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  1. #181
    DaxxTrias's Avatar Active Member
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    Unfortunately the game has changed drastically since the 0.10 series.

    Just out of curiosity I thought to take a look. I have a copy of 0.10b, which should be close to where that CT was made for (0.10g)

    The data sectors are so completely revamped its like trying to find your way around a city using a map thats a hundred years old. Nightmare ensues.


    Challenges of course just make me try harder. Below is the modern function of SendMoveTo. The last function of the first post you linked @ blizzhackers.

    I even commented some of the vars same as he did, incase it may help you.

    PathOfExile.exe (not steam)

    .text:007DA390                 push    ebp
    .text:007DA391                 mov     ebp, esp
    .text:007DA393                 and     esp, 0FFFFFFF8h
    .text:007DA396                 mov     eax, large fs:0
    .text:007DA39C                 push    0FFFFFFFFh
    .text:007DA39E                 push    offset sub_99A790
    .text:007DA3A3                 push    eax
    .text:007DA3A4                 mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
    .text:007DA3A7                 mov     large fs:0, esp
    .text:007DA3AE                 sub     esp, 1Ch
    .text:007DA3B1                 push    esi
    .text:007DA3B2                 push    edi
    .text:007DA3B3                 movzx   edi, word ptr [eax+12h]
    .text:007DA3B7                 mov     esi, ecx
    .text:007DA3B9                 test    edi, 8000h      ; some movement/interaction inhibiting flag
    .text:007DA3BF                 jnz     loc_7DA4AE
    .text:007DA3C5                 mov     ecx, [eax+1Ch]  ; mouseover entity ptr
    .text:007DA3C8                 test    ecx, ecx
    .text:007DA3CA                 jz      short loc_7DA41C ; MoveToPosition
    .text:007DA3CC                 mov     [esp+30h+var_24], 10h ; OpCode
    .text:007DA3D1                 mov     [esp+30h+var_28], offset off_B03464 ; DataStore
    .text:007DA3D9                 mov     [esp+30h+var_4], 0
    .text:007DA3E1                 mov     edx, [eax+8]
    .text:007DA3E4                 test    edx, edx
    .text:007DA3E6                 jz      short loc_7DA3ED
    .text:007DA3E8                 mov     dx, [edx]
    .text:007DA3EB                 jmp     short loc_7DA3EF
    .text:007DA3ED ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:007DA3ED loc_7DA3ED:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+56j
    .text:007DA3ED                 xor     edx, edx
    .text:007DA3EF loc_7DA3EF:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+5Bj
    .text:007DA3EF                 mov     ecx, [ecx+18h]
    .text:007DA3F2                 mov     al, [eax+17h]   ; 08 areaexits, item interact, movetonpc? 0 normal move; not critical
    .text:007DA3F5                 mov     word ptr [esp+30h+var_1C], dx
    .text:007DA3FA                 mov     edx, [esi+268Ch]
    .text:007DA400                 mov     [esp+30h+var_20], ecx ; store entity id
    .text:007DA404                 push    edx
    .text:007DA405                 lea     ecx, [esp+34h+var_28]
    .text:007DA409                 mov     word ptr [esp+34h+var_1C+2], di
    .text:007DA40E                 mov     byte ptr [esp+34h+var_18], al
    .text:007DA412                 call    sub_7D0F00
    .text:007DA417                 jmp     loc_7DA4A1
    .text:007DA41C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:007DA41C loc_7DA41C:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+3Aj
    .text:007DA41C                 movss   xmm1, dword ptr [esi+2884h] ; get dest world position cods
    .text:007DA424                 mulss   xmm1, dword_B9148C ; scale by const
    .text:007DA42C                 cvttss2si ecx, xmm1
    .text:007DA430                 movss   xmm1, dword ptr [esi+2880h]
    .text:007DA438                 mulss   xmm1, dword_B9148C
    .text:007DA440                 cvttss2si edx, xmm1
    .text:007DA444                 mov     [eax+20h], edx
    .text:007DA447                 mov     [eax+24h], ecx
    .text:007DA44A                 mov     [esp+30h+var_24], 11h
    .text:007DA44F                 mov     [esp+30h+var_28], offset off_B03470
    .text:007DA457                 mov     [esp+30h+var_4], 1
    Of particular interest to you Gurud, will be this line

    .text:007DA3C5 mov ecx, [eax+1Ch] ; mouseover entity ptr
    Last edited by DaxxTrias; 01-23-2014 at 01:41 PM.

