[WoW] [5.4.0 17371] Release x86 Info Dump Thread menu

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    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    [WoW] [5.4.0 17371] Release x86 Info Dump Thread

    So blizzard are back to their old tricks.

    Not sure what has changed yet, but I guess its just functions, but to keep things tidy ill move add all my usual here as well.

    Descriptors (x4):
    public enum ObjectFields
       Guid = 0x0,
       Data = 0x8,
       Type = 0x10,
       EntryID = 0x14,
       DynamicFlags = 0x18,
       Scale = 0x1C,
    public enum ItemFields
       Owner = 0x20,
       ContainedIn = 0x28,
       Creator = 0x30,
       GiftCreator = 0x38,
       StackCount = 0x40,
       Expiration = 0x44,
       SpellCharges = 0x48,
       DynamicFlags = 0x5C,
       Enchantment = 0x60,
       PropertySeed = 0xFC,
       RandomPropertiesID = 0x100,
       Durability = 0x104,
       MaxDurability = 0x108,
       CreatePlayedTime = 0x10C,
       ModifiersMask = 0x110,
    public enum ContainerFields
       Slots = 0x114,
       NumSlots = 0x234,
    public enum UnitFields
       Charm = 0x20,
       Summon = 0x28,
       Critter = 0x30,
       CharmedBy = 0x38,
       SummonedBy = 0x40,
       CreatedBy = 0x48,
       DemonCreator = 0x50,
       Target = 0x58,
       BattlePetCompanionGUID = 0x60,
       ChannelObject = 0x68,
       ChannelSpell = 0x70,
       SummonedByHomeRealm = 0x74,
       Sex = 0x78,
       DisplayPower = 0x7C,
       OverrideDisplayPowerID = 0x80,
       Health = 0x84,
       Power = 0x88,
       MaxHealth = 0x9C,
       MaxPower = 0xA0,
       PowerRegenFlatModifier = 0xB4,
       PowerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = 0xC8,
       Level = 0xDC,
       EffectiveLevel = 0xE0,
       FactionTemplate = 0xE4,
       VirtualItemID = 0xE8,
       Flags = 0xF4,
       Flags2 = 0xF8,
       AuraState = 0xFC,
       AttackRoundBaseTime = 0x100,
       RangedAttackRoundBaseTime = 0x108,
       BoundingRadius = 0x10C,
       CombatReach = 0x110,
       DisplayID = 0x114,
       NativeDisplayID = 0x118,
       MountDisplayID = 0x11C,
       MinDamage = 0x120,
       MaxDamage = 0x124,
       MinOffHandDamage = 0x128,
       MaxOffHandDamage = 0x12C,
       AnimTier = 0x130,
       PetNumber = 0x134,
       PetNameTimestamp = 0x138,
       PetExperience = 0x13C,
       PetNextLevelExperience = 0x140,
       ModCastingSpeed = 0x144,
       ModSpellHaste = 0x148,
       ModHaste = 0x14C,
       ModRangedHaste = 0x150,
       ModHasteRegen = 0x154,
       CreatedBySpell = 0x158,
       NpcFlags = 0x15C,
       EmoteState = 0x164,
       Stats = 0x168,
       StatPosBuff = 0x17C,
       StatNegBuff = 0x190,
       Resistances = 0x1A4,
       ResistanceBuffModsPositive = 0x1C0,
       ResistanceBuffModsNegative = 0x1DC,
       BaseMana = 0x1F8,
       BaseHealth = 0x1FC,
       ShapeshiftForm = 0x200,
       AttackPower = 0x204,
       AttackPowerModPos = 0x208,
       AttackPowerModNeg = 0x20C,
       AttackPowerMultiplier = 0x210,
       RangedAttackPower = 0x214,
       RangedAttackPowerModPos = 0x218,
       RangedAttackPowerModNeg = 0x21C,
       RangedAttackPowerMultiplier = 0x220,
       MinRangedDamage = 0x224,
       MaxRangedDamage = 0x228,
       PowerCostModifier = 0x22C,
       PowerCostMultiplier = 0x248,
       MaxHealthModifier = 0x264,
       HoverHeight = 0x268,
       MinItemLevel = 0x26C,
       MaxItemLevel = 0x270,
       WildBattlePetLevel = 0x274,
       BattlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = 0x278,
       InteractSpellID = 0x27C,
    public enum PlayerFields
       DuelArbiter = 0x280,
       PlayerFlags = 0x288,
       GuildRankID = 0x28C,
       GuildDeleteDate = 0x290,
       GuildLevel = 0x294,
       HairColorID = 0x298,
       RestState = 0x29C,
       ArenaFaction = 0x2A0,
       DuelTeam = 0x2A4,
       GuildTimeStamp = 0x2A8,
       QuestLog = 0x2AC,
       VisibleItems = 0xE64,
       PlayerTitle = 0xEFC,
       FakeInebriation = 0xF00,
       VirtualPlayerRealm = 0xF04,
       CurrentSpecID = 0xF08,
       TaxiMountAnimKitID = 0xF0C,
       CurrentBattlePetBreedQuality = 0xF10,
       InvSlots = 0xF14,
       FarsightObject = 0x11C4,
       KnownTitles = 0x11CC,
       Coinage = 0x11F4,
       XP = 0x11FC,
       NextLevelXP = 0x1200,
       Skill = 0x1204,
       CharacterPoints = 0x1904,
       MaxTalentTiers = 0x1908,
       TrackCreatureMask = 0x190C,
       TrackResourceMask = 0x1910,
       MainhandExpertise = 0x1914,
       OffhandExpertise = 0x1918,
       RangedExpertise = 0x191C,
       CombatRatingExpertise = 0x1920,
       BlockPercentage = 0x1924,
       DodgePercentage = 0x1928,
       ParryPercentage = 0x192C,
       CritPercentage = 0x1930,
       RangedCritPercentage = 0x1934,
       OffhandCritPercentage = 0x1938,
       SpellCritPercentage = 0x193C,
