• REMINDER: Read the forum and shoutbawx rules

    Lately, many people have been breaking rules unintentionally. Regarding all members, general posting rules and etiquette can be found in the OwnedCore Handbook. Keep in mind that many forums have specific rules for themselves too; read each forums rules carefully before posting.

    For those who have donated or gained the privilege of using the shoutbawx, please read the shoutbawx rules carefully before making your next shout.

    We're not out to ban everyone, and prefer to give warnings, and in a perfect world neither should be an issue, but a lot of things have been out of control with Diablo 3 lately, and we will more than likely see a similar situation when Mists of Pandaria launches. Please review the rules so no privileges are revoked from your account here on OwnedCore.

    We want each and every member to have a positive experience on OwnedCore. If you feel something violates the rules, report the thread/post and be sure to include a link to the thread/post you are reporting.

    Thank you,