    PoE Autoflask & AutoScript, Improvements and updates.
  2. #182
    gurud's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by DaxxTrias View Post
    Unfortunately the game has changed drastically since the 0.10 series.

    Just out of curiosity I thought to take a look. I have a copy of 0.10b, which should be close to where that CT was made for (0.10g)

    The data sectors are so completely revamped its like trying to find your way around a city using a map thats a hundred years old. Nightmare ensues.


    Challenges of course just make me try harder. Below is the modern function of SendMoveTo. The last function of the first post you linked @ blizzhackers.

    I even commented some of the vars same as he did, incase it may help you.

    PathOfExile.exe (not steam)

    .text:007DA390                 push    ebp
    .text:007DA391                 mov     ebp, esp
    .text:007DA393                 and     esp, 0FFFFFFF8h
    .text:007DA396                 mov     eax, large fs:0
    .text:007DA39C                 push    0FFFFFFFFh
    .text:007DA39E                 push    offset sub_99A790
    .text:007DA3A3                 push    eax
    .text:007DA3A4                 mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
    .text:007DA3A7                 mov     large fs:0, esp
    .text:007DA3AE                 sub     esp, 1Ch
    .text:007DA3B1                 push    esi
    .text:007DA3B2                 push    edi
    .text:007DA3B3                 movzx   edi, word ptr [eax+12h]
    .text:007DA3B7                 mov     esi, ecx
    .text:007DA3B9                 test    edi, 8000h      ; some movement/interaction inhibiting flag
    .text:007DA3BF                 jnz     loc_7DA4AE
    .text:007DA3C5                 mov     ecx, [eax+1Ch]  ; mouseover entity ptr
    .text:007DA3C8                 test    ecx, ecx
    .text:007DA3CA                 jz      short loc_7DA41C ; MoveToPosition
    .text:007DA3CC                 mov     [esp+30h+var_24], 10h ; OpCode
    .text:007DA3D1                 mov     [esp+30h+var_28], offset off_B03464 ; DataStore
    .text:007DA3D9                 mov     [esp+30h+var_4], 0
    .text:007DA3E1                 mov     edx, [eax+8]
    .text:007DA3E4                 test    edx, edx
    .text:007DA3E6                 jz      short loc_7DA3ED
    .text:007DA3E8                 mov     dx, [edx]
    .text:007DA3EB                 jmp     short loc_7DA3EF
    .text:007DA3ED ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:007DA3ED loc_7DA3ED:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+56j
    .text:007DA3ED                 xor     edx, edx
    .text:007DA3EF loc_7DA3EF:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+5Bj
    .text:007DA3EF                 mov     ecx, [ecx+18h]
    .text:007DA3F2                 mov     al, [eax+17h]   ; 08 areaexits, item interact, movetonpc? 0 normal move; not critical
    .text:007DA3F5                 mov     word ptr [esp+30h+var_1C], dx
    .text:007DA3FA                 mov     edx, [esi+268Ch]
    .text:007DA400                 mov     [esp+30h+var_20], ecx ; store entity id
    .text:007DA404                 push    edx
    .text:007DA405                 lea     ecx, [esp+34h+var_28]
    .text:007DA409                 mov     word ptr [esp+34h+var_1C+2], di
    .text:007DA40E                 mov     byte ptr [esp+34h+var_18], al
    .text:007DA412                 call    sub_7D0F00
    .text:007DA417                 jmp     loc_7DA4A1
    .text:007DA41C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:007DA41C loc_7DA41C:                             ; CODE XREF: SendMoveTo+3Aj
    .text:007DA41C                 movss   xmm1, dword ptr [esi+2884h] ; get dest world position cods
    .text:007DA424                 mulss   xmm1, dword_B9148C ; scale by const
    .text:007DA42C                 cvttss2si ecx, xmm1
    .text:007DA430                 movss   xmm1, dword ptr [esi+2880h]
    .text:007DA438                 mulss   xmm1, dword_B9148C
    .text:007DA440                 cvttss2si edx, xmm1
    .text:007DA444                 mov     [eax+20h], edx
    .text:007DA447                 mov     [eax+24h], ecx
    .text:007DA44A                 mov     [esp+30h+var_24], 11h
    .text:007DA44F                 mov     [esp+30h+var_28], offset off_B03470
    .text:007DA457                 mov     [esp+30h+var_4], 1
    Of particular interest to you Gurud, will be this line