       ShieldBlock = 0x1958,
       ShieldBlockCritPercentage = 0x195C,
       Mastery = 0x1960,
       PvpPowerDamage = 0x1964,
       PvpPowerHealing = 0x1968,
       ExploredZones = 0x196C,
       RestStateBonusPool = 0x1C8C,
       ModDamageDonePos = 0x1C90,
       ModDamageDoneNeg = 0x1CAC,
       ModDamageDonePercent = 0x1CC8,
       ModHealingDonePos = 0x1CE4,
       ModHealingPercent = 0x1CE8,
       ModHealingDonePercent = 0x1CEC,
       ModPeriodicHealingDonePercent = 0x1CF0,
       WeaponDmgMultipliers = 0x1CF4,
       ModSpellPowerPercent = 0x1D00,
       ModResiliencePercent = 0x1D04,
       OverrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = 0x1D08,
       OverrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = 0x1D0C,
       ModTargetResistance = 0x1D10,
       ModTargetPhysicalResistance = 0x1D14,
       LifetimeMaxRank = 0x1D18,
       SelfResSpell = 0x1D1C,
       PvpMedals = 0x1D20,
       BuybackPrice = 0x1D24,
       BuybackTimestamp = 0x1D54,
       YesterdayHonorableKills = 0x1D84,
       LifetimeHonorableKills = 0x1D88,
       WatchedFactionIndex = 0x1D8C,
       CombatRatings = 0x1D90,
       PvpInfo = 0x1DFC,
       MaxLevel = 0x1E5C,
       RuneRegen = 0x1E60,
       NoReagentCostMask = 0x1E70,
       GlyphSlots = 0x1E80,
       Glyphs = 0x1E98,
       GlyphSlotsEnabled = 0x1EB0,
       PetSpellPower = 0x1EB4,
       Researching = 0x1EB8,
       ProfessionSkillLine = 0x1ED8,
       UiHitModifier = 0x1EE0,
       UiSpellHitModifier = 0x1EE4,
       HomeRealmTimeOffset = 0x1EE8,
       ModPetHaste = 0x1EEC,
       SummonedBattlePetGUID = 0x1EF0,
       OverrideSpellsID = 0x1EF8,
       LfgBonusFactionID = 0x1EFC,
       LootSpecID = 0x1F00,
       OverrideZonePVPType = 0x1F04,
       ItemLevelDelta = 0x1F08,
    public enum GameObjectFields
       CreatedBy = 0x20,
       DisplayID = 0x28,
       Flags = 0x2C,
       ParentRotation = 0x30,
       FactionTemplate = 0x40,
       Level = 0x44,
       PercentHealth = 0x48,
       StateSpellVisualID = 0x4C,
    public enum DynamicObjectFields
       Caster = 0x20,
       TypeAndVisualID = 0x28,
       SpellID = 0x2C,
       Radius = 0x30,
       CastTime = 0x34,
    public enum CorpseFields
       Owner = 0x20,
       PartyGUID = 0x28,
       DisplayID = 0x30,
       Items = 0x34,
       SkinID = 0x80,
       FacialHairStyleID = 0x84,
       Flags = 0x88,
       DynamicFlags = 0x8C,
    public enum AreaTriggerFields
       Caster = 0x20,
       Duration = 0x28,
       SpellID = 0x2C,
       SpellVisualID = 0x30,
       ExplicitScale = 0x34,
    public enum SceneObjectFields
       ScriptPackageID = 0x20,
       RndSeedVal = 0x24,
       CreatedBy = 0x28,
       SceneType = 0x30,
    Descriptors (x1):
    public enum ObjectFields
       Guid = 0x0,
       Data = 0x2,
       Type = 0x4,
       EntryID = 0x5,
       DynamicFlags = 0x6,
       Scale = 0x7,
    public enum ItemFields
       Owner = 0x8,
       ContainedIn = 0xA,
       Creator = 0xC,
       GiftCreator = 0xE,
       StackCount = 0x10,
       Expiration = 0x11,
       SpellCharges = 0x12,
       DynamicFlags = 0x17,
       Enchantment = 0x18,
       PropertySeed = 0x3F,
       RandomPropertiesID = 0x40,
       Durability = 0x41,
       MaxDurability = 0x42,
       CreatePlayedTime = 0x43,
       ModifiersMask = 0x44,
    public enum ContainerFields
       Slots = 0x45,
       NumSlots = 0x8D,
    public enum UnitFields
       Charm = 0x8,
       Summon = 0xA,
       Critter = 0xC,
       CharmedBy = 0xE,
       SummonedBy = 0x10,
       CreatedBy = 0x12,
       DemonCreator = 0x14,
       Target = 0x16,
       BattlePetCompanionGUID = 0x18,
       ChannelObject = 0x1A,
       ChannelSpell = 0x1C,
       SummonedByHomeRealm = 0x1D,
       Sex = 0x1E,
       DisplayPower = 0x1F,
       OverrideDisplayPowerID = 0x20,
       Health = 0x21,
       Power = 0x22,
       MaxHealth = 0x27,
       MaxPower = 0x28,
       PowerRegenFlatModifier = 0x2D,
       PowerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = 0x32,
       Level = 0x37,
       EffectiveLevel = 0x38,
       FactionTemplate = 0x39,
       VirtualItemID = 0x3A,
       Flags = 0x3D,
       Flags2 = 0x3E,
       AuraState = 0x3F,
       AttackRoundBaseTime = 0x40,
       RangedAttackRoundBaseTime = 0x42,
       BoundingRadius = 0x43,
       CombatReach = 0x44,
       DisplayID = 0x45,
       NativeDisplayID = 0x46,
       MountDisplayID = 0x47,
       MinDamage = 0x48,
       MaxDamage = 0x49,
       MinOffHandDamage = 0x4A,
       MaxOffHandDamage = 0x4B,
       AnimTier = 0x4C,
       PetNumber = 0x4D,
       PetNameTimestamp = 0x4E,
       PetExperience = 0x4F,
       PetNextLevelExperience = 0x50,
       ModCastingSpeed = 0x51,
       ModSpellHaste = 0x52,
       ModHaste = 0x53,
       ModRangedHaste = 0x54,
       ModHasteRegen = 0x55,
       CreatedBySpell = 0x56,
