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  1. #1
    Haxster's Avatar Member
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    ACTOOL Upgraded Fishing Bot

    First post, let me start by saying this fishing bot script is an old one that most people already know about, however, after being frustrated for some time that I could not use it in waters that exceeded my skill level (those that need lures w/ 300 fishing) I figured out how to fix that problem

    Download ACTool and enter the script shown below.
    Also download Fishing Buddy mod, once its installed u must make sure that the Easy Lures and Easy Cast is enabled in the options menu
    Stock up on plenty of lures, find u a place to fish, and turn the bot on

    Been using for months now without hassle from gms, so I feel comfortable staying with ACtool

    // Changes
    // v1.1
    // + Added in the option to turn off AFK Killer
    // + Added in changes log
    // v1.0
    // + Initial version

    // Special instructions:
    // - Put your fishing skill in slot '0'
    // - Zoom into 1st person mode
    // - Under Video Options, uncheck "Hardware Cursor"

    SetActiveWindow World of Warcraft



    // Run count
    // How many times the script should try to fish
    runCount = 1000000

    // Speed
    // This is the initial scan speed. The lower the number, the faster the scan goes,
    // and the higher the number, the slower the scan goes. If you're having problems
    // where the initial scan isnt finding the bobber and just scanning right over it,
    // try increasing this number slowly.
    scanSpeed = 90

    // Scan box distances
    // These are the distances away from the sides of the screen to scan for a lure
    // These are measured as percentages of the screen in the appropriate direction
    scanLeftDist = .1
    scanRightDist = .1
    scanTopDist = .5
    scanBottomDist = .25

    // Brightness range
    // This is the number of RGB values over and under the "bright spot" that is the
    // lure to look for. Basically, if you're getting the message "No fish to hook",
    // try increasing both numbers a bit, and if the bobber bobs but you dont catch
    // anything, try decreasing both numbers a bit. This can change from environment
    // to environment. Also, generally speaking brightRangeUp shouldnt be very high.
    brightRangeDown = 35
    brightRangeUp = 13

    // Brightness distance
    // Doesnt matter what it does, but basically, leave it alone unless you're having
    // problems actually catching the fish. If you're having problems and you want
    // to tweak it, general rule is, the higher the resolution, the higher the number,
    // the but number range should only be anywhere from 2 MIN to 6 MAX. If you start
    // getting too out of wack with this, you'll never catch a fish
    brightDist = 3

    // AFK Away
    // Set to 1 to use AFK Away (which presses Enter twice before every cast) or
    // to 0 to disable AFK Away entirely. This comes in useful if you like to
    // chat on WoW while fishing.
    afkAway = 0


    // Optimal scan step ratios
    widthToWindowRatio = 0.056
    heightToWindowRatio = 0.075

    // Scanbox
    scanTop = 0
    scanBottom = 0
    scanLeft = 0
    scanRight = 0
    scanStepX = 0
    scanStepY = 0
    scanSuccess = 0

    // THE Box
    boxMinX = 0
    boxMaxX = 0
    boxMinY = 0
    boxMaxY = 0
    boxCenterY = 0
    boxCenterX = 0

    boxScanStep = 4

    boxAvgWidth = 0
    boxAvgHeight = 0

    // Misc vars
    x = 0
    y = 0
    i = 0
    j = 0

    // Mouse vars
    isMouseOrange = 0
    mouseX = 0
    mouseY = 0

    // Lure location
    lureInitLocX = 0
    lureInitLocY = 0

    // RGB Info
    brightX = 0
    brightY = 0
    brightTotal = 0
    brightR = 0
    brightG = 0
    brightB = 0
    brightRMin = 0
    brightRMax = 0
    brightGMin = 0
    brightGMax = 0
    brightBMin = 0
    brightBMax = 0
    curTotal = 0

    // Splash
    splashed = 0


    // Main Proc //

    Delay 1000
    Call CalculateScanBoxConstants

    Loop $runCount
    Delay 1000
    Call FindLureInitial
    Call FindBoxCenter

    Compute x = $boxMaxX-10
    MousePos $x, $boxCenterY
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call GetRGBValue
    Call WaitForSplash

    If $afkAway = 1
    Delay 2500
    KeyDown {RETURN} 250
    KeyDown {RETURN} 250
    Delay 2000
    Delay 5000


    // Procedures //

    Procedure CalculateScanBoxConstants

    Compute scanTop = {WindowTop} + Trunc( {WindowHeight} * $scanTopDist )
    Compute scanBottom = ( {WindowTop} + {WindowHeight} ) - Trunc( {WindowHeight} * $scanBottomDist )
    Compute scanLeft = {WindowLeft} + Trunc( {WindowWidth} * $scanLeftDist )
    Compute scanRight = ( {WindowLeft} + {WindowWidth} ) - Trunc( {WindowWidth} * $scanRightDist )

    Compute boxAvgWidth = Trunc( {WindowWidth} * $widthToWindowRatio )
    Compute boxAvgHeight = Trunc( {WindowHeight} * $heightToWindowRatio )

    Compute scanStepX = $boxAvgWidth
    Compute scanStepY = Trunc( $boxAvgHeight / 2 )


    Procedure FindLureInitial
    SetConst scanSuccess = 0
    Compute y = $scanTop

    While $y <= $scanBottom AND $scanSuccess = 0

    Compute i = {LoopNo} MOD 2

    If $i = 0
    Timestamp In Even
    Compute x = $scanLeft
    Timestamp In Odd
    Compute x = $scanLeft + Trunc( $boxAvgWidth / 2 )

    While $x <= $scanRight AND $scanSuccess = 0
    // Move the mouse and wait a second (wait is required!)
    MousePos $x, $y
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call isMouseOrange

