40
    setbe          | 39
    bswap          | 38
    leave          | 38
    orpd           | 38
    pminsw         | 38
    bts            | 37
    fmulp          | 36
    movhps         | 36
    packsswb       | 36
    vbroadcastf128 | 36
    fdivr          | 35
    fnstsw         | 35
    sqrtps         | 35
    cpuid          | 34
    fsubrp         | 34
    vpaddsw        | 33
    movsb          | 32
    pmovmskb       | 32
    vpandn         | 32
    fstsw          | 31
    vmovups        | 31
    stmxcsr        | 29
    vpmaxub        | 29
    xchg           | 29
    fsubp          | 28
    movhpd         | 28
    andnps         | 27
    fild           | 27
    pinsrw         | 27
    unpcklpd       | 27
    bsr            | 26
    fnstcw         | 26
    psubsb         | 26
    cmovns         | 25
    vpavgb         | 25
    fldcw          | 24
    psubb          | 24
    setns          | 24
    fstcw          | 22
    bsf            | 21
    bt             | 21
    fchs           | 20
    movlhps        | 20
    vmovd          | 20
    vpermq         | 20
    fistp          | 19
    psadbw         | 19
    vxorps         | 19
    fcomp          | 18
    stosb          | 18
    vpsrldq        | 18
    vpxor          | 18
    maxss          | 17
    pslld          | 17
    stosw          | 17
    unpckhpd       | 17
    pmulld         | 16
    vshufps        | 16
    cvtpi2ps       | 15
    pcmpgtd        | 15
    sahf           | 15
    vmovhps        | 15
    vmovq          | 15
    vpaddsb        | 15
    cld            | 14
    minss          | 14
    paddusb        | 14
    pavgw          | 14
    pcmpeqd        | 14
    pcmpgtb        | 14
    vzeroupper     | 13
    cvtps2dq       | 12
    rcr            | 12
    vinserti128    | 12
    vpcmpeqb       | 12
    wait           | 12
    vextractf128   | 11
    fcompp         | 10
    prefetcht0     | 10
    vmulps         | 10
    movlps         | 9
    std            | 9
    cbw            | 8
    fcom           | 8
    fpatan         | 8
    fscale         | 8
    psllw          | 8
    sqrtsd         | 8
    vpmaxsw        | 8
    vpminsw        | 8
    cmpeqps        | 7
    cmpeqsd        | 7
    frndint        | 7
    paddq          | 7
    pause          | 7
    psubq          | 7
    rsqrtss        | 7
    vaddps         | 7
    cvtsd2si       | 6
    paddb          | 6
    pmaxsd         | 6
    pminsd         | 6
    pmulhrsw       | 6
    vpbroadcastb   | 6
    vpshufd        | 6
    vpsubsb        | 6
    cvtsi2sd       | 5
    fucompp        | 5
    ldmxcsr        | 5
    pcmpistri      | 5
    pushf          | 5
    cmpltpd        | 4
    cvtsi2ss       | 4
    fldpi          | 4
    fsqrt          | 4
    fucom          | 4
    rsqrtps        | 4
    vpackssdw      | 4
    vpacksswb      | 4
    vpaddusb       | 4
    vpsrad         | 4
    vpunpckhdq     | 4
    vpunpckhwd     | 4
    vpunpckldq     | 4
    vpunpcklwd     | 4
    cmpltss        | 3
    cmpnless       | 3
    cvttps2pi      | 3
    divps          | 3
    emms           | 3
    fcomi          | 3
    fcomip         | 3
    fnclex         | 3
    fprem1         | 3
    ftst           | 3
    fxam           | 3
    fyl2x          | 3
    shufpd         | 3
    vpcmpgtb       | 3
    xgetbv         | 3
    xlat           | 3
    andnpd         | 2
    blendvps       | 2
    cmpneqps       | 2
    cmpnlepd       | 2
    cvttpd2dq      | 2
    f2xm1          | 2
    fcos           | 2
    fldl2e         | 2
    fptan          | 2
    fsin           | 2
    insertps       | 2
    movupd         | 2
    pcmpeqw        | 2
    pmovsxwd       | 2
    pslldq         | 2
    rdtsc          | 2
    repne          | 2
    setnp          | 2
    vbroadcasti128 | 2
    vcvtdq2ps      | 2
    vcvtps2dq      | 2
    vpcmpgtw       | 2
    vpmovzxbd      | 2
    vpsubsw        | 2
    clc            | 1
    cmpltsd        | 1
    cmpneqpd       | 1
    cmpnleps       | 1
    cmpnlesd       | 1
    dpps           | 1
    fdivp          | 1
    fldlg2         | 1
    fldln2         | 1
    fprem          | 1
    frstor         | 1
    fsave          | 1
    fucomp         | 1
    jno            | 1
    minsd          | 1
    pinsrb         | 1
    popf           | 1
    psrld          | 1
    ptest          | 1
    pusha          | 1
    rcpss          | 1
    sqrtpd         | 1
    unpckhps       | 1
    vinsertf128    | 1
    vrsqrtps       | 1
    vtestps        | 1
    x64 Opcode Distribution
       Function Count: 59838
    Instruction Count: 3867947