       NpcFlags = 0x57,
       EmoteState = 0x59,
       Stats = 0x5A,
       StatPosBuff = 0x5F,
       StatNegBuff = 0x64,
       Resistances = 0x69,
       ResistanceBuffModsPositive = 0x70,
       ResistanceBuffModsNegative = 0x77,
       BaseMana = 0x7E,
       BaseHealth = 0x7F,
       ShapeshiftForm = 0x80,
       AttackPower = 0x81,
       AttackPowerModPos = 0x82,
       AttackPowerModNeg = 0x83,
       AttackPowerMultiplier = 0x84,
       RangedAttackPower = 0x85,
       RangedAttackPowerModPos = 0x86,
       RangedAttackPowerModNeg = 0x87,
       RangedAttackPowerMultiplier = 0x88,
       MinRangedDamage = 0x89,
       MaxRangedDamage = 0x8A,
       PowerCostModifier = 0x8B,
       PowerCostMultiplier = 0x92,
       MaxHealthModifier = 0x99,
       HoverHeight = 0x9A,
       MinItemLevel = 0x9B,
       MaxItemLevel = 0x9C,
       WildBattlePetLevel = 0x9D,
       BattlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = 0x9E,
       InteractSpellID = 0x9F,
    public enum PlayerFields
       DuelArbiter = 0xA0,
       PlayerFlags = 0xA2,
       GuildRankID = 0xA3,
       GuildDeleteDate = 0xA4,
       GuildLevel = 0xA5,
       HairColorID = 0xA6,
       RestState = 0xA7,
       ArenaFaction = 0xA8,
       DuelTeam = 0xA9,
       GuildTimeStamp = 0xAA,
       QuestLog = 0xAB,
       VisibleItems = 0x399,
       PlayerTitle = 0x3BF,
       FakeInebriation = 0x3C0,
       VirtualPlayerRealm = 0x3C1,
       CurrentSpecID = 0x3C2,
       TaxiMountAnimKitID = 0x3C3,
       CurrentBattlePetBreedQuality = 0x3C4,
       InvSlots = 0x3C5,
       FarsightObject = 0x471,
       KnownTitles = 0x473,
       Coinage = 0x47D,
       XP = 0x47F,
       NextLevelXP = 0x480,
       Skill = 0x481,
       CharacterPoints = 0x641,
       MaxTalentTiers = 0x642,
       TrackCreatureMask = 0x643,
       TrackResourceMask = 0x644,
       MainhandExpertise = 0x645,
       OffhandExpertise = 0x646,
       RangedExpertise = 0x647,
       CombatRatingExpertise = 0x648,
       BlockPercentage = 0x649,
       DodgePercentage = 0x64A,
       ParryPercentage = 0x64B,
       CritPercentage = 0x64C,
       RangedCritPercentage = 0x64D,
       OffhandCritPercentage = 0x64E,
       SpellCritPercentage = 0x64F,
       ShieldBlock = 0x656,
       ShieldBlockCritPercentage = 0x657,
       Mastery = 0x658,
       PvpPowerDamage = 0x659,
       PvpPowerHealing = 0x65A,
       ExploredZones = 0x65B,
       RestStateBonusPool = 0x723,
       ModDamageDonePos = 0x724,
       ModDamageDoneNeg = 0x72B,
       ModDamageDonePercent = 0x732,
       ModHealingDonePos = 0x739,
       ModHealingPercent = 0x73A,
       ModHealingDonePercent = 0x73B,
       ModPeriodicHealingDonePercent = 0x73C,
       WeaponDmgMultipliers = 0x73D,
       ModSpellPowerPercent = 0x740,
       ModResiliencePercent = 0x741,
       OverrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = 0x742,
       OverrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = 0x743,
       ModTargetResistance = 0x744,
       ModTargetPhysicalResistance = 0x745,
       LifetimeMaxRank = 0x746,
       SelfResSpell = 0x747,
       PvpMedals = 0x748,
       BuybackPrice = 0x749,
       BuybackTimestamp = 0x755,
       YesterdayHonorableKills = 0x761,
       LifetimeHonorableKills = 0x762,
       WatchedFactionIndex = 0x763,
       CombatRatings = 0x764,
       PvpInfo = 0x77F,
       MaxLevel = 0x797,
       RuneRegen = 0x798,
       NoReagentCostMask = 0x79C,
       GlyphSlots = 0x7A0,
       Glyphs = 0x7A6,
       GlyphSlotsEnabled = 0x7AC,
       PetSpellPower = 0x7AD,
       Researching = 0x7AE,
       ProfessionSkillLine = 0x7B6,
       UiHitModifier = 0x7B8,
       UiSpellHitModifier = 0x7B9,
       HomeRealmTimeOffset = 0x7BA,
       ModPetHaste = 0x7BB,
       SummonedBattlePetGUID = 0x7BC,
       OverrideSpellsID = 0x7BE,
       LfgBonusFactionID = 0x7BF,
       LootSpecID = 0x7C0,
       OverrideZonePVPType = 0x7C1,
       ItemLevelDelta = 0x7C2,
    public enum GameObjectFields
       CreatedBy = 0x8,
       DisplayID = 0xA,
       Flags = 0xB,
       ParentRotation = 0xC,
       FactionTemplate = 0x10,
       Level = 0x11,
       PercentHealth = 0x12,
       StateSpellVisualID = 0x13,
    public enum DynamicObjectFields
       Caster = 0x8,
       TypeAndVisualID = 0xA,
       SpellID = 0xB,
       Radius = 0xC,
       CastTime = 0xD,
    public enum CorpseFields
       Owner = 0x8,
       PartyGUID = 0xA,
       DisplayID = 0xC,
       Items = 0xD,
       SkinID = 0x20,
       FacialHairStyleID = 0x21,
       Flags = 0x22,
       DynamicFlags = 0x23,
    public enum AreaTriggerFields
       Caster = 0x8,
       Duration = 0xA,
       SpellID = 0xB,
       SpellVisualID = 0xC,
       ExplicitScale = 0xD,
    public enum SceneObjectFields
       ScriptPackageID = 0x8,
       RndSeedVal = 0x9,
       CreatedBy = 0xA,
       SceneType = 0xC,