    // If the mouse is orange
    If $isMouseOrange = 1
    SetConst lureInitLocX = $x
    SetConst lureInitLocY = $y
    SetConst scanSuccess = 1

    Compute x=$x + $scanStepX

    Compute y=$y + $scanStepY


    Procedure FindBoxCenter

    // Find X min
    SetConst scanSuccess = 0
    Compute x = $lureInitLocX
    Compute y = $lureInitLocY
    While $scanSuccess = 0

    // Move the mouse and wait a second (wait is required!)
    MousePos $x, $y
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call isMouseOrange

    If $isMouseOrange = 0
    SetConst boxMinX = $x
    SetConst scanSuccess = 1
    Compute x= $x - $boxScanStep

    // Find X max
    SetConst scanSuccess = 0
    Compute x = $lureInitLocX
    Compute y = $lureInitLocY
    While $scanSuccess = 0

    // Move the mouse and wait a second (wait is required!)
    MousePos $x, $y
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call isMouseOrange

    If $isMouseOrange = 0
    SetConst boxMaxX = $x
    SetConst scanSuccess = 1
    Compute x= $x + $boxScanStep

    // Find Y min
    SetConst scanSuccess = 0
    Compute x = $lureInitLocX
    Compute y = $lureInitLocY
    While $scanSuccess = 0

    // Move the mouse and wait a second (wait is required!)
    MousePos $x, $y
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call isMouseOrange

    If $isMouseOrange = 0
    SetConst boxMinY = $y
    SetConst scanSuccess = 1
    Compute y= $y - $boxScanStep

    // Find Y max
    SetConst scanSuccess = 0
    Compute x = $lureInitLocX
    Compute y = $lureInitLocY
    While $scanSuccess = 0

    // Move the mouse and wait a second (wait is required!)
    MousePos $x, $y
    Delay $scanSpeed

    Call isMouseOrange

    If $isMouseOrange = 0
    SetConst boxMaxY = $y
    SetConst scanSuccess = 1
    Compute y= $y + $boxScanStep

    Compute boxCenterX = Trunc(( $boxMinX + $boxMaxX ) / 2)
    Compute boxCenterY = Trunc(( $boxMinY + $boxMaxY ) / 2)

    SetConst lureInitLocX = $boxCenterX
    SetConst lureInitLocY = $boxCenterY


    Procedure GetRGBValue

    SetConst $brightTotal = 0

    Compute y = $boxCenterY
    Compute i = $boxCenterY + Trunc( ($boxMaxY - $boxCenterY) / 3 )

    While $y <= $i

    Compute x = $boxMinX
    While $x <= $boxCenterX

    LoadRGB $x, $y
    Compute curTotal = {RGBRed} + {RGBGreen} + {RGBBlue}

    If $curTotal > $brightTotal
    Compute brightTotal = $curTotal

    SetConst brightR = {RGBRed}
    SetConst brightG = {RGBGreen}
    SetConst brightB = {RGBBlue}

    Compute brightRMin = $brightR - $brightRangeDown
    Compute brightRMax = $brightR + $brightRangeUp
    Compute brightGMin = $brightG - $brightRangeDown
    Compute brightGMax = $brightG + $brightRangeUp
    Compute brightBMin = $brightB - $brightRangeDown
    Compute brightBMax = $brightB + $brightRangeUp

    SetConst brightX = $x
    SetConst brightY = $y

    Compute x=$x + 2

    Compute y=$y + 2


    Procedure WaitForSplash

    SetConst $splashed = 0

    Call isMouseOrange

    While $splashed = 0 AND $isMouseOrange = 1
    Delay 100

    // Check current spot
    LoadRGB $brightX, $brightY
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check top left
    Compute x=$brightX-$brightDist
    Compute y=$brightY-$brightDist
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check top right
    Compute x=$brightX+$brightDist
    Compute y=$brightY-$brightDist
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check bottom left
    Compute x=$brightX-$brightDist
    Compute y=$brightY+$brightDist
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check bottom right
    Compute x=$brightX+$brightDist
    Compute y=$brightY+$brightDist
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check top left (extended)
    Compute x=$brightX-($brightDist*2)
    Compute y=$brightY-($brightDist*2)
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check top right (extended)
    Compute x=$brightX+($brightDist*2)
    Compute y=$brightY-($brightDist*2)
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check bottom left (extended)
    Compute x=$brightX-($brightDist*2)
    Compute y=$brightY+($brightDist*2)
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    // Check bottom right (extended)
    Compute x=$brightX+($brightDist*2)
    Compute y=$brightY+($brightDist*2)
    LoadRGB $x, $y
    If {RGBRed} > $brightRMax OR {RGBRed} < $brightRMin OR {RGBGreen} > $brightGMax OR {RGBGreen} < $brightGMin OR {RGBBlue} > $brightBMax OR {RGBBlue} < $brightBMin

    SetConst splashed = 1
    RightClick Shift
    Delay 500


    Call isMouseOrange


    Procedure isMouseOrange
    SetConst $isMouseOrange = 0

    // Get the mouse color
    Compute mouseX= {MouseX} + 4
    Compute mouseY= {MouseY} + 4
    LoadRGB $mouseX, $mouseY

    // If the mouse is orange (variance added just for good measure..)
    If {RGBRed} >= 210 AND {RGBRed} <= 218 AND {RGBGreen} >= 160 AND {RGBGreen} <= 168 AND {RGBBlue} >= 84 AND {RGBBlue} <= 92
    SetConst $isMouseOrange = 1

    Last edited by Haxster; 01-23-2007 at 03:41 AM.

    ACTOOL Upgraded Fishing Bot
  2. #2
    Trustdale's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: ACTOOL Upgraded Fishing Bot

    ... and this means? :O

    thanks for the sig minimized <3

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