    Uniq Instructions: 371
    OPCODE         | COUNT
    mov            | 1287081
    lea            | 319704
    call           | 260264
    test           | 186900
    jz             | 165308
    cmp            | 156462
    add            | 132320
    jnz            | 114510
    xor            | 105343
    jmp            | 86986
    pop            | 84134
    sub            | 78542
    retn           | 74118
    movss          | 66314
    movaps         | 65908
    push           | 59945
    movzx          | 52731
    movups         | 50865
    inc            | 33340
    mulss          | 29029
    movsxd         | 28120
    and            | 27091
    nop            | 26210
    or             | 26076
    dec            | 20507
    shr            | 20019
    addss          | 18793
    jnb            | 16975
    shl            | 15908
    jb             | 15837
    imul           | 12899
    jbe            | 12720
    movsd          | 11817
    subss          | 10507
    comiss         | 10297
    xorps          | 10067
    movdqa         | 9338
    shufps         | 7650
    ja             | 7250
    sar            | 7193
    jl             | 7103
    jle            | 6815
    mulps          | 6044
    movd           | 5853
    movsx          | 4833
    addps          | 4495
    jge            | 4443
    cvtdq2ps       | 3788
    setnz          | 3676
    jns            | 3426
    btr            | 3390
    cmovnz         | 3002
    jg             | 2984
    divss          | 2946
    bts            | 2784
    bt             | 2620
    js             | 2599
    cmovz          | 2588
    cmovb          | 2586
    unpcklps       | 2480
    xchg           | 2459
    div            | 2421
    movq           | 2336
    subps          | 2119
    paddd          | 2022
    lock           | 2020
    cvttss2si      | 1943
    cvtsi2ss       | 1862
    setz           | 1655
    neg            | 1582
    cmova          | 1494
    paddw          | 1467
    pmaddwd        | 1452
    cdqe           | 1417
    andps          | 1370
    psrad          | 1251
    cvtdq2pd       | 1215
    cvttsd2si      | 1171
    ucomiss        | 1136
    cvtps2pd       | 948
    align          | 943
    punpcklbw      | 918
    movdqu         | 904
    cdq            | 897
    not            | 881
    psubw          | 872
    sqrtss         | 785
    cmovg          | 764
    cqo            | 750
    mul            | 700
    cvtsi2sd       | 691
    punpcklwd      | 657
    cmovl          | 652
    movmskps       | 633
    psrldq         | 632
    packssdw       | 629
    mulsd          | 620
    cmovnb         | 609
    punpckhwd      | 590
    rol            | 557
    ror            | 480
    setb           | 456
    paddsw         | 423
    cmpltps        | 418
    cvtss2si       | 402
    addsd          | 401
    psraw          | 352
    idiv           | 328
    cvtsd2ss       | 321
    sbb            | 321
    pmullw         | 288
    packuswb       | 276
    rep            | 275
    punpcklqdq     | 265
    vmovdqu        | 262
    setnbe         | 261
    pshufd         | 258
    pmaddubsw      | 254
    int            | 253
    punpckldq      | 242
    cmovs          | 237
    punpckhbw      | 229
    subsd          | 221
    vpaddw         | 217
    por            | 213
    comisd         | 210
    pavgb          | 194
    setl           | 194
    setnb          | 188
    psubusb        | 187
    movhlps        | 179
    punpckhdq      | 176
    punpckhqdq     | 174
    maxps          | 170
    pxor           | 165
    cmovbe         | 156
    setnle         | 153
    vmovaps        | 151
    cvtss2sd       | 143
    setnl          | 143
    pshuflw        | 142
    cmovge         | 129
    vmulsd         | 129
    pand           | 128
    rcpps          | 122
    setbe          | 120
    cmpleps        | 119
    rsqrtps        | 116
    orps           | 106
    sets           | 102
    cwde           | 101
    vfmadd213sd    | 101
    psrlw          | 100
    pcmpgtw        | 99
    andnps         | 93
    movapd         | 93
    vmovsd         | 89
    minps          | 85
    divsd          | 84
    pshufw         | 83
    cmovo          | 82
    ucomisd        | 80
    vpor           | 80
    vmovq          | 79
    vmovdqa        | 76
    vpunpcklbw     | 75
    vpand          | 73
    vpsubusb       | 72
    vpsubw         | 72
    psubd          | 71
    vpunpckhbw     | 70
    vaddsd         | 68
    vsubsd         | 68
    cvtpd2ps       | 66
    vpmaddubsw     | 64
    vpaddd         | 63