    public enum ClientDB{
        AnimKitBoneSetAlias = 0xC74CA4,
        AnimKitBoneSet = 0xC74C78,
        AnimKit = 0xC74C4C,
        AnimKitConfig = 0xC74CD0,
        AnimKitConfigBoneSet = 0xC74CFC,
        BannedAddOns = 0xC74F90,
        Cfg_Categories = 0xC75098,
        Cfg_Configs = 0xC750C4,
        Cfg_Regions = 0xC750F0,
        CharBaseInfo = 0xC75174,
        CharHairGeosets = 0xC751F8,
        CharSections = 0xC75224,
        CharacterFacialHairStyles = 0xC752A8,
        ChatProfanity = 0xC75300,
        ChrClasses = 0xC7532C,
        ChrRaces = 0xC75384,
        FactionGroup = 0xC75A38,
        FactionTemplate = 0xC75A90,
        ItemClass = 0xC763D8,
        ItemSubClass = 0xC76850,
        Movie = 0xC76D78,
        MovieFileData = 0xC76DA4,
        MovieOverlays = 0xC76DD0,
        MovieVariation = 0xC76DFC,
        NamesProfanity = 0xC76E80,
        NamesReserved = 0xC76EAC,
        NamesReservedLocale = 0xC76ED8,
        Resistances = 0xC77274,
        SoundFilter = 0xC78664,
        SoundFilterElem = 0xC78690,
        SpamMessages = 0xC77668,
        SoundProviderPreferences = 0xC7763C,
        AnimKitPriority = 0xC74D28,
        AnimKitSegment = 0xC74D54,
        AnimReplacement = 0xC74D80,
        AnimReplacementSet = 0xC74DAC,
        CharComponentTextureLayouts = 0xC751A0,
        CharComponentTextureSections = 0xC751CC,
        CharStartOutfit = 0xC75250,
        CharacterLoadout = 0xC7511C,
        CharacterLoadoutItem = 0xC75148,
        CreatureDisplayInfo = 0xC75510,
        CreatureDisplayInfoExtra = 0xC75460,
        CreatureFamily = 0xC754E4,
        CreatureModelData = 0xC755C0,
        GameTips = 0xC75C48,
        GlueScreenEmote = 0xC75CA0,
        GuildColorBackground = 0xC760EC,
        GuildColorBorder = 0xC76118,
        GuildColorEmblem = 0xC76144,
        HelmetAnimScaling = 0xC7619C,
        HelmetGeosetVisData = 0xC761C8,
        ItemDisplayInfo = 0xC76590,
        ItemVisuals = 0xC768D4,
        ItemVisualEffects = 0xC768A8,
        LoadingScreens = 0xC76BC0,
        NameGen = 0xC76E28,
        ObjectEffect = 0xC78588,
        ObjectEffectGroup = 0xC785B4,
        ObjectEffectModifier = 0xC785E0,
        ObjectEffectPackage = 0xC7860C,
        ObjectEffectPackageElem = 0xC78638,
        ParticleColor = 0xC76FB4,
        SpellEffect = 0xC77928,
        FileData = 0xC788A0,
        SoundEntriesAdvanced = 0xC78B60,
        SoundEntries = 0xC78B8C,
        Achievement = 0xC74BC8,
        Achievement_Criteria = 0xC74BF4,
        Achievement_Category = 0xC74C20,
        AreaGroup = 0xC74DD8,
        AreaPOI = 0xC74E04,
        AreaAssignment = 0xC74E30,
        AreaTrigger = 0xC74E5C,
        AreaTriggerActionSet = 0xC74E88,
        AreaTriggerBox = 0xC74EB4,
        AreaTriggerSphere = 0xC74EE0,
        ArmorLocation = 0xC74F0C,
        AuctionHouse = 0xC74F38,
        BankBagSlotPrices = 0xC74F64,
        BarberShopStyle = 0xC74FBC,
        BattlemasterList = 0xC74FE8,
        CameraMode = 0xC75014,
        CameraShakes = 0xC75040,
        CastableRaidBuffs = 0xC7506C,
        CharTitles = 0xC7527C,
        ChatChannels = 0xC752D4,
        ChrClassesXPowerTypes = 0xC75358,
        ChrSpecialization = 0xC753B0,
        CinematicCamera = 0xC753DC,
        CinematicSequences = 0xC75408,
        CombatCondition = 0xC75434,
        CreatureImmunities = 0xC75594,
        CreatureMovementInfo = 0xC755EC,
        CreatureSoundData = 0xC75618,
        CreatureSpellData = 0xC75644,
        CreatureType = 0xC75670,
        Criteria = 0xC7569C,
        CriteriaTreeXEffect = 0xC759E0,
        CurrencyTypes = 0xC756C8,
        CurrencyCategory = 0xC756F4,
        DeathThudLookups = 0xC75720,
        DestructibleModelData = 0xC757A4,
        Difficulty = 0xC757D0,
        DungeonEncounter = 0xC757FC,
        DungeonMap = 0xC75828,
        DungeonMapChunk = 0xC75854,
        DurabilityCosts = 0xC75880,
        DurabilityQuality = 0xC758AC,
        Emotes = 0xC758D8,
        EmotesTextData = 0xC75904,
        EmotesTextSound = 0xC75930,
        EmotesText = 0xC7595C,
        EnvironmentalDamage = 0xC75988,
        Exhaustion = 0xC75A0C,
        CriteriaTree = 0xC759B4,
        Faction = 0xC75A64,
        FootstepTerrainLookup = 0xC75B14,