    .text:007DA3C5 mov ecx, [eax+1Ch] ; mouseover entity ptr

    Cool, i'll have a better look at it on the weekend when i will have finished all my work related stuff.
    Last edited by gurud; 01-30-2014 at 03:28 PM.
    If i helped you in any way consider supporting me by donating in paypal at: [email protected]

  3. #183
    badplayer's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by gurud View Post
    For this to happen i would need an entity under mouse check, (to see if you are hovering over a monster), and i am not working on that yet, but i do want to find that pointer.
    This isn't what you wanted but it pretty much does what you want.

    monsterundercursor	= 65537
    nomonsterundercursor	= 65536

  4. #184
    upsala's Avatar Member
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    is it me blind, or we dont have non-compiled version in first post anymore?

    p.s donated some. put the button to first page

  5. #185
    zimbobway's Avatar Private
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    First off awesome job. Huge props, due to this I can play poe, lost much use on right side of body so this helps alot.

    but was pondering, corrupting blood critters, maybe a way to see if its active and spam a remove bleeding flask maybe every half second or second, only pondering for those times that one in middle of mucho mobs and not realizing till you get like 20 charges on you from a corrupting blood critter in the mix.....

    As soon as i can return to work I will donate, sorry I cannot atm, and no rep power
    Last edited by zimbobway; 01-25-2014 at 02:34 AM.

  6. #186
    gurud's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    UPDATE ON 01/25/2014 and 01/26/2014

    Change Log:

    1. Added "Auto Hold Shift When Attacking"

    2. Took out the "Exit to Character Selection" AutoQuit Method, since the only good thing about it got patched by GGG: "Fixed an issue where portals were not closed when logging out of a character via the character selection screen."

    3. Now the delay of "Instant Flask on Min Life to Drink Health Potion" is fixed to 500ms

    4. Now the "Instant Flask Delay" is the delay that the "Min Life to Spam Instant Flask" will follow.

    5. Added a Donate Button.

    6. Changed Test Portal Scroll hotkey to [Ctrl + F4]
    Last edited by gurud; 01-25-2014 at 10:36 PM.
    If i helped you in any way consider supporting me by donating in paypal at: [email protected]

  7. #187
    phinxy's Avatar Member
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    Ok this program with portal escape KILLS your character. It makes no keyboard input work, even ALT+F4 stops working and it doesnt open a tp.

  8. #188
    ReadyToKill's Avatar Banned
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    Hey Gurud, best to pull this update for now, it is very unstable, i think it has to do with the Added "Auto Hold Shift When Attacking" feature, i had it where it locked my movement happened twice within the 5 minutes i tested it, couldn't move to the open filed to test, but i couldn't even move around in town, also this feature seems to have an effect when u alt+tab back to your desktop, it will keep everything highlighted and it seems to be opening up multiple instances of my poe file. Also it would randomly type in global chat ?OOS and if i clicked the remaining feature button it would type ?REMAINING in globlal chat.

    One other issue i noticed was, with the previous script, not this new one, say i was already in pt chat, for some reason ,every time i wanted to chat again, i would have to enter in the % symbol, to do party chat, or if i was talking in the guild, every time i wanted to say something again, i would have to type &. The earlier scripts never had this issue. This issue has something to do with the resync feature enabled.

    Oh one other suggestion, i noticed that if you accidentally hit +F4 or the Portal feature in town or Field with the inventory open I've had a rare occurrence, where it tried to drag my 6L item that had a blue gem socketed, out to discard or drop in the open field and i would keep getting that display if i wanted to drop the item etc and in once case it actually did discard the item out into the field, good thing it wasn't in a map otherwise i would of had no more tp's to enter and retrieve my item and would have lost it, but in this case i realized what had happened and went back to pick up my item, basically the cmd got confused with the trying to click the portal and was clicking on my item with the blue gem, perhaps it would be possible to set some security to prevent it from searching the area where we have our gear equipped?