    cmovle         | 60
    vmovapd        | 59
    vmovups        | 58
    pandn          | 54
    pmulhrsw       | 54
    setle          | 54
    paddsb         | 53
    pmaxub         | 53
    palignr        | 52
    setns          | 51
    vmovd          | 51
    pmulld         | 50
    pshufhw        | 50
    vpackuswb      | 48
    bsr            | 45
    vpsrlw         | 45
    sqrtps         | 44
    vpsraw         | 44
    pmaxsw         | 41
    pminsw         | 41
    vpmaddwd       | 40
    vpshufb        | 40
    cmpeqps        | 39
    packsswb       | 39
    bsf            | 38
    paddq          | 38
    pshufb         | 38
    pcmpeqb        | 37
    cmovns         | 36
    vpaddsw        | 33
    vfmadd231sd    | 32
    vpandn         | 32
    bswap          | 31
    adc            | 30
    psubsw         | 30
    vpmaxub        | 29
    cpuid          | 28
    movhpd         | 28
    movhps         | 27
    vpxor          | 27
    psubsb         | 26
    vbroadcastf128 | 26
    vxorps         | 26
    mulpd          | 25
    vpavgb         | 25
    jp             | 24
    movlpd         | 24
    movlhps        | 23
    pmovzxdq       | 22
    psrlq          | 20
    unpcklpd       | 20
    vpermq         | 20
    vpsrldq        | 20
    movmskpd       | 19
    vshufps        | 19
    vcomisd        | 18
    maxss          | 17
    vandpd         | 16
    addpd          | 15
    minss          | 15
    pextrw         | 15
    vmovhps        | 15
    vpaddsb        | 15
    paddusb        | 14
    pavgw          | 14
    pcmpgtb        | 14
    pslld          | 14
    vcvtdq2pd      | 14
    vfnmadd231sd   | 14
    vmulss         | 14
    vaddss         | 13
    pmovmskb       | 12
    subpd          | 12
    vdivsd         | 12
    vinserti128    | 12
    vpcmpeqb       | 12
    vxorpd         | 12
    xorpd          | 12
    andpd          | 11
    pmaxsd         | 11
    vextractf128   | 11
    vmovss         | 11
    vorpd          | 11
    vpshufd        | 11
    cvtps2dq       | 10
    orpd           | 10
    pcmpgtd        | 10
    prefetcht0     | 10
    vmulps         | 10
    pause          | 9
    psllq          | 9
    psrld          | 9
    vsubss         | 9
    vzeroupper     | 9
    divps          | 8
    psllw          | 8
    vcomiss        | 8
    vpmaxsw        | 8
    vpminsw        | 8
    rsqrtss        | 7
    unpckhpd       | 7
    vaddps         | 7
    vpsrlq         | 7
    vpsubd         | 7
    cvttpd2dq      | 6
    paddb          | 6
    pmaxuw         | 6
    pminsd         | 6
    pmovsxwd       | 6
    rcr            | 6
    vcvtdq2ps      | 6
    vfmadd213ss    | 6
    vpbroadcastb   | 6
    vpsubsb        | 6
    vucomisd       | 6
    prefetchw      | 5
    vcvtsd2ss      | 5
    vcvttpd2dq     | 5
    vfmsub213sd    | 5
    vpsrad         | 5
    vpunpckldq     | 5
    cvtsd2si       | 4
    cvttps2dq      | 4
    pcmpeqd        | 4
    pmovsxdq       | 4
    pmovzxwd       | 4
    psubq          | 4
    sqrtpd         | 4
    vcvtss2sd      | 4
    vfmadd132sd    | 4
    vfmsub213ss    | 4
    vfnmadd132sd   | 4
    vpackssdw      | 4
    vpacksswb      | 4
    vpaddq         | 4
    vpaddusb       | 4
    vpsrld         | 4
    vpsubq         | 4
    vpunpckhdq     | 4
    vpunpckhwd     | 4
    vpunpcklwd     | 4
    btc            | 3
    cvtpd2dq       | 3
    vandps         | 3
    vcvtpd2dq      | 3
    vcvtsi2ss      | 3
    vcvtss2si      | 3
    vfmadd231ss    | 3
    vmulpd         | 3
    vorps          | 3
    vpcmpgtb       | 3
    vpmovsxdq      | 3
    vpsllq         | 3
    vucomiss       | 3
    xgetbv         | 3
    blendvps       | 2
    cmpltpd        | 2
    cmpneqps       | 2
    insertps       | 2
    ldmxcsr        | 2
    pabsd          | 2
    pslldq         | 2
    rdtsc          | 2
    retf           | 2
    stmxcsr        | 2
    vandnpd        | 2
    vbroadcasti128 | 2
    vcmpsd         | 2
    vcvtps2dq      | 2
    vdivss         | 2
    vfnmadd213sd   | 2
    vpcmpeqq       | 2
    vpcmpgtw       | 2
    vpmovzxbd      | 2
    vpslld         | 2
    vpsubsw        | 2
    cld            | 1
    cmplesd        | 1
    cmpnltsd       | 1
    dpps           | 1
    emms           | 1
    ptest          | 1
    pushfq         | 1
    scasd          | 1
    sqrtsd         | 1
    vaddpd         | 1
    vcvtps2pd      | 1
    vfmadd132pd    | 1
    vfmsub132sd    | 1
    vhaddpd        | 1
    vinsertf128    | 1
    vmovlhps       | 1
    vrsqrtps       | 1
    vtestps        | 1
    vunpcklpd      | 1