        FriendshipRepReaction = 0xC75ABC,
        FriendshipReputation = 0xC75AE8,
        GameObjectArtKit = 0xC75B40,
        GameObjectDiffAnimMap = 0xC75B6C,
        GameObjectDisplayInfo = 0xC75B98,
        GameTables = 0xC75C1C,
        GemProperties = 0xC75C74,
        GlyphProperties = 0xC75CCC,
        GlyphSlot = 0xC75CF8,
        GMSurveyAnswers = 0xC75D24,
        GMSurveyCurrentSurvey = 0xC75D50,
        GMSurveyQuestions = 0xC75D7C,
        GMSurveySurveys = 0xC75DA8,
        GMTicketCategory = 0xC75DD4,
        gtBarberShopCostBase = 0xC75E00,
        gtBattlePetTypeDamageMod = 0xC75E2C,
        gtBattlePetXP = 0xC75E58,
        gtCombatRatings = 0xC75E84,
        gtChanceToMeleeCrit = 0xC75EB0,
        gtChanceToMeleeCritBase = 0xC75EDC,
        gtChanceToSpellCrit = 0xC75F08,
        gtChanceToSpellCritBase = 0xC75F34,
        gtItemSocketCostPerLevel = 0xC75F60,
        gtNPCManaCostScaler = 0xC75F8C,
        gtOCTBaseHPByClass = 0xC75FB8,
        gtOCTBaseMPByClass = 0xC75FE4,
        gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar = 0xC76010,
        gtOCTHpPerStamina = 0xC7603C,
        gtRegenMPPerSpt = 0xC76068,
        gtResilienceDR = 0xC76094,
        gtSpellScaling = 0xC760C0,
        GuildPerkSpells = 0xC76170,
        HolidayDescriptions = 0xC761F4,
        HolidayNames = 0xC76220,
        Holidays = 0xC7624C,
        ImportPriceArmor = 0xC76278,
        ImportPriceQuality = 0xC762A4,
        ImportPriceShield = 0xC762D0,
        ImportPriceWeapon = 0xC762FC,
        ItemArmorQuality = 0xC76354,
        ItemArmorTotal = 0xC76328,
        ItemArmorShield = 0xC76380,
        ItemBagFamily = 0xC763AC,
        ItemDamageAmmo = 0xC76404,
        ItemDamageOneHand = 0xC76430,
        ItemDamageOneHandCaster = 0xC7645C,
        ItemDamageRanged = 0xC76488,
        ItemDamageThrown = 0xC764B4,
        ItemDamageTwoHand = 0xC764E0,
        ItemDamageTwoHandCaster = 0xC7650C,
        ItemDamageWand = 0xC76538,
        ItemDisenchantLoot = 0xC76564,
        ItemGroupSounds = 0xC76614,
        ItemLimitCategory = 0xC76640,
        ItemNameDescription = 0xC7666C,
        ItemPetFood = 0xC76698,
        ItemPriceBase = 0xC766C4,
        ItemPurchaseGroup = 0xC766F0,
        ItemRandomProperties = 0xC7671C,
        ItemRandomSuffix = 0xC76748,
        ItemReforge = 0xC76774,
        ItemSet = 0xC767A0,
        ItemSpecOverride = 0xC767F8,
        ItemSpec = 0xC767CC,
        ItemSubClassMask = 0xC76824,
        ItemUpgradePath = 0xC7687C,
        JournalEncounterCreature = 0xC76900,
        JournalEncounterItem = 0xC7692C,
        JournalEncounter = 0xC76958,
        JournalEncounterSection = 0xC76984,
        JournalEncounterXDifficulty = 0xC769B0,
        JournalInstance = 0xC769DC,
        JournalItemXDifficulty = 0xC76A08,
        JournalSectionXDifficulty = 0xC76A34,
        JournalTier = 0xC76A60,
        JournalTierXInstance = 0xC76A8C,
        LanguageWords = 0xC76AB8,
        Languages = 0xC76AE4,
        LfgDungeonExpansion = 0xC76B10,
        LfgDungeonGroup = 0xC76B3C,
        LfgDungeonsGroupingMap = 0xC76B68,
        LfgDungeons = 0xC76B94,
        LoadingScreenTaxiSplines = 0xC76BEC,
        Lock = 0xC76C18,
        LockType = 0xC76C44,
        MailTemplate = 0xC76C70,
        MapDifficulty = 0xC76C9C,
        Material = 0xC76CC8,
        ModifierTree = 0xC76CF4,
        MountCapability = 0xC76D20,
        MountType = 0xC76D4C,
        NPCSounds = 0xC76E54,
        OverrideSpellData = 0xC76F04,
        Package = 0xC76F30,
        PageTextMaterial = 0xC76F5C,
        PaperDollItemFrame = 0xC76F88,
        Phase = 0xC76FE0,
        PhaseXPhaseGroup = 0xC77038,
        PlayerCondition = 0xC77064,
        PowerDisplay = 0xC77090,
        PvpDifficulty = 0xC770BC,
        QuestFactionReward = 0xC770E8,
        QuestInfo = 0xC77114,
        QuestMoneyReward = 0xC77140,
        QuestPOIBlob = 0xC7716C,
        QuestPOIPoint = 0xC77198,
        QuestSort = 0xC771C4,
        QuestXP = 0xC771F0,
        QuestV2 = 0xC7721C,
        QuestFeedbackEffect = 0xC77248,
        ResearchBranch = 0xC772F8,
        ResearchField = 0xC772CC,
        ResearchProject = 0xC77324,
        ResearchSite = 0xC77350,
        RandPropPoints = 0xC772A0,
        RulesetRaidOverride = 0xC7737C,