    What line do i need to edit, so i can increase the timer delay for the instant flask delay? it is currently set to 50 on this script?
    Last edited by ReadyToKill; 01-25-2014 at 09:50 PM.

  9. #189
    gurud's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by ReadyToKill View Post
    Hey Gurud, best to pull this update for now, it is very unstable, i think it has to do with the Added "Auto Hold Shift When Attacking" feature, i had it where it locked my movement happened twice within the 5 minutes i tested it, couldn't move to the open filed to test, but i couldn't even move around in town, also this feature seems to have an effect when u alt+tab back to your desktop, it will keep everything highlighted and it seems to be opening up multiple instances of my poe file. Also it would randomly type in global chat ?OOS and if i clicked the remaining feature button it would type ?REMAINING in globlal chat.
    Ok, i put some more Checks so i don't think you will get stuck anymore or type ?OOS.

    Originally Posted by ReadyToKill View Post
    One other issue i noticed was, with the previous script, not this new one, say i was already in pt chat, for some reason ,every time i wanted to chat again, i would have to enter in the % symbol, to do party chat, or if i was talking in the guild, every time i wanted to say something again, i would have to type &. The earlier scripts never had this issue. This issue has something to do with the resync feature enabled.
    This is because everytime you send a command like /oos the chat window will leave of your party/guild chat. I don't know how to change that yet.

    Originally Posted by ReadyToKill View Post
    Oh one other suggestion, i noticed that if you accidentally hit +F4 or the Portal feature in town or Field with the inventory open I've had a rare occurrence, where it tried to drag my 6L item that had a blue gem socketed, out to discard or drop in the open field and i would keep getting that display if i wanted to drop the item etc and in once case it actually did discard the item out into the field, good thing it wasn't in a map otherwise i would of had no more tp's to enter and retrieve my item and would have lost it, but in this case i realized what had happened and went back to pick up my item, basically the cmd got confused with the trying to click the portal and was clicking on my item with the blue gem, perhaps it would be possible to set some security to prevent it from searching the area where we have our gear equipped?
    Originally Posted by phinxy View Post
    Ok this program with portal escape KILLS your character. It makes no keyboard input work, even ALT+F4 stops working and it doesnt open a tp.

    Yeh, i'm not liking the current state of Portal Scroll func, i'll have to change a lot of things in it. The Function works better on Higher resolution, so i don't recommend using it with 1024/768 res or less. Also Ctrl+Alt+Del still works and stops the script.

    Originally Posted by ReadyToKill View Post
    What line do i need to edit, so i can increase the timer delay for the instant flask delay? it is currently set to 50 on this script?
    Yes the "Min Life to Drink HP" the instank flask delay is now fixed at 500ms(50), Why would you want to increase that?
    If i helped you in any way consider supporting me by donating in paypal at: [email protected]

  10. #190
    apwkid's Avatar Member
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    can you separate granite and jade flasks again?

    the newest version has them combined under a single slider bar so they both get used at the same time. This is overkill 90% of the time and just wastes my flask charges.

    I used to set it so granites spammed a lot at 85% ES and jades only kicked in if I dropped below 65%

    The way it is set up now I can no longer do this.

  11. #191
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    I find that my flask got spammed to quickly if the Instant flask delay was too low, this is why i set it a bit higher, so that it wouldn't get used up all within a few seconds.

    You told me how to increase the delay before, but it seems to have slightly different code with the newer script, so couldn't find it to edit.

  12. #192
    skildpadde's Avatar Member
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    5. Added a Donate Button. !


  13. #193
    apwkid's Avatar Member
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    is it possible to detect things like Frozen status and pop a potion specifically to remove that status ailment?

  14. #194
    gurud's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by apwkid View Post
    is it possible to detect things like Frozen status and pop a potion specifically to remove that status ailment?
    It's on my To do list
    If i helped you in any way consider supporting me by donating in paypal at: [email protected]

  15. #195
    Apocalypse59's Avatar Knight
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    The Compiled Version still has the trade channel 111 problem, might want to look in that!

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