    WoW Opcode Distribution
  2. Thanks ev0, IChangedMyUsername (2 members gave Thanks to Torpedoes for this useful post)
  3. #2
    namreeb's Avatar Legendary

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    That's cool. I'm curious what conclusions you would draw based on this information (or more generally how it is useful to you). You might get more accurate results if you wrote a python script to use the IDA API to traverse each instruction rather than manually parsing the ASM output.

  4. #3
    Torpedoes's Avatar ★ Elder ★ Doomsayer
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    Originally Posted by namreeb View Post
    I'm curious what conclusions you would draw based on this information (or more generally how it is useful to you).
    I'm experimenting with some debugging technologies which analyze code as it's running. For certain operations I perform additional analysis and then output the results at the end. It helps to know what operations the game is performing the most so that I can learn more about them and improve my analysis tools. Especially since my assembly skills could still use some work.

    Originally Posted by namreeb View Post
    You might get more accurate results if you wrote a python script to use the IDA API to traverse each instruction rather than manually parsing the ASM output.
    Two reasons why I didn't do that: (1) I didn't want to spend a lot of time (I don't know Python and my IDA API knowledge is really bad). On the other hand, I knew exactly how to do it with my approach and so it only took about 20 minutes to implement. (2) The results I did get were pretty accurate since IDA creates a very consistent ASM file. In essence I didn't need something too terribly accurate, just a rough idea and it seemed to work pretty well.

  5. #4
    karliky's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    I see 6325 fstp instructions for x86, I always look for instructions like that because they are used to move a float to an specific memory address, in GW2 an instruction like that is used in the day and night cycle. It's very useful to find curious values.

    Great job Torpedoes as always

  6. Thanks Torpedoes (1 members gave Thanks to karliky for this useful post)

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