        ScalingStatDistribution = 0xC773A8,
        ScalingStatValues = 0xC773D4,
        Scenario = 0xC77400,
        ScenarioStep = 0xC7742C,
        ScenarioEventEntry = 0xC77458,
        ScreenEffect = 0xC77484,
        ScreenLocation = 0xC774B0,
        ServerMessages = 0xC774DC,
        SkillLineAbility = 0xC77508,
        SkillLineAbilitySortedSpell = 0xC77534,
        SkillLine = 0xC77560,
        SkillRaceClassInfo = 0xC7758C,
        SkillTiers = 0xC775B8,
        SoundAmbience = 0xC775E4,
        SoundAmbienceFlavor = 0xC77610,
        SpecializationSpells = 0xC77694,
        SpellActivationOverlay = 0xC776C0,
        SpellAuraOptions = 0xC776EC,
        SpellAuraRestrictions = 0xC77718,
        SpellAuraVisibility = 0xC77744,
        SpellAuraVisXChrSpec = 0xC77770,
        SpellCastingRequirements = 0xC7779C,
        SpellCastTimes = 0xC777C8,
        SpellCategories = 0xC777F4,
        SpellCategory = 0xC77820,
        SpellClassOptions = 0xC7784C,
        SpellCooldowns = 0xC77878,
        Spell = 0xC77DA0,
        SpellDescriptionVariables = 0xC778A4,
        SpellDispelType = 0xC778D0,
        SpellDuration = 0xC778FC,
        SpellEffectScaling = 0xC779AC,
        SpellEquippedItems = 0xC779D8,
        SpellFlyout = 0xC77A04,
        SpellFlyoutItem = 0xC77A30,
        SpellFocusObject = 0xC77A5C,
        SpellIcon = 0xC77A88,
        SpellInterrupts = 0xC77AB4,
        SpellItemEnchantment = 0xC77AE0,
        SpellItemEnchantmentCondition = 0xC77B0C,
        SpellKeyboundOverride = 0xC77B38,
        SpellLearnSpell = 0xC77B64,
        SpellLevels = 0xC77B90,
        SpellMechanic = 0xC77BBC,
        SpellMisc = 0xC77BE8,
        SpellRadius = 0xC77CF0,
        SpellRange = 0xC77D1C,
        SpellPower = 0xC77C6C,
        SpellProcsPerMinute = 0xC77C98,
        SpellProcsPerMinuteMod = 0xC77CC4,
        SpellRuneCost = 0xC77D48,
        SpellScaling = 0xC77D74,
        SpellShapeshift = 0xC77E24,
        SpellShapeshiftForm = 0xC77E50,
        SpellSpecialUnitEffect = 0xC77E7C,
        SpellTargetRestrictions = 0xC77EA8,
        SpellTotems = 0xC77ED4,
        Stationery = 0xC77F00,
        StringLookups = 0xC77F2C,
        SummonProperties = 0xC77F58,
        Talent = 0xC77F84,
        TaxiNodes = 0xC77FB0,
        TaxiPathNode = 0xC77FDC,
        TaxiPath = 0xC78008,
        TerrainTypeSounds = 0xC78034,
        TotemCategory = 0xC78060,
        TradeSkillCategory = 0xC7808C,
        TransportAnimation = 0xC780B8,
        TransportPhysics = 0xC780E4,
        TransportRotation = 0xC78110,
        UnitBloodLevels = 0xC7813C,
        UnitBlood = 0xC78168,
        UnitCondition = 0xC78194,
        UnitPowerBar = 0xC781C0,
        Vehicle = 0xC781EC,
        VehicleSeat = 0xC78218,
        VehicleUIIndicator = 0xC78244,
        VehicleUIIndSeat = 0xC78270,
        VocalUISounds = 0xC7829C,
        World_PVP_Area = 0xC782C8,
        WeaponImpactSounds = 0xC782F4,
        WeaponSwingSounds2 = 0xC78320,
        WorldEffect = 0xC7834C,
        WorldElapsedTimer = 0xC78378,
        WorldMapArea = 0xC783A4,
        WorldMapContinent = 0xC783D0,
        WorldMapOverlay = 0xC783FC,
        WorldMapTransforms = 0xC78428,
        WorldState = 0xC78454,
        WorldStateUI = 0xC78480,
        ZoneIntroMusicTable = 0xC784D8,
        ZoneMusic = 0xC78504,
        WorldStateZoneSounds = 0xC78530,
        WorldStateExpression = 0xC784AC,
        WorldChunkSounds = 0xC7855C,
        PhaseShiftZoneSounds = 0xC7700C,
        FootprintTextures = 0xC78924,
        GroundEffectDoodad = 0xC78950,
        GroundEffectTexture = 0xC7897C,
        Light = 0xC789A8,
        LightSkybox = 0xC78A2C,
        LiquidMaterial = 0xC78A58,
        LiquidObject = 0xC78A84,
        LiquidType = 0xC78AB0,
        SoundEmitterPillPoints = 0xC78B08,
        SoundEmitters = 0xC78B34,
        SoundEntriesFallbacks = 0xC78BB8,
        SpellChainEffects = 0xC78BE4,
        TerrainMaterial = 0xC78C10,
        TerrainType = 0xC78C3C,
        Weather = 0xC78C94,
        WMOAreaTable = 0xC78CC0,
        ZoneLight = 0xC78CEC,
        ZoneLightPoint = 0xC78D18,
        AnimationData = 0xC78848,
        AreaTable = 0xC78874,
        LightData = 0xC789D4,
        LightParams = 0xC78A00,
        Map = 0xC78ADC,

    Misc: (rebased)
    FrameScript_ExecuteBuffer = 0x4FEDA
    FrameScript__GetLocalizedText = 0x40C65B
    FrameScript_RegisterFunction = 0x4EFA4
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObj = 0x4ED4
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayer = 0x3925BA
    ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects = 0x393139
    ClntObjMgrObjectPtr = 0x393453
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayer = 0x3925BA
    Direct3D9__Device = 0xB9E394
    Direct3D9__Device__OffsetA = 0x281C

    Seems they made some changes in CGGameUI__Initialize
    Last edited by -Ryuk-; 09-13-2013 at 01:48 PM.
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

    [WoW] [5.4.0 17371] Release x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. #2
    eracer's Avatar Contributor
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    CACHE_CREATURE = 0x00C71368,
    CACHE_GAMEOBJECT = 0x00C71470,
    CACHE_NPC = 0x00C71578,
    CACHE_NAME = 0x00C71680,
    CACHE_GUILD = 0x00C71788,
    CACHE_QUEST = 0x00C71890,
    CACHE_PAGETEXT = 0x00C71998,
    CACHE_PETNAME = 0x00C71AA0,
    CACHE_PETITION = 0x00C71CB0,
    CACHE_ITEMTEXT = 0x00C71DB8,
    CACHE_WOW = 0x00C71EC0,
    CACHE_REALM = 0x00C71FC8,
    s_curMgr_x86 = 0xC9F38C;
    s_curMgr_x64 = 0x135D1E8;
            // x86
            const int g_baseObjDescriptors = 0x10E73E8 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseItemDescriptors = 0x10E70A8 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseContainerDescriptors = 0x10E69C8 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseUnitDescriptors = 0x10E5C00 - 0x400000;
            const int g_basePlayerDescriptors = 0x10DFEB8 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseGameObjectDescriptors = 0x10DA0C0 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseDynamicObjectDescriptors = 0x10D9F78 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseCorpseDescriptors = 0x10D9D80 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseAreaTriggerDescriptors = 0x10D9B88 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseSceneObjectDescriptors = 0x10D9AA4 - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseItemDynamicDescriptors = 0x10E6D5C - 0x400000;
            const int g_baseUnitDynamicDescriptors = 0x10E546C - 0x400000;
            const int g_basePlayerDynamicDescriptors = 0x10DA178 - 0x400000;
    Last edited by eracer; 09-14-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Torpedoes's Avatar ★ Elder ★ Doomsayer
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    x86 positioning information

    Object Manager
    ClientConnection  = 0xEABE18
    ObjectMgrOffset   = 0x462C
    LocalGuidOffset   = 0xE0
    FirstObjectOffset = 0xCC
    NextObjectOffset  = 0x34
    WoW Object
    GuidOffset        = 0x0
    DescFieldsOffset  = 0x4
    TypeOffset        = 0xC
    Unit Object
    NpcIDOffset       = 0x14
    PositionXOffset   = 0x830
    PositionYOffset   = 0x834
    PositionZOffset   = 0x838
    RotationOffset    = 0x840
    CacheOffset       = 0x9AC
    NameCacheOffset   = 0x6C
    Game Object
    ObjectIDOffset    = 0x14
    PositionXOffset   = 0x1EC
    PositionYOffset   = 0x1F0
    PositionZOffset   = 0x1F4
    CacheOffset       = 0x1B8
    NameCacheOffset   = 0xB0
    GameState         = 0xD4D3FE

  4. #4
    zaeBOOST's Avatar Contributor MASTER BOOSTER CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Can anyone get me these offsets? I am looking for them and can't find crap!


  5. #5
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by Kurnik View Post
    Can anyone get me these offsets? I am looking for them and can't find crap!


    Not rebased:

    0079192A	NetClient__Send2
    00A55574	ClientServices__Send2
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

  6. #6
    doityourself's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by Kurnik View Post
    Can anyone get me these offsets? I am looking for them and can't find crap!

    why not search yourself for these easy things? just use old as reference

  7. #7
    Game2Mesh's Avatar Private
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    M2Model__IsOutdoors = 0x406C48
    Spell_C__HandleTerrainClick = 0x383490
    World__Intersect = 0x5E0545
    FrameScript__ExecuteBuffer = 0x4FEDA
    FrameScript__GetText = 0x50FB2
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObj = 0x4ED4

  8. #8
    noctural's Avatar Active Member Captain Copypasta CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    I became use to TOM_RUS idb's function names and not rebased.

    Here's a copy

    Wow_17371_NOREBASE IDB for IDA 6.1

    I mislabled inside the zip.. it is build 17371.
    Last edited by noctural; 09-14-2013 at 09:49 PM.

  9. #9
    RivaLfr's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    IDB file (rebased, with lua, dbc, cvar and a lot of functions renamed): Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!

  10. #10
    andy2002ua's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by noctural View Post
    I became use to TOM_RUS idb's function names and not rebased.

    Here's a copy

    Wow_17371_NOREBASE IDB for IDA 6.1

    I mislabled inside the zip.. it is build 17371.
    This database file is corrupted (IDA v.6.1.110315 32-bit)

  11. #11
    xalcon's Avatar Contributor ふたなり
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    Originally Posted by andy2002ua View Post
    This database file is corrupted (IDA v.6.1.110315 32-bit)
    It's either you or my IDA is superior :P Try downloading again.

    Is this build already live? We are still running 17359 in EU
    "Threads should always commit suicide - they should never be murdered" - DirectX SDK

  12. #12
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by xalcon View Post
    It's either you or my IDA is superior :P Try downloading again.

    Is this build already live? We are still running 17359 in EU

    Yes its live, since Friday night. I got it on EU this morning

    On another note, did you verify your diff is correct? After the compiler change and I made a diff I got loads of incorrect functions.
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

  13. #13
    andy2002ua's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by CronusServus View Post
    Yes its live, since Friday night. I got it on EU this morning

    On another note, did you verify your diff is correct? After the compiler change and I made a diff I got loads of incorrect functions.
    Join a question.

  14. #14
    xalcon's Avatar Contributor ふたなり
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    FrameScript_GetText = 0x50FB2; // Rebased, this is not FrameScript_GetLocalisedText!!
    public delegate IntPtr FrameScriptGetTextDelegate(string text, int pluralIndex, int gender); // use -1 for pluralIndex and 0 for gender
    0xCF99D0 CTM_Base
    0x417ACA CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove

    0x4932EB CInputControl__SetMovementFlags
    0xD10200 CInputControl ThisPtr
    0xB9E044 LastHardwareAction
    Last edited by xalcon; 09-20-2013 at 11:55 AM.
    "Threads should always commit suicide - they should never be murdered" - DirectX SDK

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